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Re: [] New User Profile/Dashboard


I think this looks really great. Here are a couple of things
-I tried to update my profile using the edit profile button and it didn't change on the dashboard after I made some changes.
-Under status on the top right, I think you should make the check marks green, not orange. Green for go, right?
-Will we be able to make this profile public?


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings esteemed AC,

As you know, the development tools used at are an assortment
of tools that are not designed to integrate or talk to each other. Led
by Antoine Thomas, our webdev team has started work on a User
Profile/Dashboard site that will attempt to bring the toolset together
into something cohesive.

We don't have a ton to show you right now, but the site below should
provide clues as to what we want to to:

Before more communication, we would like to have your feedback. You can
just answer to this is email, or open bugs on Bugzilla (component is

 - user profile with "information card", Eclipse status, activity and
 - storage tab to manage data and applications in the User Storage
Service (aka USS)

We have a schedule to add more and more content in the Activity and
Statistics block in Q4 - at the moment, there is only Gerrit and

Thanks for any feedback you can provide,

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Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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