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Re: [] On subject of JSR's - JigSaw

On 2017-05-05 8:53 AM, Daniel Megert wrote: a more high-level view on JSR 376 from the JDT team.


The results of the vote are in, and can be viewed at

JSR 376 has been returned to the expert group for more work, and we expect a second vote to be started within the next 30 days.

The Eclipse Foundation voted no, with the following comment:
Like LJC, the Eclipse Foundation is voting "No" on the spec *as it was submitted* at the start of the voting period. The Eclipse Foundations looks forward to a revised specification which will enable independent implementations. The recent conversations have been very positive, and we feel that the expert group is moving into the right direction. However, the draft spec that are have been asked to vote on do contain a number of serious deficiencies, as documented by the recent conversations on the various mailing lists. We feel that the spec will be significantly improved by an opportunity to complete those conversations and include them in a revised draft.

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