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Re: [] On subject of JSR's - JigSaw

On 15 Apr 2017, at 14:23, Mikaël Barbero wrote:

Hi Max,

Thanks for the link. Very well written. It depicts very well how concerning is the jsr-376. One question: what can we do today about this final draft?

If you have additional real life examples where jigsaw makes life harder than it should be those would be welcome. i.e. I know Jason was really interested to hear if anyone looked into the impact how use of jigsaw modules from within a osgi bundle will work/behave as that would become a future issue/concern.

Also, Eclipse as a JCP member could also take a stance on the JSR wether to vote yay, nay or abstain.



Le 15 avr. 2017 à 12:07, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :


The Java and JavaEE team at Red Hat are looking for comments/feedback on jigsaw.

We are especially interested in hearing about how jigsaw is going to effect osgi runtimes
and the tooling platform.

The team wrote up their concerns for jigsaw JSR at

Comments/input welcome - i've cc'ed Jason and Scott from Red Hat that worked on this.

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