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Re: [eclipse-ide-wg] Eclipse IDE Working Group Minutes - November 2nd 2022


On 21.11.22 12:11, Mark Goodchild wrote:
Regarding Yatta Checkout topic, there are some slides here: <>

I also attached them to this email as ppt format.

I'm pleased that the Eclipse IDE WG is considering adding support for SEPA payments for sponsoring. In my opinion, support for SEPA direct debits would be a big step forward. This would solve one issue that has kept me from sponsoring Eclipse.

The other important issue is that the current sponsoring page says "Donate to the Eclipse Community". I'd really like to be able to sponsor the Eclipse IDE directly. Conversely, there are probably other people that don't care much about the Eclipse IDE but would like to support other activities in the Eclipse community. It would be desirable to have a few different options for sponsoring, at least for individuals. I don't have any opinion on handling sponsorships from organizations.

Kind regards,

Erik Brangs

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