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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Extension registry evolution - cross-posted from equinox-dev


I think having IConfigurationElements mapped to actual Java objects is a very good idea. The Riena project is using that now for roughly 4 month with an implementation in its codebase that allows to

- create Java objects from Extensions
- define Interfaces for the ExtensionPoint schema
- inject the Java Objects into any object that is interested in its information (making the using code independant of extensions but simply dependant on the interface object)
- automatically re-injects the Objects if extensions are added or removed (by installing uninstalling bundles)
- create java instances for those attributes where the type is java

Riena has defined an API that uses Extensions and OSGi Services in a very similar way. You can inject Services or Extensions using one API. We have a short not yet complete description in the wiki 
and of course the code is in the latest M4 build of Riena ( and we have quite a number of Testcases to show how injecting Extensions and Services works using the API.


christian campo

Am 24.09.2008 um 21:20 schrieb Oleg Besedin:

[Cross-posted from the equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx]

What would you like to see in the extension registry 2010?

If you have an opinion on how the extension registry can be improved, please visit:

and leave your comments!

So far we have identified several potential areas:

- Create typed Java objects instead of forcing you to crawl through IConfigurationElements  (see for details)
- Expand ability to programmatically modify extension registry
- Add support for non-singleton bundles

Does this sound like something you'd like to see in Eclipse?

(Please use this mailing list for general discussions and bug / wiki for more detailed comments.)

eclipse-incubator-e4-dev mailing list

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