Hey folks!
I need some mentors. Please indicate your willingness to help these
projects get started on the listed bugs.
GeoScript (LocationTech)
The GeoScript project provides a convenient API for the Java based
GeoTools library to other JVM languages. GeoScript aims to provide a
relatively consistent API between different languages, preferring
existing language conventions and semantics over absolute
consistency. GeoScript modules can be used in existing applications
or accessed via interactive shells. GeoScript does not intend to
provide a complete application itself.
ArCon (PolarSys)
ArCon is integrated with Eclipse and supports model developers in
following given architectural rules for the developed system. ArCon
interprets an architectural metamodel, created in UML, and extracts
rules. The extracted rules are applied in an analysis of the
developed system model. ArCon currently supports the developer in a
reactive way resulting in a list of issues presenting violations to
the rules. The scope also includes a proactive way of supporting the
developer by presenting only allowed options when adding new
elements and element properties. ArCon utilizes the Eclipse GUI and
target modeling tools/editors are for now Papyrus and Topcased.
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a type of
industrial control system (ICS). Industrial control systems are
computer controlled systems that monitor and control industrial
processes that exist in the physical world. SCADA systems
historically distinguish themselves from other ICS systems by being
large scale processes that can include multiple sites, and large
Simply speaking the primary target of Eclipse SCADA is a way to
connect different industrial devices to a common communication
system and post-process as well as visualize the data to operating