Service releases of previously approved major and minor releases of third party content do not require a CQ.
Thanks for the clarification Wayne and Gunnar - TBH the service release exemption for needing CQs had passed me by. Of course as dash license just handled it transparently then I didn't really need to know, but I am glad to know now.
With regard to the suggestion that we lower the ClearlyDefined score threshold... we probably will do that. Frankly, the score is actually not the most useful part of the information that we get from ClearlyDefined anyway.
Wayne, One of the things I said in the meeting - but it was really intended for you, was along these lines too. It seems that some of the subscores of clearlydefined are more useful than others. To elaborate, for the
commons code case example, the fact that a score of 60 seems less relevant than that Declared Discovered and SPDX are all perfect scores. However I suspect you know all this and I am glad to hear that you are continuing to refine this!