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Re: [] Mentors for Eclipse Adoptium subprojects

Hi Wayne,

I am happy for mentoring Eclipse Temurin and AQAvit.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:49 PM Wayne Beaton <wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings Eclipse Architecture Council.

I need a mentor (or two) for what I think are some really exciting new open source projects.

You may have heard that AdoptOpenJDK is moving to the Eclipse Foundation. As a home for the new projects, we've created the Eclipse Adoptium top level project. We've recently received our first group of new project proposals in the form of Eclipse Temurin, Eclipse Temurin Compliance, and Eclipse AQAvit.

The Adoptium top level project encompasses all aspects of producing, testing, and distributing high quality runtimes that are compliant with the Java SE specification.  Demonstrating Java SE compliance requires using the Oracle Java Compatibility Kit (JCK), which is not available under an open source license. 

The Eclipse Temurin Compliance project is responsible for obtaining, managing, and executing the JCK on Eclipse Temurin binaries under the terms of the JCK agreement.

Is anybody interested in mentoring one or more of these projects?

Thanks in advance,


Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

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