On 2015-07-08 13:27, Tom Schindl wrote:
- Xtext https://eclipse.org/Xtext/ (which is extreme, because it
generates a *DK for
each language)
- DLTK https://www.eclipse.org/dltk/ or
- LangEclipseIDE:
- LiCLipse http://www.liclipse.com/supported_languages.html
- AntLng https://github.com/dschaefer/antlng
- ... (I am sure that there 5-10 more attempts to solve the problem)
I've working on smart editors as part of our JavaFX Text-Editor
research. I showed our latest status at the Eclipse Demo camps.
I fully understand that you want something SWT based but most of the
stuff is not bound to JavaFX.
for some slides and a video recording.
Since the Walldorf eclipse democamp was canceled for today, I
watched your video...
Great demo!
For the next e(fx)clipse release (2.1.0) we plan to make stuff even more
loosely coupled and maybe we come up with generic service interfaces to
get auto-complete, syntax highlighting (I currently only target lexical
highlighting), error-reporting and outline.
BTW: The Dart editor developed in the video does what you propose. It
simply connects to the dart-analysis-server to get informations for
auto-complete and errors.
You just prove that it is still possible, even with computers
1000 times
faster than 20 years ago ;-). Or do you think external parsers and
the communication is the bottleneck?
Here is a python parser written in flex (20+ years ago)
This does pretty much the same as you describe in slide 10.
In line 209
you can see how the symbols are constructed that were sent
to the IDE to do syntax highlight.
We have something very similar for
* Java where we have auto-complete, error-reporting and outline and
* _javascript_ where we currently only have outline support
(provided through the Nashorn AST-"API"), attaching Tern is one
option to get auto-complete but there might be others as well.
Very high on my personal list for languages to support are:
* Swift
* TypeScript
* Go
* Rust