The key is that the destination names are unique. John's points about the naming practices of the Eclipse project are great. We should likely stop doing that now anyway. I mean, where there are existing useful third segment names (e.g., core) we should reuse them. For new ones perhaps we end up with o.e.platform...
So, I don't think that the work involved in renaming, if structured reasonably, has to be that great.
The more important question though is how will we feel about this in 6-12 months. We first introduced e4 as a thing. Then e4 was a place. Introducing "e4" in the names drives toward it being a thing again. Given that it is only a handful of bundles it feels confusing. What if the Core team decides to create a new bundle but it is no first incubated in e4? should it have "e4" in the name? It is part of that e4 "thing"...
There was also the question of things moving to other projects. If something moves to EMF or Equinox, would ti keep the e4 name? Is it "part of" e4 after it graduates/moves?
In short, without fail, every time we have "taken the easy path" on naming we have encountered problems. There already appears to be considerable confusion around e4 and Eclipse SDK 4.0 that repositioning e4 again will surely throw a wrench in it.
On 2010-06-25, at 12:30 PM, Mike Wilson wrote: Whatever the merits, I would be unhappy about inserting a lot of extra overhead between now and when we release. I also find some of John's arguments relatively compelling. :-)
Maybe we should discuss on the next PMC call, before making a decision.
<graycol.gif>John Arthorne---2010/06/25 11:25:12 AM---Sigh. Renaming bundles and packages hadn't been considered (until today). One advantage of this designation in the Platform pro
From: | <ecblank.gif>
John Arthorne/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA |
To: | <ecblank.gif>
eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx |
Date: | <ecblank.gif>
2010/06/25 11:25 AM |
Subject: | <ecblank.gif>
Re: [eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for move of bundles from e4 to platform |
Sigh. Renaming bundles and packages hadn't been considered (until today). One advantage of this designation in the Platform project is that unlike every other project at Eclipse, we currently have no "third segment" designation at all for the Platform project. This causes us to pollute the top level org.eclipse.* namespace that needs to be shared across all Eclipse Foundation projects, and makes it difficult to determine the project ownership for the bundles/packages we produce (for everything else at Eclipse, the third segment tells you what project it belongs to). So leaving the "e4" segment in there would be a good outcome from this perspective. Although it means org.eclipse.e4.* could belong to either e4 or Platform projects, and you'd need to check the incubating status to be sure which project it belongs to.
On the other hand it does somewhat confuse the meaning of "e4". e4 was always about "creating the next generation of the Eclipse platform". Now that the next generation is arriving, I'm not sure how the e4 incubator should be marketed/branded. >From a brief discussion with McQ he suggested the e4 incubator should now be about creating technology for the 4.x generation of the platform as a whole. From that perspective having "e4" in the bundle names for that generation of the platform doesn't seem too bad.
More pragmatically, renaming bundles and packages this close to the release would be costly. If we simply deleted the "e4" segment, we would overlap in some cases with existing bundles/package names in the 3.x generation (for example org.eclipse.ui.workbench vs org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench). We would need to come up with new names for several bundles/concepts to avoid confusing the 3.x version from the e4 version. This would also make it difficult for clients to distinguish the two generations of technology (there are a few people trying to create "pure e4" applications who would now have a much more difficult time figuring out exactly what that means). A typical project move would just involve renaming the third bundle/package segment rather than removing it.
Overall I'm torn. I can see the problems it causes, but I think the rename would be too disruptive to our release to do it now, and introduces some new problems as well. If we think the overloaded meaning of "e4" is a big enough problem, I'd be tempted to rename the incubator after the 4.0 release rather than rename the maturing technology.
Thanks for putting this together, John.
At the risk of creating a lot more work for ourselves, have we considered removing the "e4" designation in the package names as part of the move?
<graycol.gif>John Arthorne---2010/06/24 02:50:43 PM---As discussed in the past, we would like to move several bundles out of e4 into Platform, in order to process a 4.0 release this
From: | <ecblank.gif>
John Arthorne/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA |
To: | <ecblank.gif>
eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx |
Date: | <ecblank.gif>
2010/06/24 02:50 PM |
Subject: | <ecblank.gif>
[eclipse-pmc] Requesting approval for move of bundles from e4 to platform |
As discussed in the past, we would like to move several bundles out of e4 into Platform, in order to process a 4.0 release this summer. The first step in the formal process is to have a "Move Review" to obtain Eclipse Foundation approval to move the affected bundles from e4 to Platform. A prerequisite to that review is to receive official, documented PMC approval for the move. As such, I am requesting approval from the PMC for this move. Details on precisely what is moving and what committers are affected can be found here:
Please vote and/or discuss. We can also discuss this on the call next week if desired, but given all the holidays I thought it best to start the process on this list.
+1 from me, obviously ;)
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