Dear all,
It is my pleasure to invite you all along to the Eclipse IDE Working Group – Community Day Call.
This will be held on the 14th of June.
The working group is now over a year old and we would like to take this chance to update you all on the progress to date.
Please see the Eclipse Event for this meeting and also the attached .ics file.
The following is the planned agenda:
• Introduction and achievements to date & EclipseCon 2022 update. Presenter: Mark Goodchild (5 minutes)
• PGP Changes. Presenter: Ed Merks (10 minutes)
• Migration of Eclipse Platform Top level project to GitHub and changes to contribution workflows. Presenters: Mickael Istria, Alexander Kurtakov and Sravan Lakkimsetti (15 minutes)
• SimRel – Release process overview. Presenter: Ed Merks (15 minutes)
• Improving participation in the Eclipse IDE projects – why get involved? Presenter: Gerald Mitchell (15 minutes) TBC
We would all very much like to see you there!
Best Regards,
IDE Working Group Community Call
Eclipse IDE Working Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 3295 5870
Passcode: 972280
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Meeting ID: 849 3295 5870
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