The argument that it would help more if committers and others would use the I-builds regularly helps more than having freeze-weeks during milestones is pretty convincing for me. But I agree that it would be good if as many people as possible would use the I-builds.
I think the I-builds would be simpler to use (and then used more) if they could be consumed via Oomph. I'm thinking of a Product version like 'Nightly' that one can select besides 'Latest' or 'Latest Released'.
But I'm not sure if this is feasible (without too much work) since the Products are assembled by EPP and the I-builds only handle the Eclipse-SDK. But maybe the Nightly could simple consist of the latest (milestone) release repos plus the current I-Build repo of the Eclipse-SDK.
Gesendet: Montag, 02. Mai 2022 um 17:52 Uhr
Von: "Mickael Istria" <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>
An: "General development mailing list of the Eclipse project." <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [eclipse-dev] Lightweight M1 for September release
I would rather (once again) raise the awareness of the active committers about "eating your own dog food" and use the milestone week to actually try the latest greatest nightly builds.
I agree that committers, and more, need to use the nightly builds and that it is a critical part of the project quality process. However, do we need a dedicated milestone week for that? Would there be some other/better way of achieving that result? And if we have some guarantees that all active committers are using nightly builds anyway, do we need a milestone/freeze week or can we assume that most developers using latest build is enough to find most issues? If not, what is missing for us to find such issues as part of our daily work?
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