I'd like to nominate Marcel Bruch to the Architecture Council.
Marcel Bruch is the project lead of the Code Recommenders project.
Under Marcel's stewardship, the Code Recommenders project very
quickly evolved from an incredibly cool project idea into a very
popular feature of three Eclipse packages.
Marcel has built an impressive community of contributors to the Code
Recommenders project, and works tirelessly to represent the project
to the community. He has made many contributions to other projects
by creating new and commenting on existing bug reports [1]; and
providing examples, and patches for many longstanding bugs [2].
One bug in particular caught my attention [3]. It's a small thing,
but Marcel noticed a odd stack trace in his workspace log
and--rather than ignore like many of us might--he created a bug
report for it. Again, it's a small thing, but it speaks, I think, to
the mindset of the reporter: details matter.
He works with students, providing a valuable link between the
Eclipse Community and the university community. He has represented
the Eclipse community well in at least two iterations of the Google
Summer of Code programme.
He understands the Eclipse Development Process and the Intellectual
Property Due Diligence Process. He knows how the open source
community works in general, and at Eclipse in particular. In this
regard, he will be an excellent mentor.
Your votes are appreciated.