Dear all,
It is my pleasure to invite you all along to the Eclipse IDE Working Group – Community Day Call.
This will be held on the 14th of June. For the time please see the information following this message.
The working group is now over a year old and we would like to take this chance to update you all on the progress to date.
The following is the planned agenda:
• Introduction and achievements to date & EclipseCon 2022 update. Presenter: Mark Goodchild (5 minutes)
• PGP Changes. Presenter: Ed Merks (10 minutes)
• Migration of Eclipse Platform Top level project to GitHub and changes to contribution workflows. Presenters: Mickael Istria, Alexander Kurtakov and Sravan Lakkimsetti (15 minutes)
• SimRel – Release process overview. Presenter: Ed Merks (15 minutes)
• Improving participation in the Eclipse IDE projects – why get involved? Presenter: Gerald Mitchell (15 minutes)
We would all very much like to see you there!
Best Regards,
IDE Working Group Community Call
Eclipse IDE Working Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 3295 5870
Passcode: 972280
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Meeting ID: 849 3295 5870
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