A quick update from the server side of Eclipse.org...
Social Coding: GitHub
Last year we launched the Social Coding effort[1] to enable the
use of third-party forges. For those projects that would prefer to
use GitHub as their main development repository, we're now offering
you the chance to migrate. For now, we only support projects that
maintain a single Git repository.
To migrate from git.eclipse.org to GitHub, please discuss with your
community, and refer to the document below:
Please note: Regardless of where your code is, your
project must still abide by the EDP and IP Due Diligence processes.
In other words, GitHub contributors still need to sign the Eclipse
CLA[2], they must sign-off on their contributions[3], and
contributions (Pull Requests) > 250 lines of code require a
EclipseCon 2014
The entire Webmaster team (Matt, Thanh, and Denis) will be
present at EclipseCon 2014 in March. It is our pleasure to discuss
servers, development tools, build infrastructure and other infra
Please hunt us down -- if you shake us hard enough, free beer
coupons will spill from our pockets.
Subversion (SVN)
The Eclipse Foundation has deprecated the usage of the
Subversion SCM for some time now. On December 22, 2014, SVN will be
turned off on all Eclipse.org servers. Please work with Webmaster
to migrate to Git (or GitHub) at your earliest convenience. Please
see: http://eclip.se/401737 for details.
Download Statistics
We've had a few questions regarding Download statistics
recently, so I thought it would be good to remind you that we log
download requests for files when using the Find A Mirror mechanism,
and from p2 using the p2.statsURI property [5]. A web interface is
provided for committers to query the database (see [5]). For now,
we do not have a solution for Maven downloads using
Have you voted? Elections for the Committer
Representatives at the Eclipse Board of Directors are on now, and
voting ends March 7. All committer members (individual committers
can also become members[6]) are eligible to vote, and an email with
instructions and credentials was sent.
If you cannot locate this email, or if you've become a member after
the email was sent, please contact webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx and we will
reissue your voting credentials.
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or comments
about the Eclipse servers and development tools, please don't
hesitate to contact us at webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx.
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/org/SocialCodingFAQ.php
[2] http://www.eclipse.org/legal/CLA.php
[3] http://www.eclipse.org/legal/CoO.php
[4] http://www.eclipse.org/legal/committerguidelines.php
[5] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Project_Download_Stats
[6] http://eclip.se/1w
Denis Roy