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Re: [] OpenJDK going GPL, EPLv2... => can we include OpenJDK?

On 2017-09-13 3:56 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
Those are crazy times for the Eclipse and Java open-source world! The EPLv2 is released with some level of compatibility with the GPL, and OpenJDK is going to be GPL ( ).
I imagine that changes a bit how we can consider including OpenJDK in projects (I mostly think about non Java-dev oriented RCP or Web apps).

Concretely, does all that allow a project to ship OpenJDK just by opening a CQ or does it still require Board approval? Are there specific constraints that would come with this mix, or is it fully covered by the EPLv2?

OpenJDK ships under the GPLv2+Classpath Exception. Use of code under that license is governed under this policy:

So yes, Board approval would be required.

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

EclipseCon Europe 2017

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