The posting above seems to have a bad link to the LTS mailing list. Please feel free to send your feedback to lts-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Lisa Lasher
Denis Roy ---07/14/2014 01:58:28 PM---Posting on behalf of the Long-Term Support (LTS) Steering Committee: *Hello,
From: Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/14/2014 01:58 PM
Subject: [] Long-Term Support (LTS) Working Group progress
Sent by:
Posting on behalf of the Long-Term Support (LTS) Steering Committee:
We are quite excited to inform you about the progress we have made in the Eclipse Long Term Support (LTS) Working Group.
A major step forward has been completed with respect to infrastructure and processes. For many projects, fixes can now be implemented and easily built using the Common Build Infrastructure. Maintenance Providers can now offer their services and customer can find the maintenance provider of their choice via the Eclipse Marketplace in a new LTS section. Currently there are 8 maintenance service providers registered in the market place and we anticipate more will follow shortly.
We would like your input. To adapt our infrastructure and processes to our customer’s needs we would like to know whether you have faced situations where LTS would have been helpful to your projects. Have you had bugs in earlier versions that were difficult to fix and or build? Are you aware of bugs that currently should be forwarded to LTS? Do you have any recommendations or concerns regarding LTS?
We would like to encourage you to discuss this topic in this Bugzilla bug or via our mailing list. We Look forward to your ideas and comments, together we can make this useful to you and to the community at large.
On behalf of the LTS steering committee
Jutta Bindewald Pat Huff
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