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[eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Mar 18, 2009

[ Note: There will be no call next week (Mar 25) since many people will be away at EclipseCon. ]


- newsgroups, conf calls, inbox, Bugzilla
- M6 testing

- shipped 3.5 M6
- 3.5 M7 planning
- adopted IWorkbenchCommandConstants
- started to work on Call Hierarchy improvements
- bug fixing
- inbox tracking

Platform Text and JDT Text:
- shipped 3.5 M6
- 3.5 M7 planning
- adopted IWorkbenchCommandConstants
- added 'Show in Properties File' action to NLS key hover
- bug fixing
- inbox tracking

Platform Search:
- adopted IWorkbenchCommandConstants
- inbox tracking

Platform UI:
- shipped 3.5 M6
- EclipseCon preparation
- bug fixing

- Work with JTC team to run performance tests
- 3.5 perf tests:
  - verification for 3.5M6:
    - ping on all opened bugs still occurring in M6
    - small regression on API Tools:
  - verification for N20090314-2000:
    - nothing new

- M6 test pass
- M7 planning
- bug fixing/triage
- EclipseCon prep

- M6 test pass
- M7 planning
- API tooling, continued work on:
  - improving test code coverage for builder / search
  - improving builder performance
  - improving .api_description performance / foot print
- bug fixing/triage
- EclipseCon prep

- inbox tracking / bug triage
- fixed bug 267459

Rel. Eng.:
- M6 released
- testing changes for build to use p2 publisher
- updated jsch to 0.1.41
- helped ecf team generate source bundles, now ecf source bundles are
  included in our features
- tested and updated our build to use 3.5M6 bundles
- wrote a document on how to use the new p2 zipped repos in the build:
- bug fixing

User Assistance:
- ran all of the UA tests on HPUX
- fixed an HP/UX specific problem related to obtaining a file lock
- fixed the intermittent help startup problem

Platform Workspace:
- testing M6 candidates
- inbox tracking
- working on 3.5 M7:
- investigating performance regression in the 3-way compare test
- proxy manager polishing
- compare editor polishing

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