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[eclipse-dev] Re: Bug Tossing Graphs

FYI, this is updated and probably more interesting tossing graph.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Sung Kim <hunkim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> One more thing. Please don’t be upset if your name is not on the
> graph. To increase readability of the graph we use only partial bug
> reports.
> Sung
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Sung Kim <hunkim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear Eclipse developers,
>> This is Sung Kim, a software engineering researcher at Hong Kong
>> University of Science and Technology. Recently we analyzed bug
>> assignment process by mining Eclipse bug reports. We found that many
>> bug tossing events, bug reports are assigned developers and the
>> developers toss the bug reports to other developers. Based on the bug
>> tossing information, we develop a Markov model which captures bug
>> tossing history to help bug assignment process. Please find the
>> attached sample bug tossing graph. (Perhaps you need to zoom-in to see
>> the details.)
>> Each node in the graph indicates a developer and edges indicate
>> tossing and fixing relationship. For example, among all bugs assigned
>> to Mddumn, 34% of them are tossed to and fixed by Jerome.Bozier (if
>> they are not fixed by Mddumn). The size of nodes indicates the sum of
>> incoming edges. The bigger nodes get more bugs from other developers.
>> For example, Darin Wright gets many bugs from others.
>> We believe this graph can help (1) discover developer structures, and
>> (2) bug assignment process. For example, the clusters in the graph
>> show developer groups. This graph might be used as a cheat sheet to
>> assign or toss bugs to other developers. For example, if you are
>> considering tossing a bug to Chanskw, you might want to CC the bug to
>> Darin Wright as well.
>> We’d like to get some feedback from you, since you are actively
>> assigning, tossing, and fixing bugs. Please let us know what you think
>> of this graph. What do you like/hate about this graph? Do you think it
>> might be useful? Are there any other possible usages of this graph?
>> Any comments are welcome. Based on your comments we will adjust our
>> research direction.
>> Best Regards,
>> Sung Kim

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