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Re: [] Architecture Council member nomination


From: <> on behalf of Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: The Eclipse Foundation
Reply-To: Eclipse Architecture Council <>
Date: Friday, December 11, 2015 at 4:47 PM
To: Eclipse Architecture Council <>
Subject: [] Architecture Council member nomination

Greetings Architecture Council.

I would like to nominate Jay Billings to join the Architecture Council.

Jay is the project lead and a committer on the Eclipse ICE project, and a committer on Triquetrum and the new Eclipse Advanced Visualization Project (proposal). Jay is a driving force in the Science Working Group; is well-versed in the Eclipse Development Process, our policies, and many processes; has considerable experience working with and extending the Eclipse Platform; and has been working the role of mentor for numerous projects that fall within the working group's purview [1]. In addition to his role in the working group, he is also a regular speaker at EclipseCon and very vocal proponent of Eclipse within the science community.

It's worth noting that the ICE project that Jay leads is in the top ten Eclipse projects in terms of the number of non-committer contributions and contributors. Jay knows how to run open source projects and build communities.

I believe that he will do a great job of representing the interests of the science community within the Architecture Council and a great representative of the Architecture Council with in the science community.

Please register your approval by voting +1 for this nomination.



Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
          NA 2016
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