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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Extension registry evolution - cross-posted from equinox-dev

Hi Oleg,

see comments below.

Oleg Besedin wrote:

Thank you for bringing this up. Riena definitely has an interesting approach to the extension registry.

It seems that the basic difference is in how injected objects are created: Riena creates an interface-based object instantiated as a proxy to the IConfigurationElement. I am thinking about creating an actual Java object based on the data in the IConfigurationElement. >From what I see in Riena's code, it builds:

   [containing UserInterface
      [instantiated as Proxy
         [backed up by IConfigurationElement]]]
yes, that is right. The dynamic proxy is responsible for the mapping from IConfigurationElement to the methods of the UserInterface.

I'd rather have:

UserClass <= with data injected at the time ExtensionRegistry.getObjects() is called
To be honest I do not completely understand what getObjects() is meant to do and how it should be used.
Are the instances of class ´ofType´ the analogue to Riena's UserInterface/Proxy that get returned as a Object[]?
Could you probably sketch some uses cases? Including a ´createExecutableExtension()´ use case.

One upside to the "proxy" approach is that data is lazily populated from the IConfigurationElement into the UserClass. However, this process should be relatively fast as
What exactly is the upside? The performance degradation?
the data is already in memory (unless contained elements have expensive constructors). I'd guess that for simple elements the levels of indirection added by the proxy likely going to offset performance benefits from the lazy initialization. Also, the code in the UserClass would have to obtain data through the UserInterface adding an extra layer.
Yes, the performance degradation is not that much. I did some measuring and it was much better than I had feared. Once the data has been received from the extension registry the proxies cache them.

Are there other advantages to the proxy-based approach?
It is very easy to use.

Annotations: In my quick search through the code I was not able to figure out how much Riena’s processing depends on annotations. It seems that all references to this mechanism use annotations, but some comments in Javadoc implied that annotations are optional (but "highly recommended" :-))?
The main purpose of the annotations are specifying name mappings (@MapName), i.e. method names to xml element/attibute name. The ´highly recommended´ is for annotating the UserInterface as used by the injection. That is crap - I will remove it.

Another interesting difference is that Riena obtains element types either as arguments (for top-level elements) or from UserInterface signatures (for child elements). For my proposal, as it needs to use schema files anyway (can't rely on annotations), I was thinking about describing types in the schema file.
It can obtain the ´root´ UserInterface type from the UserClass type but it also possible to specify what UserInterface type should be used:
Inject.extension("extpoint").useType( UserInterface).into(target).bind("configure").andStart(context);
Do you mean extension point schema files? If so, we could not do that. Relying on schema files means that they have to be available at runtime, or?
But this is currently not necessary, or?



Christian Campo <christian.campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: eclipse-incubator-e4-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/30/2008 03:51 AM

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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Extension registry evolution -        cross-posted from equinox-dev


I think having IConfigurationElements mapped to actual Java objects is a very good idea. The Riena project is using that now for roughly 4 month with an implementation in its codebase that allows to

- create Java objects from Extensions
- define Interfaces for the ExtensionPoint schema
- inject the Java Objects into any object that is interested in its information (making the using code independant of extensions but simply dependant on the interface object)
- automatically re-injects the Objects if extensions are added or removed (by installing uninstalling bundles)
- create java instances for those attributes where the type is java

Riena has defined an API that uses Extensions and OSGi Services in a very similar way. You can inject Services or Extensions using one API. We have a short not yet complete description in the wiki
and of course the code is in the latest M4 build of Riena ( and we have quite a number of Testcases to show how injecting Extensions and Services works using the API.


christian campo

Am 24.09.2008 um 21:20 schrieb Oleg Besedin:

[Cross-posted from the

What would you like to see in the extension registry 2010?

If you have an opinion on how the extension registry can be improved, please visit:

and leave your comments!

So far we have identified several potential areas:

- Create typed Java objects instead of forcing you to crawl through IConfigurationElements  (see for details)
- Expand ability to programmatically modify extension registry

- Add support for non-singleton bundles

Does this sound like something you'd like to see in Eclipse?

(Please use this mailing list for general discussions and bug / wiki for more detailed comments.)



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