Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
testAddImports1 | Success | | 1.384 |
testAddImports2 | Success | | 0.516 |
testAddImports_bug23078 | Success | | 0.573 |
testAddImports_bug25113 | Success | | 0.559 |
test1 | Success | | 0.933 |
test2 | Success | | 0.664 |
test3 | Success | | 0.613 |
test4 | Success | | 0.595 |
test1 | Success | | 0.521 |
test2 | Success | | 0.777 |
test3 | Success | | 0.491 |
test4 | Success | | 0.549 |
test5 | Success | | 0.518 |
testDifferentScopes | Failure | 542 types in workspace expected, is 541
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 542 types in workspace expected, is 541 at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.AllTypesCacheTest.testDifferentScopes( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 1.006 |
testClasspathChange | Failure | 542 types expected, is 541
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 542 types expected, is 541 at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.AllTypesCacheTest.testClasspathChange( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 0.627 |
testNewElementCreation | Failure | 542 types expected, is 541
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 542 types expected, is 541 at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.AllTypesCacheTest.testNewElementCreation( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 0.771 |
testWorkingCopies | Success | | 2.926 |
testWorkingCopies2 | Success | | 0.761 |
testGetFullyQualifiedName | Success | | 0.530 |
testGetTypeQualifiedName | Success | | 0.561 |
testGetAllNameComponents | Success | | 0.520 |
testGetNameComponents | Success | | 0.559 |
testSourceAndLibrary | Success | | 5.590 |
testTwoSourceFolders | Success | | 0.890 |
testNestedSources | Success | | 0.800 |
testSourceAndOutputOnProject | Success | | 0.727 |
testClassFolder | Success | | 0.543 |
test | Success | | 0.077 |
test1 | Failure |
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.assertImports( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.test1( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 1.640 |
test1WithOrder | Failure |
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.assertImports( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.test1WithOrder( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 1.510 |
test2 | Success | | 0.737 |
test3 | Success | | 1.347 |
test4 | Failure |
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.assertImports( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.ImportOrganizeTest.test4( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 1.856 |
testVariousTypeReferences | Success | | 1.553 |
testInnerClassVisibility | Success | | 1.142 |
testClearImports | Success | | 0.511 |
testNewImports | Success | | 1.118 |
testReplaceImports | Success | | 1.129 |
testClearImportsNoPackage | Success | | 0.518 |
testNewImportsNoPackage | Success | | 1.121 |
testReplaceImportsNoPackage | Success | | 1.119 |
testCommentAfterImport | Success | | 0.520 |
testImportToStar | Success | | 1.102 |
testImportToStarWithExplicit | Success | | 1.102 |
testImportToStarWithExplicit2 | Success | | 1.084 |
testImportToStarWithExplicit3 | Success | | 1.122 |
testImportToStarWithExplicit4 | Success | | 1.100 |
testImportToStarWithExplicit5 | Success | | 1.134 |
testImportFromDefault | Success | | 1.099 |
testImportFromDefaultWithStar | Success | | 1.098 |
testImportOfMemberFromLocal | Success | | 1.141 |
testGroups1 | Success | | 1.150 |
testBaseGroups1 | Success | | 1.099 |
testVisibility_bug26746 | Success | | 0.516 |
testVisibility_bug37299a | Success | | 0.554 |
testVisibility_bug37299b | Success | | 0.540 |
test5 | Success | | 1.107 |
test_bug25773 | Success | | 1.148 |
test_bug25113 | Success | | 1.139 |
testImportStructureOnNonExistingCU | Success | | 0.682 |
testOrganizeImportOnRange | Success | | 1.102 |
testOrganizeImportOnRange2 | Success | | 1.146 |
testFindType | Success | | 0.822 |
testFindType2 | Success | | 0.800 |
testFindTypeContainer | Success | | 0.988 |
testFindTypeInCompilationUnit | Success | | 0.732 |
testFindMemberInCompilationUnit | Success | | 0.715 |
testGetRawClasspathEntry | Success | | 1.304 |
testIsOnBuildPath | Success | | 0.727 |
testFindMethod | Success | | 1.977 |
testFindMethodInHierarchy | Success | | 2.201 |
testHasMainMethod | Success | | 0.791 |
testGetterSetterName | Success | | 1.526 |
testOverlap1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testOverlap2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testOverlap3 | Success | | 0.000 |
testOverlap4 | Success | | 0.001 |
testOverlap5 | Success | | 0.000 |
testOverlap6 | Success | | 0.000 |
testOverlap7 | Success | | 0.001 |
testOverlap8 | Success | | 0.000 |
testOverlap9 | Success | | 0.000 |
testInsert1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testInsert2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testInsert3 | Success | | 0.000 |
testInsert4 | Success | | 0.000 |
testInsert5 | Success | | 0.001 |
testInsertReplace1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDelete1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDelete2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDelete3 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDeleteWithChildren | Success | | 0.001 |
testMove1 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMove2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMove3 | Success | | 0.001 |
testMove4 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMove5 | Success | | 0.006 |
testMove6 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMove7 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMove8 | Success | | 0.003 |
testMove9 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMove10 | Success | | 0.001 |
testMoveWithRangeMarker | Success | | 0.000 |
testMoveWithTargetDelete | Success | | 0.002 |
testMoveUpWithSourceDelete | Success | | 0.000 |
testMoveDown | Success | | 0.001 |
testMoveUp | Success | | 0.000 |
testMoveDownWithSourceDelete | Success | | 0.001 |
testMoveUpWithInnerMark | Success | | 0.001 |
testMoveDownWithInnerMark | Success | | 0.001 |
testMoveUpWithParentMark | Success | | 0.000 |
testMoveDownWithParentMark | Success | | 0.001 |
testCopyDown | Success | | 0.001 |
testCopyUp | Success | | 0.001 |
testDoubleCopy | Success | | 0.000 |
testSwap1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSwap2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSwap2InSwap1 | Success | | 0.001 |
test1 | Success | | 3.472 |
test2 | Failure | Should find 37 elements, is 36
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Should find 37 elements, is 36 at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at junit.framework.AssertionFailedError.<init>( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.core.TypeInfoTest.test2( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 0.799 |
testNoSourceFolder | Success | | 0.501 |
testSourceFolder | Success | | 0.667 |
testJar | Success | | 0.652 |
testCallers | Success | | 0.745 |
testCallersNoResults | Success | | 0.476 |
testCallees | Success | | 0.519 |
testCalleesNoResults | Success | | 0.541 |
testRecursiveCallers | Success | | 0.563 |
testRecursiveCallees | Success | | 0.535 |
testInnerClassCallers | Success | | 0.539 |
testInnerClassCalleesEntering | Success | | 0.521 |
testInnerClassCalleesExiting | Success | | 0.521 |
testAnonymousInnerClassCallers | Success | | 0.544 |
testAnonymousInnerClassOnInterfaceCallees | Success | | 0.582 |
testAnonymousInnerClassOnClassCallees | Success | | 0.524 |
testInitializerCallers | Success | | 0.570 |
testImplicitConstructorCallers | Success | | 0.546 |
testImplicitConstructorCallees | Success | | 0.582 |
testLineNumberCallers | Success | | 0.550 |
testLineNumberCallees | Success | | 0.520 |
testVariableDeclarations1 | Success | | 0.499 |
testVariableDeclarations2 | Success | | 0.557 |
testVariableDeclarations3 | Success | | 0.553 |
testVariableDeclarations4 | Success | | 0.557 |
testVariableDeclarations5 | Success | | 0.563 |
testVariableDeclarations6 | Success | | 0.548 |
testDeclarationsAfter | Success | | 0.549 |
testTypeDeclarations1 | Success | | 0.553 |
testTypeDeclarations2 | Success | | 0.548 |
testMethodDeclarations1 | Success | | 0.549 |
testMethodDeclarations2 | Success | | 0.563 |
testArrayAccess | Success | | 0.596 |
testArrayCreation | Success | | 0.546 |
testArrayInitializer | Success | | 0.548 |
testAssignment | Success | | 0.529 |
testCastExpression | Success | | 0.571 |
testCastExpression_bug28824 | Success | | 0.566 |
testCatchClause | Success | | 0.554 |
testClassInstanceCreation | Success | | 0.538 |
testConditionalExpression | Success | | 0.533 |
testFieldAccess | Success | | 0.538 |
testInfixExpression | Success | | 0.539 |
testInstanceofExpression | Success | | 0.532 |
testMethodInvocation | Success | | 0.551 |
testMethodParamsRenameReorder | Success | | 0.546 |
testMethodInvocation1 | Success | | 0.542 |
testParenthesizedExpression | Success | | 0.532 |
testPrefixExpression | Success | | 0.548 |
testPostfixExpression | Success | | 0.532 |
testSuperConstructorInvocation | Success | | 0.540 |
testSuperFieldInvocation | Success | | 0.527 |
testSuperMethodInvocation | Success | | 0.557 |
testThisExpression | Success | | 0.543 |
testTypeLiteral | Success | | 0.530 |
testInsert1 | Success | | 0.527 |
testInsert3 | Success | | 0.540 |
testInsert2 | Success | | 0.561 |
testInsert1Before | Success | | 0.529 |
testInsert2Before | Success | | 0.530 |
testInsert3Before | Success | | 0.530 |
testRemove1 | Success | | 0.531 |
testRemove2 | Success | | 0.529 |
testRemove3 | Success | | 0.521 |
testRemove4 | Success | | 0.529 |
testRemoveInsert1 | Success | | 0.530 |
testRemoveInsert2 | Success | | 0.531 |
testRemoveInsert3 | Success | | 0.530 |
testRemoveInsert1Before | Success | | 0.536 |
testRemoveInsert2Before | Success | | 0.553 |
testRemoveInsert3Before | Success | | 0.530 |
testRemoveInsert4 | Success | | 0.540 |
testRemoveInsert4Before | Success | | 0.529 |
testRemoveInsert5 | Success | | 0.542 |
testRemoveInsert5Before | Success | | 0.527 |
testRemoveInsert6 | Success | | 0.541 |
testRemoveInsert6Before | Success | | 0.522 |
testRemoveInsert7 | Success | | 0.539 |
testRemoveInsert7Before | Success | | 0.528 |
testMethodDeclChanges | Success | | 0.550 |
testListRemoves | Success | | 0.540 |
testListInserts | Success | | 0.561 |
testListInsert | Success | | 0.532 |
testListCombinations | Success | | 0.567 |
testListCombination | Success | | 0.541 |
testMethodBody | Success | | 0.540 |
testMethodDeclarationExtraDimensions | Success | | 0.539 |
testFieldDeclaration | Success | | 0.530 |
testInitializer | Success | | 0.521 |
testMethodDeclarationParamShuffel | Success | | 0.528 |
testMethodDeclarationParamShuffel1 | Success | | 0.532 |
testMethodDeclaration_bug24916 | Success | | 0.519 |
testMethodComments1 | Success | | 0.529 |
testMethodComments2 | Success | | 0.520 |
testMethodComments3 | Success | | 0.520 |
testBUG_38447 | Success | | 0.548 |
testMethodComments4 | Success | | 0.533 |
testInsertFieldAfter | Success | | 0.529 |
testMove | Success | | 0.530 |
testMoveDeclSameLevelCD | Success | | 0.540 |
testMoveDeclSameLevel | Success | | 0.540 |
testMoveDeclDifferentLevelCD | Success | | 0.542 |
testMoveDeclDifferentLevel | Success | | 0.552 |
testMoveStatementsCD | Success | | 0.542 |
testMoveStatements | Success | | 0.536 |
testChangesInMoveCD | Success | | 0.548 |
testChangesInMove | Success | | 0.539 |
testSwapCD | Success | | 0.534 |
testSwap | Success | | 0.526 |
testCopyRangeAndInsert | Success | | 0.531 |
testCopyRangeAndReplace | Success | | 0.540 |
testMultipleCopiesOfSameNode | Success | | 0.531 |
testMultipleCopiesOfSameNodeAndMove | Success | | 0.538 |
testMoveCollapsedCD | Success | | 0.550 |
testMoveCollapsed | Success | | 0.531 |
testMoveForStatementToForBlockCD | Success | | 0.733 |
testMoveForStatementToForBlock | Success | | 0.544 |
testReplaceCollapsed | Success | | 0.533 |
testRemoveIndents | Success | | 0.546 |
testAddIndents | Success | | 0.550 |
testInsert1 | Success | | 0.532 |
testInsert2 | Success | | 0.538 |
testInsert3 | Success | | 0.538 |
testRemove1 | Success | | 0.531 |
testRemove2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testRemove3 | Success | | 0.526 |
testReplace1 | Success | | 0.533 |
testReplace2 | Success | | 0.524 |
testBreakStatement | Success | | 0.539 |
testConstructorInvocation | Success | | 0.525 |
testContinueStatement | Success | | 0.529 |
testDoStatement | Success | | 0.534 |
testExpressionStatement | Success | | 0.536 |
testForStatement | Success | | 0.561 |
testIfStatement | Success | | 0.542 |
testLabeledStatement | Success | | 0.531 |
testReturnStatement | Success | | 0.545 |
testSwitchStatement | Success | | 0.538 |
testSynchronizedStatement | Success | | 0.529 |
testThrowStatement | Success | | 0.533 |
testTryStatement | Success | | 0.529 |
testTypeDeclarationStatement | Success | | 0.529 |
testVariableDeclarationStatement | Success | | 0.529 |
testWhileStatement | Success | | 0.537 |
testInsertCode | Success | | 0.533 |
testNamesWithDelete | Success | | 0.530 |
testNamesWithInsert | Success | | 0.523 |
testNamesWithReplace | Success | | 0.528 |
testNamesWithMove1 | Success | | 0.529 |
testNamesWithMove2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testNamesWithMove3 | Success | | 0.527 |
testNamesWithPlaceholder | Success | | 0.529 |
testTypeDeclChanges | Success | | 0.551 |
testTypeDeclRemoves | Success | | 0.540 |
testTypeDeclInserts | Success | | 0.553 |
testTypeDeclInsertFields1 | Success | | 0.527 |
testBug22161 | Success | | 0.514 |
testAnonymousClassDeclaration | Success | | 0.536 |
testImportDeclaration | Success | | 0.531 |
testPackageDeclaration | Success | | 0.519 |
testCompilationUnit | Success | | 0.521 |
testCompilationUnit2 | Success | | 0.520 |
testSingleVariableDeclaration | Success | | 0.529 |
testVariableDeclarationFragment | Success | | 0.540 |
testTypeDeclSpacingMethods1 | Success | | 0.523 |
testTypeDeclSpacingMethods2 | Success | | 0.529 |
testTypeDeclSpacingFields | Success | | 0.528 |
testTypeInFieldDecl | Success | | 1.266 |
testTypeInMethodArguments | Success | | 1.079 |
testTypeInMethodReturnType | Success | | 1.138 |
testTypeInExceptionType | Success | | 1.059 |
testTypeInStatement | Success | | 0.540 |
testArrayTypeInStatement | Success | | 1.140 |
testQualifiedType | Success | | 1.091 |
testInnerType | Success | | 0.531 |
testTypeInCatchBlock | Success | | 0.569 |
testTypeInSuperType | Success | | 0.522 |
testTypeInSuperInterface | Success | | 0.548 |
testPrimitiveTypeInFieldDecl | Success | | 1.129 |
testAmbiguousTypeInSuperClass | Success | | 0.570 |
testAmbiguousTypeInInterface | Success | | 0.568 |
testAmbiguousTypeInField | Success | | 0.570 |
testAmbiguousTypeInArgument | Success | | 0.570 |
testAmbiguousTypeInReturnType | Success | | 0.582 |
testAmbiguousTypeInExceptionType | Success | | 0.582 |
testAmbiguousTypeInCatchBlock | Success | | 0.574 |
testVarInAssignment | Success | | 0.553 |
testVarInForInitializer | Success | | 0.530 |
testVarInInitializer | Success | | 0.511 |
testVarInOtherType | Success | | 0.539 |
testVarInSuperFieldAccess | Success | | 0.533 |
testVarInSuper | Success | | 0.548 |
testVarInAnonymous | Success | | 0.561 |
testLongVarRef | Success | | 0.528 |
testVarAndTypeRef | Success | | 1.640 |
testMethodInSameType | Success | | 0.558 |
testMethodInForInit | Success | | 0.522 |
testMethodInInfixExpression1 | Success | | 0.525 |
testMethodInInfixExpression2 | Success | | 0.525 |
testMethodSpacing0EmptyLines | Success | | 0.532 |
testMethodSpacing1EmptyLine | Success | | 0.530 |
testMethodSpacing2EmptyLines | Success | | 0.530 |
testMethodSpacingComment | Success | | 0.625 |
testMethodSpacingJavadoc | Success | | 0.465 |
testMethodSpacingNonJavadoc | Success | | 0.518 |
testMethodInSameTypeUsingThis | Success | | 0.532 |
testMethodInDifferentClass | Success | | 0.539 |
testMethodInAnonymous1 | Success | | 0.519 |
testMethodInAnonymous2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testMethodInDifferentInterface | Success | | 0.530 |
testParameterMismatchCast | Success | | 0.551 |
testParameterMismatchCast2 | Success | | 0.512 |
testParameterMismatchLessArguments | Success | | 0.523 |
testParameterMismatchLessArguments2 | Success | | 0.541 |
testSuperConstructorLessArguments | Success | | 0.539 |
testConstructorInvocationLessArguments | Success | | 0.531 |
testParameterMismatchMoreArguments | Success | | 0.549 |
testParameterMismatchMoreArguments2 | Success | | 0.540 |
testParameterMismatchMoreArguments3 | Success | | 0.562 |
testSuperConstructorMoreArguments | Success | | 0.540 |
testConstructorInvocationMoreArguments | Success | | 0.529 |
testParameterMismatchSwap | Success | | 0.529 |
testSuperConstructor | Success | | 0.562 |
testClassInstanceCreation | Success | | 0.600 |
testClassInstanceCreationMoreArguments | Success | | 0.489 |
testClassInstanceCreationLessArguments | Success | | 0.539 |
testConstructorInvocation | Success | | 0.513 |
testSuperMethodInvocation | Success | | 0.528 |
testSuperMethodMoreArguments | Success | | 0.551 |
testSuperMethodLessArguments | Success | | 0.548 |
testCanAssign | Success | | 0.960 |
testSimpleTypeReturnDeclMissing | Success | | 0.523 |
testVoidTypeReturnDeclMissing | Success | | 0.511 |
testVoidTypeReturnDeclMissing2 | Success | | 0.514 |
testVoidMissingInAnonymousType | Success | | 0.519 |
testNullTypeReturnDeclMissing | Success | | 0.518 |
testArrayTypeReturnDeclMissing | Success | | 0.512 |
testVoidMethodReturnsStatement | Success | | 0.531 |
testVoidMethodReturnsAnonymClass | Success | | 0.517 |
testConstructorReturnsValue | Success | | 0.543 |
testCorrectReturnStatement | Success | | 0.546 |
testCorrectReturnStatementForArray | Success | | 0.520 |
testMethodWithConstructorName | Success | | 0.509 |
testMissingReturnStatement | Success | | 0.513 |
testMissingReturnStatementWithCode | Success | | 0.518 |
testMissingReturnStatementWithCode2 | Success | | 0.528 |
testFieldAccessToStatic | Success | | 0.525 |
testInheritedAccessOnStatic | Success | | 0.552 |
testQualifiedAccessToStatic | Success | | 0.522 |
testThisAccessToStatic | Success | | 0.517 |
testThisAccessToStaticField | Success | | 0.522 |
testCastMissingInVarDecl | Success | | 0.517 |
testCastMissingInVarDecl2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testCastMissingInVarDecl3 | Success | | 0.569 |
testCastMissingInFieldDecl | Success | | 0.520 |
testCastMissingInAssignment | Success | | 0.539 |
testCastMissingInExpression | Success | | 0.531 |
testCastOnCastExpression | Success | | 0.533 |
testUncaughtException | Success | | 0.572 |
testUncaughtException2 | Success | | 0.552 |
testUncaughtExceptionRemoveMoreSpecific | Success | | 0.524 |
testUncaughtExceptionToSurroundingTry | Success | | 0.541 |
testUncaughtExceptionOnSuper1 | Success | | 0.525 |
testUncaughtExceptionOnSuper2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testUncaughtExceptionOnThis | Success | | 0.519 |
testUncaughtExceptionDuplicate | Success | | 0.555 |
testMultipleUncaughtExceptions | Success | | 0.534 |
testUnneededCatchBlock | Success | | 0.522 |
testUnneededCatchBlockSingle | Success | | 0.520 |
testUnneededCatchBlockWithFinally | Success | | 0.518 |
testUnimplementedMethods | Success | | 0.531 |
testUnimplementedMethods2 | Success | | 0.550 |
testUnitializedVariable | Success | | 0.522 |
testUndefinedConstructorInDefaultConstructor1 | Success | | 0.546 |
testUndefinedConstructorInDefaultConstructor2 | Success | | 0.551 |
testNotVisibleConstructorInDefaultConstructor | Success | | 0.533 |
testUnhandledExceptionInDefaultConstructor | Success | | 0.526 |
testUnusedPrivateField | Success | | 0.521 |
testUnusedPrivateField1 | Success | | 0.522 |
testUnusedPrivateField2 | Success | | 0.533 |
testUnusedVariable | Success | | 0.533 |
testUnusedVariable1 | Success | | 0.523 |
testUnusedVariable2 | Success | | 0.520 |
testUnusedParam | Success | | 0.547 |
testUnusedPrivateMethod | Success | | 0.520 |
testUnusedPrivateConstructor | Success | | 0.525 |
testUnusedPrivateType | Success | | 0.517 |
testUnnecessaryCast1 | Success | | 0.517 |
testUnnecessaryCast2 | Success | | 0.521 |
testUnnecessaryCast3 | Success | | 0.521 |
testSuperfluousSemicolon | Success | | 0.570 |
testIndirectStaticAccess1 | Success | | 0.550 |
testIndirectStaticAccess2 | Success | | 0.541 |
testUnusedImports | Success | | 0.547 |
testUnusedImportsInDefaultPackage | Success | | 0.513 |
testUnusedImportOnDemand | Success | | 0.518 |
testCollidingImports | Success | | 0.523 |
testWrongPackageStatement | Success | | 0.566 |
testWrongPackageStatementFromDefault | Success | | 0.530 |
testWrongDefaultPackageStatement | Success | | 0.543 |
testWrongPackageStatementButColliding | Success | | 0.528 |
testWrongTypeName | Success | | 0.530 |
testWrongTypeNameButColliding | Success | | 0.548 |
testWrongTypeNameWithConstructor | Success | | 0.521 |
testStaticMethodRequestedInSameType1 | Success | | 0.519 |
testStaticMethodRequestedInSameType2 | Success | | 0.569 |
testStaticMethodRequestedInOtherType | Success | | 0.523 |
testInvisibleMethodRequestedInSuperType | Success | | 0.528 |
testInvisibleSuperMethodRequestedInSuperType | Success | | 0.520 |
testInvisibleMethodRequestedInOtherPackage | Success | | 0.531 |
testInvisibleConstructorRequestedInOtherType | Success | | 0.529 |
testInvisibleConstructorRequestedInSuperType | Success | | 0.522 |
testInvisibleFieldRequestedInSamePackage1 | Success | | 0.529 |
testInvisibleFieldRequestedInSamePackage2 | Success | | 0.520 |
testNonStaticMethodRequestedInConstructor | Success | | 0.538 |
testNonStaticFieldRequestedInConstructor | Success | | 0.512 |
testInvisibleTypeRequestedInDifferentPackage | Success | | 0.532 |
testInvisibleTypeRequestedFromSuperClass | Success | | 0.527 |
testInvisibleImport | Success | | 0.528 |
testAbstractMethodWithBody | Success | | 0.520 |
testAbstractMethodInNonAbstractClass | Success | | 0.523 |
testNativeMethodWithBody | Success | | 0.521 |
testOuterLocalMustBeFinal | Success | | 0.522 |
testOuterParameterMustBeFinal | Success | | 0.526 |
testOuterForParamMustBeFinal | Success | | 0.518 |
testMethodRequiresBody | Success | | 0.513 |
testMethodRequiresBody2 | Success | | 0.521 |
testNeedToEmulateMethodAccess | Success | | 0.519 |
testNeedToEmulateConstructorAccess | Success | | 0.519 |
testNeedToEmulateFieldRead | Success | | 0.522 |
testNeedToEmulateFieldWrite | Success | | 0.521 |
testAssignToLocal | Success | | 0.537 |
testAssignToLocal2 | Success | | 0.520 |
testAssignToLocal3 | Success | | 0.529 |
testAssignToLocal4 | Success | | 0.530 |
testAssignToLocal2CursorAtEnd | Success | | 0.520 |
testReplaceCatchClauseWithThrowsWithFinally | Success | | 0.519 |
testReplaceSingleCatchClauseWithThrows | Success | | 0.574 |
testUnwrapForLoop | Success | | 0.522 |
testUnwrapDoStatement | Success | | 0.516 |
testUnwrapWhileLoop2Statements | Success | | 0.529 |
testUnwrapIfStatement | Success | | 0.521 |
testUnwrapTryStatement | Success | | 0.569 |
testUnwrapAnonymous | Success | | 0.521 |
testUnwrapBlock | Success | | 0.510 |
testUnwrapParanthesis | Success | | 0.519 |
testUnwrapMethodInvocation | Success | | 0.518 |
testQuickFix | Success | | 3.426 |
testQuickFixAfterModification | Success | | 0.950 |
testBasicSet | Success | | 0.067 |
testBasicCreate | Success | | 0.060 |
testProjectChange | Success | | 0.028 |
testUserSet | Success | | 0.002 |
testUserCreate | Success | | 0.157 |
testReadExisting | Success | | 0.025 |
testExistingOverwrite | Success | | 0.046 |
test0 | Success | | 0.165 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.002 |
test3 | Success | | 0.001 |
test4 | Success | | 0.001 |
test5 | Success | | 0.012 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.000 |
test8 | Success | | 0.001 |
test9 | Success | | 0.000 |
test10 | Success | | 0.001 |
test11 | Success | | 0.000 |
test12 | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.002 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.001 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test5 | Success | | 0.000 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetChildrenProjectWithSourceFolders | Success | | 7.125 |
testGetChildrentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.894 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 0.883 |
testGetChildrenMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 1.077 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.779 |
testGetChildrenSourceFolder | Success | | 0.885 |
testGetChildrenArchive | Success | | 0.896 |
testGetParentArchive | Success | | 1.136 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.920 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.903 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragment | Success | | 0.961 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.959 |
testDeleteBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 2.650 |
testAddBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 0.842 |
testChangedTopLevelPackageFragment | Success | | 0.879 |
testChangeBottomLevelPackageFragment | Success | | 0.828 |
testRemoveCUsFromPackageFragment | Success | | 0.972 |
testRemoveCUFromPackageFragment | Success | | 1.261 |
testGetChildrenProject | Success | | 0.566 |
testGetChildrentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.670 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 0.705 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentWithCU | Success | | 0.673 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentFile | Success | | 0.641 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment2 | Success | | 0.668 |
testGetChildrenMidLevelFragmentInInternalArchive | Success | | 0.678 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentInInternalArchive | Success | | 0.660 |
testGetParentArchive | Success | | 0.724 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.684 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.663 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragment | Success | | 0.667 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.710 |
testGetChildrenProjectWithSourceFolders | Success | | 0.939 |
testGetChildrentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.966 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 1.017 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentWithCU | Success | | 0.903 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.841 |
testGetChildrenSource | Success | | 0.874 |
testGetChildrenArchive | Success | | 1.065 |
testGetParentArchive | Success | | 0.874 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.861 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragment | Success | | 0.887 |
testGetParentFoldedBottomFragment | Success | | 0.825 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.917 |
testDeleteBottomLevelFragmentFolding | Success | | 1.551 |
testAddBottomLevelFragmentFolding | Success | | 0.837 |
testChangedTopLevelPackageFragmentFolding | Success | | 0.862 |
testChangeBottomLevelPackageFragmentFolding | Success | | 0.848 |
testRemoveCUsFromPackageFragment | Success | | 0.899 |
testRemoveCUFromPackageFragment | Success | | 0.926 |
testGetChildrenProject | Success | | 0.778 |
testGetChildrenDefaultProject | Success | | 0.625 |
testGetChildrentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.680 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 0.674 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentWithCU | Success | | 0.675 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmenWithCU2 | Success | | 0.672 |
testGetChildrenMidLevelFragmentInInternalArchive | Success | | 0.710 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentInInternalArchive | Success | | 0.689 |
testGetParentArchive | Success | | 0.670 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.822 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.713 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragment | Success | | 0.722 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.653 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment2 | Success | | 0.694 |
testGetChildrenProjectWithSourceFolders | Success | | 1.002 |
testGetChildrentMidLevelFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.843 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragment | Success | | 0.839 |
testGetChildrenLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.877 |
testGetChildrenLogicalPackage2 | Success | | 0.861 |
testGetChildrenMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.852 |
testGetChildrenBottomLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.976 |
testGetChildrenSourceFolder | Success | | 1.036 |
testGetChildrenArchive | Success | | 0.909 |
testGetParentArchive | Success | | 0.874 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.859 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragmentInArchive | Success | | 0.866 |
testGetParentTopLevelLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.874 |
testGetParentPackageFragmentWithLogicalPackageParent | Success | | 0.865 |
testGetParentOfLogicalPackagetWithLogicalPackageParent | Success | | 0.842 |
testGetParentPFwithProjectFocus | Success | | 0.941 |
testGetParentWithRootFocusAfterProjectFocus | Success | | 1.015 |
testGetParentTopLevelFragment | Success | | 1.023 |
testGetParentMidLevelFragment | Success | | 0.915 |
testRemoveTopLevelFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 1.058 |
testRemoveBottomLevelFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.550 |
testRemoveFragmentInMultiFragmentLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.595 |
testRemoveBottomLevelFragmentInMultiFragmentLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.484 |
testRemoveFragmentInTwoFragmentLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.521 |
testAddTopLevelFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.559 |
testAddFragmentToLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.527 |
testAddCUFromFragmentNotLogicalPackageVisible | Success | | 0.525 |
testAddCUFromFragmentNotLogicalPackageNotVisible | Success | | 0.536 |
testRemoveCUFromFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.546 |
testRemoveCUFromFragmentNotLogicalPackageWithParentNotVisible | Success | | 0.554 |
testAddBottomLevelFragmentNotLogicalPackage | Success | | 0.544 |
testGetChildrenOfCalleeRoot | Success | | 1.300 |
testGetChildrenOfCallerRoot | Success | | 1.338 |
testGetChildrenOfCallerMaxDepth | Success | | 1.122 |
testGetChildrenOfCalleeMaxDepth | Success | | 0.919 |
testGetChildrenOfCalleeRecursive | Success | | 0.869 |
testGetChildrenOfCallerRecursive | Success | | 1.140 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
test0 | Success | | 1.114 |
test1 | Success | | 0.566 |
test2 | Success | | 0.515 |
test3 | Success | | 0.537 |
test4 | Success | | 0.566 |
test5 | Success | | 0.529 |
test6 | Success | | 0.579 |
test7 | Success | | 0.559 |
test8 | Success | | 0.568 |
test9 | Success | | 0.570 |
test10 | Success | | 0.568 |
test11 | Success | | 0.520 |
test12 | Success | | 0.520 |
test13 | Success | | 0.587 |
test14 | Success | | 0.568 |
test15 | Success | | 0.566 |
test16 | Success | | 0.532 |
test17 | Success | | 0.570 |
test18 | Success | | 0.567 |
test19 | Success | | 0.568 |
test20 | Success | | 0.512 |
test21 | Success | | 0.561 |
test22 | Success | | 0.561 |
test23 | Success | | 0.569 |
test24 | Success | | 0.560 |
test25 | Success | | 0.567 |
test26 | Success | | 0.558 |
test27 | Success | | 0.567 |
test28 | Success | | 0.579 |
test29 | Success | | 0.557 |
test30 | Success | | 0.559 |
test31 | Success | | 0.560 |
test32 | Success | | 0.654 |
test33 | Success | | 0.560 |
test34 | Success | | 0.569 |
test35 | Success | | 0.574 |
test36 | Success | | 0.568 |
test37 | Success | | 0.567 |
test38 | Success | | 0.582 |
test39 | Success | | 0.561 |
test40 | Success | | 0.559 |
testZeroLength0 | Success | | 0.558 |
testWholeCu | Success | | 0.559 |
testOffset0 | Success | | 0.563 |
testOffset1 | Success | | 0.564 |
testOffset2 | Success | | 0.569 |
testTabCount0 | Success | | 0.548 |
testTabCount1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testTabCount2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTabCount3 | Success | | 0.001 |
testPrevious0 | Success | | 0.624 |
testPrevious1 | Success | | 0.571 |
testPrevious2 | Success | | 0.563 |
testPrevious3 | Success | | 0.539 |
testPrevious4 | Success | | 0.563 |
testPrevious5 | Success | | 0.563 |
testPrevious6 | Success | | 0.565 |
testNext0 | Success | | 0.594 |
testNext1 | Success | | 0.566 |
testNext2 | Success | | 0.566 |
testNext3 | Success | | 0.563 |
test0 | Success | | 0.002 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3a | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4a | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.002 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test1a | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.001 |
test2a | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test5 | Success | | 0.001 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.000 |
test8 | Success | | 0.000 |
test9 | Success | | 0.001 |
test10 | Success | | 0.000 |
test11 | Success | | 0.000 |
test12 | Success | | 0.000 |
test13 | Success | | 0.001 |
test14 | Success | | 0.000 |
test54 | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.010 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.000 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test5 | Success | | 0.001 |
test0 | Success | | 0.000 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test5 | Success | | 0.000 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.000 |
test1 | Success | | 0.003 |
test2 | Success | | 0.006 |
test3 | Success | | 0.003 |
test4 | Success | | 0.003 |
test010 | Success | | 0.091 |
test011 | Success | | 0.017 |
test012 | Success | | 0.012 |
test013 | Success | | 0.011 |
test014 | Success | | 0.005 |
test020 | Success | | 0.009 |
test021 | Success | | 0.014 |
test022 | Success | | 0.006 |
test030 | Success | | 0.012 |
test031 | Success | | 0.009 |
test040 | Success | | 0.012 |
test041 | Success | | 0.011 |
test042 | Success | | 0.010 |
test043 | Success | | 0.010 |
test044 | Success | | 0.010 |
test045 | Success | | 0.009 |
test046 | Success | | 0.007 |
test047 | Success | | 0.012 |
test048 | Success | | 0.096 |
test050 | Success | | 0.007 |
test051 | Success | | 0.006 |
test052 | Success | | 0.011 |
test060 | Success | | 0.013 |
test061 | Success | | 0.009 |
test062 | Success | | 0.007 |
test063 | Success | | 0.160 |
test070 | Success | | 0.009 |
test071 | Success | | 0.027 |
test072 | Success | | 0.011 |
test073 | Success | | 0.014 |
test080 | Success | | 0.013 |
test081 | Success | | 0.007 |
test082 | Success | | 0.006 |
test083 | Success | | 0.007 |
test084 | Success | | 0.071 |
test085 | Success | | 0.020 |
test090 | Success | | 0.006 |
test091 | Success | | 0.008 |
test092 | Success | | 0.006 |
test093 | Success | | 0.032 |
test094 | Success | | 0.006 |
test095 | Success | | 0.033 |
test096 | Success | | 0.011 |
test100 | Success | | 0.011 |
test101 | Success | | 0.006 |
test102 | Success | | 0.015 |
test103 | Success | | 0.006 |
test104 | Success | | 0.049 |
test105 | Success | | 0.012 |
test106 | Success | | 0.013 |
test107 | Success | | 0.085 |
test108 | Success | | 0.005 |
test109 | Success | | 0.014 |
test110 | Success | | 0.005 |
test111 | Success | | 0.018 |
test112 | Success | | 0.014 |
test113 | Success | | 0.006 |
test114 | Success | | 0.006 |
test115 | Success | | 0.006 |
test120 | Success | | 0.013 |
test121 | Success | | 0.036 |
test122 | Success | | 0.008 |
test123 | Success | | 0.007 |
test130 | Success | | 0.009 |
test131 | Success | | 0.007 |
test140 | Success | | 0.034 |
test141 | Success | | 0.008 |
test142 | Success | | 0.009 |
test143 | Success | | 0.010 |
test144 | Success | | 0.006 |
test145 | Success | | 0.009 |
test146 | Success | | 0.029 |
test147 | Success | | 0.038 |
test148 | Success | | 0.007 |
test149 | Success | | 0.012 |
test150 | Success | | 0.009 |
test151 | Success | | 0.006 |
test152 | Success | | 0.008 |
test153 | Success | | 0.008 |
test160 | Success | | 0.005 |
test161 | Success | | 0.006 |
test170 | Success | | 0.021 |
test171 | Success | | 0.011 |
test172 | Success | | 0.009 |
test173 | Success | | 0.014 |
test180 | Success | | 0.006 |
test181 | Success | | 0.008 |
test190 | Success | | 0.009 |
test191 | Success | | 0.013 |
test200 | Success | | 0.027 |
test201 | Success | | 0.008 |
test202 | Success | | 0.012 |
test203 | Success | | 0.008 |
test230 | Success | | 0.008 |
test231 | Success | | 0.013 |
test232 | Success | | 0.013 |
test233 | Success | | 0.007 |
test234 | Success | | 0.007 |
test235 | Success | | 0.010 |
test240 | Success | | 0.016 |
test241 | Success | | 0.026 |
test244 | Success | | 0.010 |
test245 | Success | | 0.019 |
test246 | Success | | 0.010 |
test247 | Success | | 0.016 |
test248 | Success | | 0.010 |
test249 | Success | | 0.014 |
test250 | Success | | 0.009 |
test251 | Success | | 0.006 |
test252 | Success | | 0.010 |
test253 | Success | | 0.007 |
test254 | Success | | 0.006 |
test255 | Success | | 0.009 |
test260 | Success | | 0.009 |
test261 | Success | | 0.026 |
test262 | Success | | 0.007 |
test263 | Success | | 0.009 |
test270 | Success | | 0.007 |
test271 | Success | | 0.009 |
test272 | Success | | 0.009 |
test273 | Success | | 0.008 |
test274 | Success | | 0.008 |
test275 | Success | | 0.007 |
test280 | Success | | 0.010 |
test281 | Success | | 0.006 |
test282 | Success | | 0.007 |
test283 | Success | | 0.007 |
test284 | Success | | 0.007 |
test285 | Success | | 0.007 |
test300 | Success | | 0.011 |
test301 | Success | | 0.007 |
test302 | Success | | 0.007 |
test304 | Success | | 0.009 |
test305 | Success | | 0.016 |
test306 | Success | | 0.016 |
test307 | Success | | 0.010 |
test308 | Success | | 0.007 |
test309 | Success | | 0.020 |
test310 | Success | | 0.016 |
test311 | Success | | 0.029 |
test350 | Success | | 0.010 |
test351 | Success | | 0.008 |
test352 | Success | | 0.010 |
test353 | Success | | 0.007 |
test360 | Success | | 0.154 |
test361 | Success | | 0.048 |
test362 | Success | | 0.062 |
test363 | Success | | 0.163 |
test364 | Success | | 0.065 |
test365 | Success | | 0.054 |
test400 | Success | | 0.050 |
test401 | Success | | 0.059 |
test402 | Success | | 0.036 |
test403 | Success | | 0.053 |
test404 | Success | | 0.041 |
test406 | Success | | 0.038 |
test407 | Success | | 0.078 |
test409 | Success | | 0.067 |
test450 | Success | | 0.066 |
test451 | Success | | 0.062 |
test452 | Success | | 0.047 |
test453 | Success | | 0.059 |
test454 | Success | | 0.052 |
test455 | Success | | 0.055 |
test456 | Success | | 0.045 |
test457 | Success | | 0.049 |
test458 | Success | | 0.050 |
test459 | Success | | 0.057 |
test460 | Success | | 0.046 |
test461 | Success | | 0.043 |
test462 | Success | | 0.046 |
test500 | Success | | 0.051 |
test501 | Success | | 0.041 |
test502 | Success | | 0.034 |
test503 | Success | | 0.039 |
test504 | Success | | 0.042 |
test505 | Success | | 0.040 |
test506 | Success | | 0.050 |
test507 | Success | | 0.038 |
test508 | Success | | 0.043 |
test509 | Success | | 0.053 |
test510 | Success | | 0.034 |
test511 | Success | | 0.034 |
test512 | Success | | 0.040 |
test513 | Success | | 0.041 |
test514 | Success | | 0.063 |
test515 | Success | | 0.056 |
test516 | Success | | 0.034 |
test517 | Success | | 0.037 |
test518 | Success | | 0.035 |
test519 | Success | | 0.045 |
test520 | Success | | 0.043 |
test521 | Success | | 0.042 |
test522 | Success | | 0.041 |
test523 | Success | | 0.036 |
test524 | Success | | 0.046 |
test525 | Success | | 0.060 |
test526 | Success | | 0.053 |
test527 | Success | | 0.036 |
test528 | Success | | 0.046 |
test530 | Success | | 0.046 |
test531 | Success | | 0.040 |
test532 | Success | | 0.034 |
test533 | Success | | 0.038 |
test534 | Success | | 0.046 |
test535 | Success | | 0.060 |
test536 | Success | | 0.038 |
test537 | Success | | 0.054 |
test538 | Success | | 0.040 |
test539 | Success | | 0.033 |
test540 | Success | | 0.036 |
test541 | Success | | 0.056 |
test542 | Success | | 0.034 |
test543 | Success | | 0.037 |
test550 | Success | | 0.047 |
test551 | Success | | 0.047 |
test552 | Success | | 0.054 |
test553 | Success | | 0.040 |
test554 | Success | | 0.051 |
test555 | Success | | 0.045 |
test556 | Success | | 0.032 |
test557 | Success | | 0.599 |
test558 | Success | | 0.037 |
test559 | Success | | 0.036 |
test560 | Success | | 0.050 |
test561 | Success | | 0.037 |
test562 | Success | | 0.035 |
test563 | Success | | 0.034 |
test564 | Success | | 0.034 |
test565 | Success | | 0.040 |
test566 | Success | | 0.036 |
test567 | Success | | 0.042 |
test568 | Success | | 0.043 |
test569 | Success | | 0.042 |
test600 | Success | | 0.034 |
test601 | Success | | 0.110 |
test602 | Success | | 0.043 |
test603 | Success | | 0.063 |
test604 | Success | | 0.040 |
test605 | Success | | 0.037 |
test606 | Success | | 0.051 |
test607 | Success | | 0.033 |
test608 | Success | | 0.042 |
test609 | Success | | 0.035 |
test610 | Success | | 0.034 |
test611 | Success | | 0.043 |
test612 | Success | | 0.031 |
test613 | Success | | 0.045 |
test614 | Success | | 0.050 |
test615 | Success | | 0.035 |
test616 | Success | | 0.048 |
test617 | Success | | 0.035 |
test618 | Success | | 0.052 |
test619 | Success | | 0.031 |
test620 | Success | | 0.042 |
test621 | Success | | 0.032 |
test622 | Success | | 0.035 |
test650 | Success | | 0.039 |
test651 | Success | | 0.030 |
test652 | Success | | 0.037 |
test653 | Success | | 0.028 |
test654 | Success | | 0.032 |
test700 | Success | | 0.038 |
test701 | Success | | 0.035 |
test702 | Success | | 0.057 |
test703 | Success | | 0.033 |
test704 | Success | | 0.034 |
test705 | Success | | 0.035 |
test706 | Success | | 0.031 |
test707 | Success | | 0.032 |
test708 | Success | | 0.031 |
test709 | Success | | 0.031 |
test710 | Success | | 0.037 |
test711 | Success | | 0.035 |
test712 | Success | | 0.034 |
test713 | Success | | 0.036 |
test714 | Success | | 0.037 |
test715 | Success | | 0.041 |
test716 | Success | | 0.033 |
test717 | Success | | 0.031 |
test718 | Success | | 0.030 |
test719 | Success | | 0.031 |
test720 | Success | | 0.048 |
test721 | Success | | 0.032 |
test722 | Success | | 0.038 |
test723 | Success | | 0.030 |
test724 | Success | | 0.038 |
test725 | Success | | 0.035 |
test726 | Success | | 0.033 |
test727 | Success | | 0.048 |
test728 | Success | | 0.037 |
test750 | Success | | 0.032 |
test751 | Success | | 0.031 |
test752 | Success | | 0.030 |
test753 | Success | | 0.030 |
test754 | Success | | 0.030 |
test755 | Success | | 0.051 |
test800 | Success | | 0.032 |
test801 | Success | | 0.030 |
test802 | Success | | 0.032 |
test900 | Success | | 0.006 |
test901 | Success | | 0.006 |
test902 | Success | | 0.010 |
test903 | Success | | 0.035 |
test904 | Success | | 0.040 |
test950 | Success | | 0.034 |
test951 | Success | | 0.034 |
test952 | Success | | 0.036 |
test953 | Success | | 0.044 |
test954 | Success | | 0.039 |
test2001 | Success | | 0.058 |
test2002 | Success | | 0.044 |
test2003 | Success | | 0.035 |
test2004 | Success | | 0.035 |
test2005 | Success | | 0.034 |
testRecursion | Success | | 0.025 |
testFieldInitializer | Success | | 0.558 |
testLocalInitializer | Success | | 0.569 |
testInterruptedStatement | Success | | 0.557 |
testMultiLocal | Success | | 0.549 |
testComplexBody | Success | | 0.550 |
testCompileError1 | Success | | 0.008 |
testCompileError2 | Success | | 0.004 |
testCompileError3 | Success | | 0.007 |
testBasic1 | Success | | 0.518 |
testBasic2 | Success | | 0.574 |
testEmptyBody | Success | | 0.570 |
testPrimitiveArray | Success | | 0.579 |
testTypeArray | Success | | 0.553 |
testInitializer | Success | | 0.570 |
testSuper | Success | | 0.569 |
testFieldReference | Success | | 0.570 |
testLocalReferenceUnused | Success | | 0.571 |
testLocalReferenceRead | Success | | 0.589 |
testLocalReferenceRead2 | Success | | 0.572 |
testLocalReferenceWrite | Success | | 0.579 |
testLocalReferenceLoop | Success | | 0.577 |
testLocalReferencePrefix | Success | | 0.037 |
testLiteralReferenceRead | Success | | 0.514 |
testLiteralReferenceWrite | Success | | 0.575 |
testParameterNameUsed1 | Success | | 0.580 |
testParameterNameUsed2 | Success | | 0.579 |
testParameterNameUsed3 | Success | | 0.584 |
testParameterNameUsed4 | Success | | 0.524 |
testParameterNameUnused1 | Success | | 0.569 |
testParameterNameUnused2 | Success | | 0.581 |
testParameterNameUnused3 | Success | | 0.587 |
testOneRead | Success | | 0.568 |
testTwoReads | Success | | 0.573 |
testWrite | Success | | 0.570 |
testSameLocal | Success | | 0.571 |
testSameType | Success | | 0.580 |
testSameTypeAfter | Success | | 0.571 |
testSameTypeInSibling | Success | | 0.596 |
testLocalInType | Success | | 0.573 |
testFieldInType | Success | | 0.582 |
testSwitchStatement | Success | | 0.575 |
testBlocks | Success | | 0.032 |
testExpressionStatement | Success | | 0.509 |
testExpressionStatementWithReturn | Success | | 0.579 |
testStatementWithFunction1 | Success | | 0.569 |
testStatementWithFunction2 | Success | | 0.573 |
testParenthesis | Success | | 0.582 |
testSimpleExpression | Success | | 0.577 |
testSimpleExpressionWithStatements | Success | | 0.585 |
testSimpleBody | Success | | 0.577 |
testAssignment | Success | | 0.575 |
testReturnStatement | Success | | 0.570 |
testForEmpty | Success | | 0.576 |
testForOne | Success | | 0.585 |
testForTwo | Success | | 0.581 |
testIfThenTwo | Success | | 0.568 |
testIfElseTwo | Success | | 0.573 |
testForAssignmentOne | Success | | 0.580 |
testForAssignmentTwo | Success | | 0.569 |
testNoImplicitReceiver | Success | | 0.600 |
testNameThisReceiver | Success | | 0.568 |
testNameImplicitReceiver | Success | | 0.575 |
testExpressionZeroImplicitReceiver | Success | | 0.581 |
testExpressionOneImplicitReceiver | Success | | 0.578 |
testExpressionTwoImplicitReceiver | Success | | 0.582 |
testStaticReceiver | Success | | 0.576 |
testReceiverWithStatic | Success | | 0.569 |
testThisExpression | Success | | 0.578 |
testUseArray | Success | | 0.537 |
testUseInArgument | Success | | 0.599 |
testUseInClassLiteral | Success | | 0.584 |
testUseInDecl | Success | | 0.584 |
testUseInDecl2 | Success | | 0.578 |
testUseInDecl3 | Success | | 0.577 |
testUseInDeclClash | Success | | 0.582 |
testUseInLocalClass | Success | | 0.592 |
testNotOverloaded | Success | | 0.588 |
testOverloadedPrimitives | Success | | 0.589 |
testNotCastableOverloaded | Success | | 0.571 |
testOverloaded | Success | | 0.578 |
testHierarchyOverloadedPrimitives | Success | | 0.577 |
testHierarchyOverloaded | Success | | 0.576 |
testHierarchyOverloadedPrivate | Success | | 0.581 |
testPostfixExpression | Success | | 0.625 |
testInvalidOverwrite | Success | | 0.555 |
testPrefixInt | Success | | 0.563 |
testPrefixBoolean | Success | | 0.558 |
testPostfixInt | Success | | 0.568 |
testThisExpression | Success | | 0.565 |
testThisExpressionInner | Success | | 0.585 |
testSimpleRead | Success | | 0.571 |
testSimpleWrite | Success | | 0.573 |
testSimpleReadWrite | Success | | 0.589 |
testNestedRead | Success | | 0.573 |
testArrayRead | Success | | 0.566 |
testSetterInAssignment | Success | | 0.567 |
testSetterInExpression | Success | | 0.576 |
testSetterInInitialization | Success | | 0.575 |
testSetterAsReceiver | Success | | 0.573 |
testCompoundWrite | Success | | 0.581 |
testCompoundWrite2 | Success | | 0.584 |
testCompoundWrite3 | Success | | 0.583 |
testFinalField | Success | | 0.557 |
test0 | Success | | 0.609 |
test1 | Success | | 0.561 |
test2 | Success | | 0.509 |
test3 | Success | | 0.561 |
test4 | Success | | 0.518 |
test5 | Success | | 0.562 |
test6 | Success | | 0.558 |
test7 | Success | | 0.520 |
test8 | Success | | 0.560 |
test9 | Success | | 0.560 |
test10 | Success | | 0.560 |
test11 | Success | | 0.560 |
test12 | Success | | 0.561 |
test13 | Success | | 0.559 |
test14 | Success | | 0.536 |
test15 | Success | | 0.001 |
test16 | Success | | 0.562 |
test17 | Success | | 0.512 |
test18 | Success | | 0.559 |
test19 | Success | | 0.550 |
test20 | Success | | 0.560 |
test21 | Success | | 0.560 |
test22 | Success | | 0.560 |
test23 | Success | | 0.561 |
test24 | Success | | 0.559 |
test25 | Success | | 0.560 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.545 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.567 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.545 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.562 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.550 |
test0 | Success | | 0.612 |
test1 | Success | | 0.510 |
test2 | Success | | 0.511 |
test3 | Success | | 0.512 |
test4 | Success | | 0.517 |
test5 | Success | | 0.519 |
test6 | Success | | 0.511 |
test7 | Success | | 0.511 |
test8 | Success | | 0.520 |
test9 | Success | | 0.572 |
test10 | Success | | 0.517 |
test11 | Success | | 0.512 |
test12 | Success | | 0.518 |
test13 | Success | | 0.519 |
test14 | Success | | 0.584 |
test15 | Success | | 0.517 |
test16 | Success | | 0.511 |
test17 | Success | | 0.519 |
test18 | Success | | 0.519 |
test19 | Success | | 0.511 |
test21 | Success | | 0.512 |
test23 | Success | | 0.521 |
test25 | Success | | 0.518 |
test26 | Success | | 0.529 |
test27 | Success | | 0.569 |
test28 | Success | | 0.514 |
test29 | Success | | 0.518 |
test30 | Success | | 0.527 |
test31 | Success | | 0.512 |
test32 | Success | | 0.515 |
test33 | Success | | 0.518 |
test34 | Success | | 0.536 |
test35 | Success | | 0.520 |
test36 | Success | | 0.521 |
test37 | Success | | 0.520 |
test38 | Success | | 0.519 |
test39 | Success | | 0.511 |
test40 | Success | | 0.510 |
test41 | Success | | 0.549 |
test42 | Success | | 0.512 |
test43 | Success | | 0.510 |
test44 | Success | | 0.568 |
test45 | Success | | 0.510 |
test46 | Success | | 0.560 |
test47 | Success | | 0.559 |
test48 | Success | | 0.512 |
test49 | Success | | 0.512 |
test50 | Success | | 0.518 |
test51 | Success | | 0.510 |
test52 | Success | | 0.540 |
test53 | Success | | 0.519 |
test54 | Success | | 0.530 |
test55 | Success | | 0.519 |
test56 | Success | | 0.550 |
test57 | Success | | 0.520 |
test58 | Success | | 0.512 |
test59 | Success | | 0.521 |
test60 | Success | | 0.569 |
test61 | Success | | 0.510 |
test62 | Success | | 0.519 |
test63 | Success | | 0.521 |
test64 | Success | | 0.519 |
test65 | Success | | 0.510 |
test66 | Success | | 0.510 |
test67 | Success | | 0.520 |
test68 | Success | | 0.513 |
test69 | Success | | 0.565 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.560 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.564 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.545 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.557 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.537 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.545 |
testFail21 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail22 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail23 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail24 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail25 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail26 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail27 | Success | | 0.558 |
testFail28 | Success | | 0.560 |
test0 | Success | | 0.652 |
test1 | Success | | 0.559 |
test3 | Success | | 0.560 |
test4 | Success | | 0.563 |
test5 | Success | | 0.557 |
test6 | Success | | 0.560 |
test7 | Success | | 0.560 |
test11 | Success | | 0.560 |
test12 | Success | | 0.563 |
test13 | Success | | 0.557 |
test14 | Success | | 0.564 |
test16 | Success | | 0.556 |
test18 | Success | | 0.563 |
test19 | Success | | 0.509 |
test20 | Success | | 0.559 |
test21 | Success | | 0.560 |
test22 | Success | | 0.519 |
test24 | Success | | 0.562 |
test25 | Success | | 0.558 |
test26 | Success | | 0.560 |
test28 | Success | | 0.561 |
test29 | Success | | 0.559 |
test30 | Success | | 0.563 |
test31 | Success | | 0.559 |
test32 | Success | | 0.560 |
test33 | Success | | 0.558 |
test34 | Success | | 0.560 |
test35 | Success | | 0.563 |
test36 | Success | | 0.557 |
test37 | Success | | 0.562 |
test38 | Success | | 0.566 |
test39 | Success | | 0.513 |
test40 | Success | | 0.562 |
test41 | Success | | 0.556 |
test42 | Success | | 0.560 |
test43 | Success | | 0.560 |
test44 | Success | | 0.561 |
test45 | Success | | 0.564 |
test46 | Success | | 0.567 |
test47 | Success | | 0.559 |
test48 | Success | | 0.510 |
test49 | Success | | 0.562 |
test50 | Success | | 0.557 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.556 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail15 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail16 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail22 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail24 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail25 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail26 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail27 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail28 | Success | | 0.558 |
testFail29 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail30 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail31 | Success | | 0.542 |
test0 | Success | | 0.593 |
test1 | Success | | 0.511 |
test2 | Success | | 0.511 |
test3 | Success | | 0.569 |
test4 | Success | | 0.520 |
test5 | Success | | 0.520 |
test6 | Success | | 0.520 |
test7 | Success | | 0.510 |
test8 | Success | | 0.511 |
test9 | Success | | 0.510 |
test10 | Success | | 0.536 |
test11 | Success | | 0.513 |
test12 | Success | | 0.513 |
test13 | Success | | 0.517 |
test14 | Success | | 0.519 |
test15 | Success | | 0.511 |
test16 | Success | | 0.570 |
test17 | Success | | 0.510 |
test18 | Success | | 0.510 |
test19 | Success | | 0.512 |
test20 | Success | | 0.568 |
test21 | Success | | 0.559 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.523 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.509 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.541 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail15 | Success | | 0.539 |
testGuessStringLiteral0 | Success | | 0.549 |
testGuessStringLiteral1 | Success | | 0.575 |
testGuessFromGetterName0 | Success | | 0.546 |
testGuessFromGetterName1 | Success | | 0.550 |
testEnablement0 | Success | | 0.656 |
testEnablement1 | Success | | 0.563 |
testEnablement2 | Success | | 0.544 |
testEnablement3 | Success | | 0.555 |
testEnablement4 | Success | | 0.545 |
testEnablement5 | Success | | 0.550 |
testEnablement6 | Success | | 0.550 |
testEnablement7 | Success | | 0.550 |
testEnablement8 | Success | | 0.550 |
testEnablement9 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.556 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.544 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.568 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.552 |
test0 | Success | | 0.557 |
test1 | Success | | 0.560 |
test2 | Success | | 0.559 |
test3 | Success | | 0.561 |
test4 | Success | | 0.548 |
test5 | Success | | 0.561 |
test6 | Success | | 0.559 |
test7 | Success | | 0.561 |
test8 | Success | | 0.561 |
test9 | Success | | 0.567 |
test10 | Success | | 0.567 |
test11 | Success | | 0.554 |
test12 | Success | | 0.559 |
test13 | Success | | 0.512 |
test14 | Success | | 0.510 |
test15 | Success | | 0.559 |
test16 | Success | | 0.559 |
test17 | Success | | 0.563 |
test18 | Success | | 0.544 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.632 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.550 |
test0 | Success | | 0.560 |
test1 | Success | | 0.560 |
test2 | Success | | 0.560 |
test3 | Success | | 0.560 |
test4 | Success | | 0.569 |
test5 | Success | | 0.560 |
test6 | Success | | 0.562 |
test7 | Success | | 0.558 |
test8 | Success | | 0.561 |
test9 | Success | | 0.559 |
test10 | Success | | 0.559 |
test11 | Success | | 0.561 |
test12 | Success | | 0.559 |
test13 | Success | | 0.561 |
test14 | Success | | 0.559 |
test15 | Success | | 0.512 |
test16 | Success | | 0.559 |
test17 | Success | | 0.560 |
test18 | Success | | 0.559 |
test19 | Success | | 0.563 |
test20 | Success | | 0.557 |
test0 | Success | | 1.304 |
test1 | Success | | 1.114 |
test2 | Success | | 0.570 |
test3 | Success | | 1.237 |
test4 | Success | | 1.099 |
test5 | Success | | 1.099 |
test6 | Success | | 0.558 |
test7 | Success | | 0.560 |
test8 | Success | | 1.118 |
test9 | Success | | 1.111 |
test10 | Success | | 0.522 |
test11 | Success | | 0.527 |
test12 | Success | | 1.067 |
test13 | Success | | 0.511 |
test14 | Error | N/A at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at at at at at at at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTest.getContents( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTest.getFileContents( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTest.createCUfromTestFile( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTest.createCUfromTestFile( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.InlineConstantTests.createCUs( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.InlineConstantTests.helper1( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.InlineConstantTests.helper1( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.InlineConstantTests.helper1( at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.InlineConstantTests.test14( at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeV( at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun( at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect( at at at at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.main( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runTests( at org.eclipse.test.UITestApplication.runEventLoop( at at at at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.invokeL( at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 0.695 |
test15 | Success | | 5.201 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.681 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFailAdd2 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFailAdd3 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFailAdd4 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFailDoAll5 | Success | | 0.573 |
testFailDoAll6 | Success | | 0.606 |
testFailDoAll7 | Success | | 0.588 |
test0 | Success | | 1.106 |
test1 | Success | | 1.100 |
test2 | Success | | 1.110 |
test3 | Success | | 1.107 |
test4 | Success | | 1.102 |
test5 | Success | | 1.101 |
test6 | Success | | 1.112 |
test7 | Success | | 1.108 |
test8 | Success | | 1.099 |
test9 | Success | | 1.100 |
test10 | Success | | 1.101 |
test11 | Success | | 1.109 |
test12 | Success | | 1.119 |
test13 | Success | | 1.121 |
test14 | Success | | 1.109 |
test15 | Success | | 1.101 |
test16 | Success | | 1.129 |
test17 | Success | | 1.140 |
test18 | Success | | 1.129 |
test19 | Success | | 1.121 |
test20 | Success | | 1.109 |
test21 | Success | | 1.121 |
test22 | Success | | 1.101 |
test23 | Success | | 1.099 |
test24 | Success | | 1.109 |
test25 | Success | | 1.110 |
test26 | Success | | 1.099 |
testRenameReorder26 | Success | | 1.101 |
testRenameReorder27 | Success | | 1.108 |
testAdd28 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAdd29 | Success | | 1.099 |
testAdd30 | Success | | 1.101 |
testAdd31 | Success | | 1.129 |
testAdd32 | Success | | 1.101 |
testAdd33 | Success | | 1.102 |
testAddReorderRename34 | Success | | 1.118 |
testAll35 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAll36 | Success | | 1.111 |
testAll37 | Success | | 1.118 |
testAll38 | Success | | 1.140 |
testAll39 | Success | | 1.130 |
testAll40 | Success | | 1.130 |
testAll41 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll42 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll43 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll44 | Success | | 0.536 |
testAll45 | Success | | 0.002 |
testAll46 | Success | | 1.103 |
testAll47 | Success | | 1.109 |
testAll48 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAll49 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll50 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAll51 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll52 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAll53 | Success | | 1.140 |
testAll54 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll55 | Success | | 1.200 |
testAll56 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAll57 | Success | | 1.122 |
test0 | Success | | 1.705 |
test1 | Success | | 1.650 |
test2 | Success | | 1.650 |
test3 | Success | | 1.650 |
test4 | Success | | 1.680 |
test5 | Success | | 1.670 |
test6 | Success | | 1.640 |
test7 | Success | | 1.641 |
test8 | Success | | 1.649 |
test9 | Success | | 1.640 |
test10 | Success | | 1.650 |
test11 | Success | | 1.640 |
test12 | Success | | 1.670 |
test13 | Success | | 1.650 |
test14 | Success | | 1.660 |
test15 | Success | | 0.001 |
test16 | Success | | 0.000 |
test17 | Success | | 0.001 |
test18 | Success | | 0.000 |
test19 | Success | | 1.648 |
test20 | Success | | 1.640 |
test21 | Success | | 1.650 |
test22 | Success | | 1.650 |
test23 | Success | | 1.650 |
test24 | Success | | 1.654 |
test25 | Success | | 1.646 |
test26 | Success | | 1.640 |
test27 | Success | | 1.650 |
test28 | Success | | 1.640 |
test29 | Success | | 1.647 |
test30 | Success | | 1.650 |
test31 | Success | | 1.650 |
test32 | Success | | 1.640 |
test33 | Success | | 1.650 |
test34 | Success | | 1.640 |
test35 | Success | | 1.640 |
test36 | Success | | 1.650 |
test37 | Success | | 1.650 |
test38 | Success | | 1.650 |
test39 | Success | | 1.660 |
test40 | Success | | 1.640 |
test41 | Success | | 1.640 |
test42 | Success | | 1.650 |
test43 | Success | | 1.640 |
testFail0 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail2 | Success | | 1.099 |
testFail3 | Success | | 1.101 |
testFail4 | Success | | 1.109 |
testFail5 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail6 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail7 | Success | | 1.080 |
testFail8 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail9 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail10 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail11 | Success | | 1.130 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail13 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail15 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail16 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail19 | Success | | 1.099 |
testFail20 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail21 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail22 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail23 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail24 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail25 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail26 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail27 | Success | | 1.092 |
testFail28 | Success | | 1.098 |
testField0 | Success | | 1.640 |
testFieldFail0 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFieldFail1 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFieldFail2 | Success | | 1.097 |
testFieldMethod0 | Success | | 1.647 |
testAddingRequiredMembers0 | Success | | 1.060 |
testAddingRequiredMembers1 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers2 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAddingRequiredMembers3 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers4 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers5 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers6 | Success | | 1.088 |
testAddingRequiredMembers7 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers8 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers9 | Success | | 1.110 |
testAddingRequiredMembers10 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers11 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers12 | Success | | 1.090 |
testEnablement0 | Success | | 0.543 |
testEnablement1 | Success | | 0.541 |
testEnablement2 | Success | | 0.540 |
testEnablement3 | Success | | 0.540 |
test0 | Success | | 1.715 |
test1 | Success | | 1.650 |
test2 | Success | | 2.020 |
test3 | Success | | 1.650 |
test4 | Success | | 1.660 |
test5 | Success | | 1.650 |
test6 | Success | | 1.640 |
test7 | Success | | 1.650 |
test8 | Success | | 1.650 |
test9 | Success | | 1.651 |
test10 | Success | | 1.659 |
test11 | Success | | 1.720 |
test12 | Success | | 1.640 |
test13 | Success | | 1.640 |
test14 | Success | | 1.640 |
test15 | Success | | 1.650 |
test16 | Success | | 1.650 |
test17 | Success | | 1.642 |
test18 | Success | | 1.658 |
test19 | Success | | 1.650 |
test20 | Success | | 2.254 |
test21 | Success | | 1.716 |
test22 | Success | | 1.650 |
test23 | Success | | 1.660 |
test24 | Success | | 1.650 |
test25 | Success | | 1.650 |
test26 | Success | | 1.640 |
test27 | Success | | 1.650 |
test28 | Success | | 1.650 |
testFail0 | Success | | 1.080 |
testFail1 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail2 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail3 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail4 | Success | | 1.099 |
testFail5 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail6 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail7 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail8 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail9 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail10 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail11 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail12 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail13 | Success | | 1.100 |
testAddingRequiredMembers0 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers1 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers2 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers3 | Success | | 1.102 |
testAddingRequiredMembers4 | Success | | 1.088 |
testAddingRequiredMembers5 | Success | | 1.091 |
testAddingRequiredMembers6 | Success | | 1.089 |
testAddingRequiredMembers7 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers8 | Success | | 1.090 |
testAddingRequiredMembers9 | Success | | 1.090 |
testEnablement0 | Success | | 0.545 |
testEnablement1 | Success | | 0.561 |
testEnablement2 | Success | | 0.548 |
testEnablement3 | Success | | 0.540 |
test0 | Success | | 1.746 |
test1 | Success | | 1.820 |
test2 | Success | | 1.660 |
test3 | Success | | 1.670 |
test4 | Success | | 1.680 |
test5 | Success | | 1.650 |
test6 | Success | | 1.670 |
test7 | Success | | 1.660 |
test8 | Success | | 1.672 |
test9 | Success | | 1.668 |
test10 | Success | | 1.660 |
test11 | Success | | 1.660 |
test12 | Success | | 1.660 |
test13 | Success | | 1.660 |
test14 | Success | | 1.670 |
test15 | Success | | 1.660 |
test16 | Success | | 1.660 |
test17 | Success | | 1.660 |
test18 | Success | | 1.660 |
test19 | Success | | 1.650 |
test20 | Success | | 1.670 |
test21 | Success | | 0.000 |
test22 | Success | | 0.001 |
test23 | Success | | 1.659 |
test24 | Success | | 1.650 |
test25 | Success | | 1.657 |
test26 | Success | | 1.662 |
testFail0 | Success | | 1.078 |
testFail1 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail2 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail3 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail4 | Success | | 1.070 |
testFail5 | Success | | 1.101 |
testFail6 | Success | | 1.109 |
testFail7 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail8 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail9 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail10 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail11 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail12 | Success | | 1.110 |
testFail13 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail14 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail15 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail16 | Success | | 1.112 |
testFail17 | Success | | 1.078 |
testFail18 | Success | | 1.080 |
testFail19 | Success | | 1.180 |
testFail20 | Success | | 1.091 |
testFail21 | Success | | 1.079 |
testFail22 | Success | | 1.082 |
testFail23 | Success | | 1.078 |
testFail24 | Success | | 1.080 |
test0 | Success | | 0.633 |
test1 | Success | | 0.567 |
test2 | Success | | 0.572 |
test3 | Success | | 0.519 |
test4 | Success | | 0.520 |
test5 | Success | | 0.521 |
test6 | Success | | 0.538 |
test7 | Success | | 0.012 |
test8 | Success | | 0.001 |
test9 | Success | | 0.576 |
test10 | Success | | 0.514 |
test11 | Success | | 0.535 |
test12 | Success | | 1.080 |
test13 | Success | | 1.110 |
test14 | Success | | 1.120 |
test15 | Success | | 1.121 |
test16 | Success | | 1.122 |
test17 | Success | | 1.127 |
test18 | Success | | 1.132 |
test19 | Success | | 1.120 |
test20 | Success | | 1.121 |
test22 | Success | | 1.059 |
test23 | Success | | 1.118 |
test24 | Success | | 1.080 |
test25 | Success | | 1.123 |
test26 | Success | | 1.117 |
test27 | Success | | 1.071 |
test28 | Success | | 0.540 |
test29 | Success | | 1.129 |
test30 | Success | | 1.142 |
test31 | Success | | 1.138 |
test32 | Success | | 1.122 |
test33 | Success | | 1.119 |
test34 | Success | | 1.070 |
test35 | Success | | 1.119 |
test36 | Success | | 1.079 |
test37 | Success | | 1.082 |
test38 | Success | | 1.136 |
test39 | Success | | 1.125 |
test40 | Success | | 1.126 |
test41 | Success | | 1.128 |
test42 | Success | | 1.122 |
test43 | Success | | 1.118 |
test44 | Success | | 1.133 |
test45 | Success | | 1.116 |
test46 | Success | | 1.132 |
test47 | Success | | 1.119 |
test48 | Success | | 1.153 |
test49 | Success | | 1.107 |
test50 | Success | | 1.121 |
test51 | Success | | 1.121 |
test52 | Success | | 1.128 |
test53 | Success | | 1.132 |
test54 | Success | | 1.103 |
test55 | Success | | 1.149 |
test56 | Success | | 1.151 |
test57 | Success | | 1.168 |
test58 | Success | | 1.077 |
test59 | Success | | 1.122 |
test60 | Success | | 1.118 |
test61 | Success | | 1.062 |
test62 | Success | | 1.129 |
test63 | Success | | 1.069 |
test64 | Success | | 1.147 |
test65 | Success | | 1.123 |
test66 | Success | | 1.120 |
test67 | Success | | 1.166 |
test68 | Success | | 1.099 |
test69 | Success | | 1.148 |
test70 | Success | | 1.059 |
test71 | Success | | 1.131 |
test72 | Success | | 1.100 |
test73 | Success | | 1.083 |
test74 | Success | | 1.098 |
test75 | Success | | 1.105 |
test76 | Success | | 1.137 |
test77 | Success | | 0.536 |
test78 | Success | | 1.141 |
test79 | Success | | 1.137 |
test80 | Success | | 1.082 |
test81 | Success | | 1.129 |
test82 | Success | | 1.119 |
test83 | Success | | 1.120 |
test84 | Success | | 1.140 |
test85 | Success | | 1.081 |
test86 | Success | | 1.143 |
test87 | Success | | 1.137 |
test88 | Success | | 1.139 |
test89 | Success | | 1.081 |
test90 | Success | | 1.141 |
test91 | Success | | 1.140 |
test92 | Success | | 1.128 |
test93 | Success | | 1.082 |
test94 | Success | | 1.132 |
test95 | Success | | 1.128 |
test96 | Success | | 1.118 |
test97 | Success | | 1.119 |
testPaperExample0 | Success | | 1.220 |
testPaperExample1 | Success | | 1.210 |
testPaperExampleSimplified0 | Success | | 1.130 |
testConstant80 | Success | | 1.120 |
testConstant81 | Success | | 1.120 |
testConstant82 | Success | | 1.121 |
testConstant83 | Success | | 1.128 |
testConstant84 | Success | | 1.181 |
testConstant85 | Success | | 1.082 |
testConstant86 | Success | | 1.117 |
testConstant87 | Success | | 1.109 |
testConstant88 | Success | | 1.071 |
testInterface0 | Success | | 1.113 |
testInterface1 | Success | | 1.108 |
testInterface2 | Success | | 1.061 |
testInterface3 | Success | | 1.078 |
testInterface4 | Success | | 0.541 |
testInterface5 | Success | | 1.118 |
testInterface6 | Success | | 1.120 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.548 |
test0 | Success | | 1.146 |
test1 | Success | | 1.106 |
test2 | Success | | 1.119 |
test3 | Success | | 1.110 |
test4 | Success | | 1.102 |
test5 | Success | | 1.127 |
test6 | Success | | 1.120 |
test7 | Success | | 1.113 |
test8 | Success | | 1.117 |
test9 | Success | | 0.541 |
test10 | Success | | 1.112 |
test11 | Success | | 1.119 |
test12 | Success | | 1.109 |
test13 | Success | | 1.121 |
test14 | Success | | 1.128 |
test15 | Success | | 1.146 |
test16 | Success | | 1.158 |
test17 | Success | | 1.118 |
test18 | Success | | 1.141 |
test19 | Success | | 0.537 |
test20 | Success | | 1.145 |
test21 | Success | | 1.134 |
test22 | Success | | 1.109 |
test23 | Success | | 1.113 |
test24 | Success | | 1.122 |
test25 | Success | | 1.114 |
test_nonstatic_0 | Success | | 1.130 |
test_nonstatic_1 | Success | | 1.121 |
test_nonstatic_2 | Success | | 1.118 |
test_nonstatic_3 | Success | | 1.132 |
test_nonstatic_4 | Success | | 1.117 |
test_nonstatic_5 | Success | | 1.122 |
test_nonstatic_6 | Success | | 1.108 |
test_nonstatic_7 | Success | | 1.159 |
test_nonstatic_8 | Success | | 1.122 |
test_nonstatic_9 | Success | | 1.118 |
test_nonstatic_10 | Success | | 1.132 |
test_nonstatic_11 | Success | | 1.115 |
test_nonstatic_12 | Success | | 1.682 |
test_nonstatic_13 | Success | | 1.125 |
test_nonstatic_14 | Success | | 0.536 |
test_nonstatic_15 | Success | | 1.118 |
test_nonstatic_16 | Success | | 1.119 |
test_nonstatic_17 | Success | | 0.533 |
test_nonstatic_18 | Success | | 1.127 |
test_nonstatic_19 | Success | | 1.112 |
test_nonstatic_20 | Success | | 1.118 |
test_nonstatic_21 | Success | | 1.121 |
test_nonstatic_22 | Success | | 1.119 |
test_nonstatic_23 | Success | | 1.154 |
test_nonstatic_24 | Success | | 1.116 |
test_nonstatic_25 | Success | | 1.111 |
test_nonstatic_26 | Success | | 1.125 |
test_nonstatic_27 | Success | | 1.127 |
test_nonstatic_28 | Success | | 0.540 |
test_nonstatic_29 | Success | | 0.001 |
test_nonstatic_30 | Success | | 1.126 |
test_nonstatic_31 | Success | | 1.121 |
test_nonstatic_32 | Success | | 1.119 |
test_nonstatic_33 | Success | | 1.120 |
test_nonstatic_34 | Success | | 1.164 |
test_nonstatic_35 | Success | | 1.117 |
test_nonstatic_36 | Success | | 1.140 |
test_nonstatic_37 | Success | | 1.119 |
test_nonstatic_38 | Success | | 1.120 |
test_nonstatic_39 | Success | | 1.121 |
testFail_nonstatic_0 | Success | | 0.560 |
testFail_nonstatic_1 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail_nonstatic_2 | Success | | 0.561 |
testNew0 | Success | | 1.138 |
testNew1 | Success | | 1.100 |
testNew2 | Success | | 0.556 |
testNew3 | Success | | 1.103 |
testNew4 | Success | | 0.578 |
testNew5 | Success | | 1.118 |
testNew6 | Success | | 1.108 |
testNew7 | Success | | 1.117 |
testNew8 | Success | | 1.120 |
testNew9 | Success | | 1.123 |
testNew10 | Success | | 1.113 |
testNew11 | Success | | 1.122 |
testNew12 | Success | | 1.126 |
testNew13 | Success | | 1.121 |
testNew14 | Success | | 1.120 |
testNew15 | Success | | 0.578 |
testNew16 | Success | | 0.570 |
testNew17 | Success | | 1.096 |
testNew18 | Success | | 1.099 |
testNew19 | Success | | 1.104 |
testNew20 | Success | | 1.099 |
testNew21 | Success | | 0.553 |
testNew22 | Success | | 1.114 |
testNew23 | Success | | 0.588 |
testNew24 | Success | | 0.493 |
testNew25 | Success | | 0.579 |
testNew26 | Success | | 0.569 |
testNew27 | Success | | 1.127 |
testNew28 | Success | | 0.572 |
testNew29 | Success | | 0.553 |
testNew30 | Success | | 0.572 |
testNew31 | Success | | 0.554 |
testNew32 | Success | | 1.303 |
testNew33 | Success | | 1.120 |
testNew34 | Success | | 1.096 |
testNew35 | Success | | 1.099 |
testNew36 | Success | | 1.101 |
testNew37 | Success | | 1.099 |
testNew38 | Success | | 1.110 |
test0_ | Success | | 0.553 |
test1_ | Success | | 0.553 |
test2_ | Success | | 0.547 |
test3_ | Success | | 0.560 |
test4_ | Success | | 0.554 |
test5_ | Success | | 0.557 |
test6_ | Success | | 0.559 |
test7_ | Success | | 0.553 |
test8_ | Success | | 0.557 |
test9_ | Success | | 0.560 |
test10_ | Success | | 0.553 |
test11_ | Success | | 0.547 |
test12_ | Success | | 1.104 |
test13_ | Success | | 0.767 |
test14_ | Success | | 1.108 |
test15_ | Success | | 1.103 |
test16 | Success | | 1.100 |
test17 | Success | | 0.552 |
test18 | Success | | 1.108 |
test19 | Success | | 0.555 |
test20 | Success | | 1.103 |
test21 | Success | | 0.533 |
test22 | Success | | 0.563 |
test23 | Success | | 1.106 |
test24 | Success | | 1.108 |
test25 | Success | | 1.121 |
test26 | Success | | 1.109 |
test27 | Success | | 0.563 |
test28 | Success | | 1.117 |
test29 | Success | | 0.569 |
test30 | Success | | 1.099 |
test31 | Success | | 1.112 |
test32 | Success | | 1.099 |
test33 | Success | | 0.558 |
test34 | Success | | 1.119 |
test35 | Success | | 0.557 |
test36 | Success | | 0.561 |
test37 | Success | | 1.115 |
test38 | Success | | 1.100 |
test39 | Success | | 0.565 |
test40 | Success | | 0.559 |
test41 | Success | | 0.566 |
test42 | Success | | 0.558 |
test43 | Success | | 1.121 |
test44 | Success | | 1.102 |
test45 | Success | | 0.567 |
test46 | Success | | 1.115 |
test47 | Success | | 0.561 |
test48 | Success | | 0.570 |
test49 | Success | | 0.571 |
test50 | Success | | 0.566 |
test51 | Success | | 1.098 |
test52 | Success | | 0.565 |
test53 | Success | | 1.115 |
test54 | Success | | 1.155 |
test55 | Success | | 0.594 |
test56 | Success | | 0.585 |
test57 | Success | | 1.149 |
test58 | Success | | 0.562 |
test59 | Success | | 0.559 |
test60 | Success | | 0.563 |
test61 | Success | | 0.561 |
test62 | Success | | 0.570 |
test63 | Success | | 0.556 |
test64 | Success | | 1.149 |
test65 | Success | | 0.568 |
test66 | Success | | 1.120 |
test67 | Success | | 0.551 |
test68 | Success | | 0.590 |
test69 | Success | | 1.154 |
test70 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.701 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.564 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.581 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.581 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.573 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.590 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.593 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.591 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.587 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.591 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.591 |
testFail15 | Success | | 0.588 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.604 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.590 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.591 |
testFail21 | Success | | 0.590 |
testFail22 | Success | | 0.590 |
testFail23 | Success | | 0.587 |
testFail24 | Success | | 0.588 |
testFail25 | Success | | 0.592 |
testFail26 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail27 | Success | | 0.586 |
testFail28 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail29 | Success | | 0.574 |
testFail30 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail31 | Success | | 0.599 |
testFail32 | Success | | 0.603 |
testFail33 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail34 | Success | | 0.610 |
testFail35 | Success | | 0.534 |
testFail36 | Success | | 0.588 |
testFail37 | Success | | 0.599 |
testFail38 | Success | | 0.533 |
test1 | Success | | 1.154 |
test10 | Success | | 1.101 |
test11 | Success | | 1.170 |
test12 | Success | | 1.168 |
test13 | Success | | 1.153 |
test14 | Success | | 1.317 |
test15 | Success | | 1.161 |
test16 | Success | | 1.159 |
test17 | Success | | 0.539 |
test18 | Success | | 1.174 |
test19 | Success | | 1.158 |
test2 | Success | | 1.157 |
test20 | Success | | 1.151 |
test21 | Success | | 1.149 |
test22 | Success | | 1.181 |
test23 | Success | | 1.163 |
test24 | Success | | 1.167 |
test25 | Success | | 1.109 |
test26 | Success | | 1.181 |
test27 | Success | | 1.158 |
test28 | Success | | 1.151 |
test29 | Success | | 1.149 |
test30 | Success | | 1.153 |
test31 | Success | | 1.157 |
test32 | Success | | 1.132 |
test33 | Success | | 1.158 |
test34 | Success | | 0.537 |
testAnon0 | Success | | 1.164 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.698 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.580 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.598 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.610 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.603 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.599 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.608 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.610 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.611 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.623 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.616 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.607 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.616 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.617 |
testFail15 | Success | | 0.619 |
testFail16 | Success | | 0.603 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.607 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.598 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.603 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.635 |
testFail21 | Success | | 0.617 |
testFail22 | Success | | 0.617 |
testFail23 | Success | | 0.541 |
testFail24 | Success | | 0.618 |
testFail25 | Success | | 0.665 |
testFail26 | Success | | 0.676 |
testFail27 | Success | | 0.679 |
testFail28 | Success | | 0.733 |
testFail29 | Success | | 0.640 |
testFail30 | Success | | 0.538 |
testFail31 | Success | | 0.540 |
testFail32 | Success | | 0.592 |
testFail33 | Success | | 0.598 |
testFail34 | Success | | 0.589 |
testFail35 | Success | | 0.581 |
testFail36 | Success | | 0.579 |
testFail37 | Success | | 0.580 |
testFail38 | Success | | 0.581 |
testFail39 | Success | | 0.580 |
testFail40 | Success | | 0.835 |
testFail41 | Success | | 0.594 |
testFail42 | Success | | 0.578 |
testFail43 | Success | | 0.583 |
test0 | Success | | 1.152 |
test1 | Success | | 1.178 |
test2 | Success | | 1.139 |
test3 | Success | | 1.181 |
test4 | Success | | 1.209 |
test5 | Success | | 1.190 |
test6 | Success | | 1.207 |
test7 | Success | | 1.173 |
test10 | Success | | 1.159 |
test11 | Success | | 1.134 |
test12 | Success | | 1.148 |
test14 | Success | | 1.169 |
test15 | Success | | 1.200 |
test16 | Success | | 1.210 |
test17 | Success | | 1.191 |
test18 | Success | | 1.339 |
test19 | Success | | 1.161 |
test20 | Success | | 1.249 |
test21 | Success | | 0.536 |
test22 | Success | | 1.166 |
test24 | Success | | 1.188 |
test25 | Success | | 1.165 |
test26 | Success | | 1.145 |
test27 | Success | | 1.151 |
test28 | Success | | 1.279 |
test29 | Success | | 1.239 |
test30 | Success | | 1.250 |
test31 | Success | | 1.149 |
test32 | Success | | 1.170 |
test33 | Success | | 1.271 |
test34 | Success | | 1.169 |
test35 | Success | | 1.209 |
test36 | Success | | 1.470 |
test37 | Success | | 1.179 |
test38 | Success | | 1.203 |
test39 | Success | | 1.139 |
test40 | Success | | 1.121 |
test41 | Success | | 1.177 |
test42 | Success | | 1.271 |
test43 | Success | | 1.159 |
test44 | Success | | 1.251 |
test45 | Success | | 1.121 |
test46 | Success | | 1.091 |
test47 | Success | | 1.198 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.633 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.566 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.564 |
test0 | Success | | 1.136 |
test10 | Success | | 1.121 |
test11 | Success | | 1.132 |
test12 | Success | | 1.131 |
test13 | Success | | 1.136 |
test14 | Success | | 1.141 |
test15 | Success | | 1.129 |
test16 | Success | | 1.141 |
test17 | Success | | 1.119 |
test18 | Success | | 1.125 |
test2 | Success | | 1.135 |
test20 | Success | | 1.131 |
test23 | Success | | 1.119 |
test24 | Success | | 1.130 |
test25 | Success | | 1.130 |
test26 | Success | | 1.131 |
test27 | Success | | 1.119 |
testAnon0 | Success | | 1.072 |
testFail0 | Success | | 1.151 |
testFail1 | Success | | 1.101 |
testFail2 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail4 | Success | | 1.100 |
testFail5 | Success | | 1.099 |
testFail6 | Success | | 1.099 |
testFail7 | Success | | 1.109 |
testFail8 | Success | | 1.100 |
test0 | Success | | 1.659 |
test1 | Success | | 1.670 |
test2 | Success | | 1.679 |
test3 | Success | | 1.669 |
test4 | Success | | 1.669 |
test5 | Success | | 1.682 |
test6 | Success | | 1.658 |
test7 | Success | | 1.620 |
test8 | Success | | 1.670 |
test9 | Success | | 1.659 |
test10 | Success | | 1.137 |
test0 | Success | | 1.266 |
test1 | Success | | 1.119 |
test2 | Success | | 1.110 |
test3 | Success | | 1.113 |
test4 | Success | | 1.118 |
test5 | Success | | 1.109 |
test6 | Success | | 1.121 |
test7 | Success | | 1.109 |
test8 | Success | | 1.114 |
test9 | Success | | 1.110 |
test10 | Success | | 1.104 |
test11 | Success | | 1.109 |
test12 | Success | | 1.111 |
test13 | Success | | 1.119 |
test14 | Success | | 1.121 |
test15 | Success | | 1.109 |
test16 | Success | | 1.111 |
test17 | Success | | 1.112 |
test18 | Success | | 1.118 |
test19 | Success | | 1.120 |
test20 | Success | | 1.110 |
test21 | Success | | 1.111 |
test22 | Success | | 1.119 |
test23 | Success | | 1.119 |
test24 | Success | | 1.111 |
test25 | Success | | 1.119 |
test26 | Success | | 1.121 |
test28 | Success | | 1.109 |
test29 | Success | | 1.121 |
test30 | Success | | 1.111 |
test31 | Success | | 1.112 |
test32 | Success | | 0.533 |
test33 | Success | | 0.000 |
test34 | Success | | 1.138 |
test35 | Success | | 0.542 |
test36 | Success | | 1.127 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.533 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.869 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.570 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.533 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail15 | Success | | 0.567 |
testFail16 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.583 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.570 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.540 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail21 | Success | | 0.570 |
test0 | Success | | 0.674 |
test1 | Success | | 0.536 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.543 |
test4 | Success | | 0.537 |
test5 | Success | | 0.538 |
test6 | Success | | 0.523 |
test7 | Success | | 0.532 |
test8 | Success | | 0.525 |
test9 | Success | | 0.531 |
test10 | Success | | 0.533 |
test11 | Success | | 0.530 |
test12 | Success | | 0.538 |
test13 | Success | | 0.534 |
test14 | Success | | 0.564 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.526 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.556 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.566 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.562 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.559 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.562 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.538 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.561 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.523 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.569 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.566 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.545 |
testIllegalInnerClass | Success | | 0.649 |
testIllegalTypeName1 | Success | | 0.547 |
testIllegalTypeName2 | Success | | 0.540 |
testIllegalTypeName3 | Success | | 0.542 |
testIllegalTypeName4 | Success | | 0.548 |
testIllegalTypeName5 | Success | | 0.542 |
testIllegalTypeName6 | Success | | 0.550 |
testIllegalTypeName7 | Success | | 0.548 |
testIllegalTypeName8 | Success | | 0.552 |
testIllegalTypeName9 | Success | | 0.534 |
testNoOp | Success | | 0.563 |
testWrongArg1 | Success | | 0.541 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.572 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.558 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.560 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.557 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.544 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail16 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail17 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail18 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail19 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail20 | Success | | 0.584 |
testFail22 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail23 | Success | | 0.572 |
testFail24 | Success | | 0.564 |
testFail25 | Success | | 0.558 |
testFail26 | Success | | 0.565 |
testFail27 | Success | | 0.566 |
testFail28 | Success | | 0.533 |
testFail29 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail30 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail31 | Success | | 0.585 |
testFail32 | Success | | 0.561 |
testFail33 | Success | | 0.571 |
testFail34 | Success | | 0.542 |
testFail35 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail36 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail37 | Success | | 0.559 |
testFail38 | Success | | 0.566 |
testFail39 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail40 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail41 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail42 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail43 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail44 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail45 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail46 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail47 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail48 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail49 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail50 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail51 | Success | | 0.579 |
testFail52 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail53 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFail54 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail55 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail56 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail57 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail58 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail59 | Success | | 0.557 |
testFail60 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail61 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail62 | Success | | 0.560 |
testFail63 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail64 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFail65 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail66 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail67 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail68 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail69 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail70 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail71 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail72 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail73 | Success | | 0.559 |
testFail74 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail75 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail76 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail77 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail78 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail79 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail80 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail81 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail82 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail83 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail84 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail85 | Success | | 0.543 |
testFail86 | Success | | 0.536 |
testFail87 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail88 | Success | | 0.543 |
testFail89 | Success | | 0.550 |
testFail90 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail91 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail92 | Success | | 0.546 |
testFail93 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail94 | Success | | 0.549 |
testFail95 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail00 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail01 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail02 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail03 | Success | | 0.556 |
testFail04 | Success | | 0.540 |
testFailRegression1GCRKMQ | Success | | 0.541 |
test0 | Success | | 1.133 |
test1 | Success | | 1.097 |
test10 | Success | | 1.090 |
test12 | Success | | 1.120 |
test13 | Success | | 1.110 |
test14 | Success | | 1.110 |
test15 | Success | | 1.119 |
test16 | Success | | 1.093 |
test17 | Success | | 1.088 |
test18 | Success | | 1.081 |
test19 | Success | | 1.108 |
test2 | Success | | 1.110 |
test20 | Success | | 1.100 |
test21 | Success | | 1.090 |
test22 | Success | | 1.142 |
test23 | Success | | 1.109 |
test24 | Success | | 1.089 |
test25 | Success | | 1.102 |
test26 | Success | | 1.099 |
test27 | Success | | 1.128 |
test28 | Success | | 1.081 |
test29 | Success | | 1.134 |
test3 | Success | | 1.107 |
test30 | Success | | 1.075 |
test31 | Success | | 1.146 |
test32 | Success | | 1.086 |
test33 | Success | | 1.091 |
test34 | Success | | 1.101 |
test35 | Success | | 1.120 |
test36 | Success | | 1.099 |
test37 | Success | | 1.150 |
test38 | Success | | 1.142 |
test39 | Success | | 1.179 |
test4 | Success | | 5.901 |
test40 | Success | | 1.178 |
test41 | Success | | 1.170 |
test42 | Success | | 1.681 |
test43 | Success | | 1.198 |
test44 | Success | | 1.681 |
test45 | Success | | 1.860 |
test46 | Success | | 1.804 |
test47 | Success | | 1.777 |
test48 | Success | | 1.799 |
test49 | Success | | 1.763 |
test50 | Success | | 1.766 |
test51 | Success | | 1.784 |
test52 | Success | | 1.907 |
test53 | Success | | 0.720 |
test54 | Success | | 1.123 |
test55 | Success | | 0.560 |
test57 | Success | | 1.796 |
test58 | Success | | 1.791 |
test59 | Success | | 1.791 |
test60 | Success | | 1.809 |
test5 | Success | | 1.790 |
test6 | Success | | 1.841 |
test7 | Success | | 1.818 |
test8 | Success | | 1.822 |
test9 | Success | | 1.857 |
testQualifiedName1 | Success | | 1.913 |
testFail0 | Success | | 1.178 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.015 |
testFail3 | Success | | 1.114 |
testFail4 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail5 | Success | | 1.090 |
testFail6 | Success | | 1.111 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.000 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail10 | Success | | 1.098 |
testFail11 | Success | | 1.543 |
test0 | Success | | 1.677 |
test1 | Success | | 1.655 |
test2 | Success | | 1.675 |
test3 | Success | | 1.652 |
test4 | Success | | 1.668 |
test5 | Success | | 1.650 |
testReadOnly | Success | | 0.001 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.623 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.558 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.563 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.547 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.559 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.519 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.644 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.610 |
test0 | Success | | 1.122 |
test1 | Success | | 1.115 |
test2 | Success | | 0.521 |
test3 | Success | | 1.131 |
test4 | Success | | 1.180 |
test5 | Success | | 1.147 |
test6 | Success | | 1.184 |
test7 | Success | | 1.176 |
test8 | Success | | 1.144 |
test9 | Success | | 1.178 |
testFail0 | Success | | 0.684 |
testFail1 | Success | | 0.554 |
testFail2 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail3 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail4 | Success | | 0.555 |
testFail5 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail6 | Success | | 0.548 |
testFail7 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail8 | Success | | 0.567 |
testFail9 | Success | | 0.551 |
testFail10 | Success | | 0.553 |
testFail11 | Success | | 0.561 |
testFail12 | Success | | 0.556 |
testFail13 | Success | | 0.552 |
testFail14 | Success | | 0.548 |
test0 | Success | | 1.111 |
test1 | Success | | 1.121 |
test2 | Success | | 1.139 |
test3 | Success | | 1.113 |
test4 | Success | | 1.127 |
test5 | Success | | 1.131 |
test6 | Success | | 1.099 |
test7 | Success | | 1.121 |
test8 | Success | | 1.119 |
test9 | Success | | 1.123 |
test10 | Success | | 1.163 |
test11 | Success | | 1.117 |
test12 | Success | | 1.137 |
test13 | Success | | 1.113 |
test14 | Success | | 0.517 |
test15 | Success | | 0.521 |
test16 | Success | | 1.149 |
testBug5821 | Success | | 1.131 |
test0 | Success | | 1.173 |
testFile0 | Success | | 0.612 |
testFile1 | Success | | 0.008 |
testFile2 | Success | | 0.007 |
testFolder0 | Success | | 0.006 |
testFolder1 | Success | | 0.010 |
testFolder2 | Success | | 0.008 |
test0 | Success | | 0.520 |
test1 | Success | | 0.520 |
test0 | Success | | 0.573 |
test0 | Success | | 0.630 |
test1 | Success | | 0.001 |
test2 | Success | | 0.001 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.001 |
test5 | Success | | 0.000 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.001 |
test8 | Success | | 0.001 |
test9 | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.000 |
test1 | Success | | 0.000 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.000 |
test5 | Success | | 0.000 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.000 |
test8 | Success | | 0.000 |
test9 | Success | | 0.000 |
test10 | Success | | 0.000 |
test11 | Success | | 0.000 |
test12 | Success | | 0.000 |
test13 | Success | | 0.000 |
test14 | Success | | 0.000 |
test15 | Success | | 0.000 |
test0 | Success | | 0.001 |
test1 | Success | | 0.001 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
test3 | Success | | 0.000 |
test4 | Success | | 0.001 |
test5 | Success | | 0.000 |
test6 | Success | | 0.000 |
test7 | Success | | 0.001 |
test8 | Success | | 0.000 |
testWord1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testWord2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testWord3 | Success | | 0.000 |
testWord4 | Success | | 0.000 |
testWord5 | Success | | 0.001 |
testWord6 | Success | | 0.000 |
testWord7 | Success | | 0.001 |
testWord8 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNoException | Success | | 0.062 |
testAlreadyCaught | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidParent1 | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidParent2 | Success | | 0.005 |
testThisConstructorCall | Success | | 0.005 |
testSuperConstructorCall | Success | | 0.005 |
testSimple | Success | | 0.051 |
testOneLine | Success | | 0.030 |
testMultiLine | Success | | 0.036 |
testExceptionOrder | Success | | 0.037 |
testWrappedLocal1 | Success | | 0.036 |
testWrappedLocal2 | Success | | 0.044 |
testWrappedLocal3 | Success | | 0.033 |
testWrappedLocal4 | Success | | 0.034 |
testWrappedLocal5 | Success | | 0.036 |
testWrappedLocal6 | Success | | 0.036 |
testInitializerThrowsException | Success | | 0.033 |
testThrowInCatch | Success | | 0.200 |
testExpression | Success | | 0.044 |
testInitializer | Success | | 0.039 |
testSuperCall | Success | | 0.034 |
testRuntimeException1 | Success | | 0.031 |
testNested | Success | | 0.049 |
testRuntimeException2 | Success | | 0.005 |
testStaticField | Success | | 0.005 |
testDeclarationInitializer | Success | | 0.034 |
testThenStatement | Success | | 0.032 |
testJavaStringStatusContextViewer | Success | | 0.048 |
testJavaStatusContextViewer | Success | | 0.541 |
test1 | Success | | 0.002 |
test2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_emptySelection | Success | | 0.640 |
testDisabled_projectAndNonProject | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_nonExistingResource | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_nonExistingJavaElement | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_nullResource | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_nullJavaElement | Success | | 0.003 |
testDisabled_archiveElement | Success | | 0.005 |
testDisabled_externalArchive | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_archiveFromAnotherProject | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_emptySuperPackage | Success | | 0.009 |
testDisabled_binaryMember | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_javaProject | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_defaultPackage | Success | | 1.075 |
testDisabled_simpleProject | Success | | 0.001 |
testEnabled_cu | Success | | 1.109 |
testEnabled_sourceReferences1 | Success | | 1.050 |
testEnabled_sourceReferences2 | Success | | 1.060 |
testEnabled_file | Success | | 0.004 |
testEnabled_folder | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_readOnlyCu | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_readOnlyFile | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_package | Success | | 0.001 |
testEnabled_sourceFolder | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_linkedFile | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_linkedFolder | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_linkedPackage | Success | | 0.001 |
testEnabled_linkedSourceFolder | Success | | 0.000 |
testDeleteWithinCu0 | Success | | 1.125 |
testDeleteWithinCu1 | Success | | 0.549 |
testDeleteWithinCu2 | Success | | 1.089 |
testDeleteWithinCu3 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu4 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu5 | Success | | 1.100 |
testDeleteWithinCu6 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu7 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu8 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu9 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu10 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu11 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu12 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu13 | Success | | 0.540 |
testDeleteWithinCu14 | Success | | 0.539 |
testDeleteWithinCu15 | Success | | 1.089 |
testDeleteWithinCu16 | Success | | 1.093 |
testDeleteWithinCu17 | Success | | 1.087 |
testDeleteWithinCu18 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu19 | Success | | 1.100 |
testDeleteWithinCu20 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteWithinCu21 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDeleteFile | Success | | 0.010 |
testDeleteFolder | Success | | 0.007 |
testDeleteNestedFolders | Success | | 0.006 |
testDeletePackage | Success | | 0.004 |
testDeleteCu | Success | | 1.083 |
testDeleteSourceFolder | Success | | 1.099 |
testDeleteInternalJAR | Success | | 0.563 |
testDeleteClassFile | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_empty | Success | | 0.597 |
testDisabled_null_element | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_null_resource | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_javaProject | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_defaultPackage | Success | | 0.003 |
testDisabled_project | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_notExistingElement | Success | | 0.003 |
testDisabled_notExistingResource | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent0 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent1 | Success | | 1.081 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent3 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent5 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent6 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent7 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent8 | Success | | 1.080 |
testEnabled_cu | Success | | 1.080 |
testEnabled_package | Success | | 0.001 |
testEnabled_packageRoot | Success | | 0.002 |
testEnabled_file | Success | | 0.003 |
testEnabled_folder | Success | | 0.000 |
testEnabled_fileFolder | Success | | 0.009 |
testEnabled_fileFolderCu | Success | | 1.084 |
testDestination_package_no_1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_package_no_2 | Success | | 1.079 |
testDestination_package_no_3 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_package_no_4 | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_cu_no_0 | Success | | 1.110 |
testDestination_cu_no_1 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_file_no_0 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_folder_no_0 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_folder_no_1 | Success | | 0.005 |
testDestination_folder_no_2 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_folder_no_3 | Success | | 0.010 |
testDestination_root_no_0 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_root_no_1 | Success | | 1.076 |
testDestination_root_no_2 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_root_no_3 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_root_no_4 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_root_no_5 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_cu_yes_0 | Success | | 1.082 |
testDestination_cu_yes_1 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_cu_yes_2 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_cu_yes_3 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_cu_yes_4 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_cu_yes_5 | Success | | 1.100 |
testDestination_cu_yes_6 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_cu_yes_7 | Success | | 1.089 |
testDestination_file_yes_0 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_file_yes_1 | Success | | 0.005 |
testDestination_file_yes_3 | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_file_yes_4 | Success | | 1.076 |
testDestination_file_yes_5 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_file_yes_6 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_file_yes_7 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_file_yes_8 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_folder_yes_0 | Success | | 0.007 |
testDestination_folder_yes_1 | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_folder_yes_2 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_folder_yes_3 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_folder_yes_4 | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_folder_yes_5 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_folder_yes_6 | Success | | 0.018 |
testDestination_package_yes_0 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDestination_package_yes_1 | Success | | 0.002 |
testDestination_package_yes_2 | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_root_yes_0 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDestination_root_yes_1 | Success | | 0.563 |
testDestination_method_no_cu | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_package | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_file | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_folder | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_root | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_method_no_java_project | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_simple_project | Success | | 1.104 |
testDestination_method_no_import_container | Success | | 1.076 |
testDestination_method_no_import_declaration | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_method_no_package_declaration | Success | | 1.090 |
test_method_yes_itself | Success | | 1.110 |
test_method_yes_other_method | Success | | 1.113 |
test_method_yes_field | Success | | 1.097 |
test_method_yes_type | Success | | 1.100 |
test_method_yes_initializer | Success | | 1.100 |
test_field_yes_field | Success | | 1.090 |
test_field_declared_in_multi_yes_type | Success | | 1.110 |
test_fields_declared_in_multi_yes_type | Success | | 1.110 |
test_fields_declared_in_multi_yes_type_1 | Success | | 1.100 |
test_type_yes_type | Success | | 0.000 |
test_inner_type_yes_cu | Success | | 1.100 |
test_type_yes_package | Success | | 1.640 |
test_type_yes_other_package | Success | | 1.070 |
testDestination_initializer_no_package | Success | | 1.250 |
test_initializer_yes_type | Success | | 1.110 |
test_initializer_yes_method | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_import_container_no_package | Success | | 1.080 |
test_import_container_yes_type_in_different_cu | Success | | 1.100 |
test_import_container_yes_method_in_different_cu | Success | | 1.101 |
test_import_container_yes_cu | Success | | 1.119 |
testCopy_File_to_Folder | Success | | 0.014 |
testCopy_File_to_Same_Folder | Success | | 0.007 |
testCopy_File_to_Itself | Success | | 0.007 |
testCopy_File_to_AnotherFile | Success | | 0.009 |
testCopy_File_to_Package | Success | | 0.033 |
testCopy_File_to_DefaultPackage | Success | | 0.006 |
testCopy_File_to_SourceFolder | Success | | 0.010 |
testCopy_File_to_JavaProject | Success | | 0.006 |
testCopy_File_to_Cu | Success | | 1.087 |
testCopy_File_to_SimpleProject | Success | | 0.018 |
testCopy_Cu_to_Folder | Success | | 1.082 |
testCopy_Cu_to_Same_Package | Success | | 1.630 |
testCopy_Cu_to_Itself | Success | | 1.620 |
testCopy_Cu_to_OtherPackage | Success | | 1.091 |
testCopy_Cu_to_DefaultPackage | Success | | 1.082 |
testCopy_Cu_to_SourceFolder | Success | | 1.100 |
testCopy_Cu_to_JavaProject | Success | | 1.079 |
testCopy_Cu_to_File_In_Package | Success | | 1.648 |
testCopy_Cu_to_File_In_Resource_Folder | Success | | 1.110 |
testCopy_Cu_to_SimpleProject | Success | | 1.100 |
testCopy_Package_to_Its_Root | Success | | 0.008 |
testCopy_Package_to_Itself | Success | | 0.006 |
testCopy_Package_to_Another_Root | Success | | 0.559 |
testCopy_Package_to_JavaProject_That_Is_Root | Success | | 0.597 |
testCopy_folder_to_other_folder | Success | | 0.012 |
testCopy_folder_Java_project | Success | | 0.005 |
testCopy_folder_to_source_folder | Success | | 0.007 |
testCopy_folder_to_package | Success | | 0.012 |
testCopy_folder_to_file_in_another_folder | Success | | 0.021 |
testCopy_folder_to_cu | Success | | 1.035 |
testCopy_folder_to_simple_project | Success | | 0.018 |
testCopy_root_to_same_Java_project | Success | | 0.571 |
testCopy_root_to_other_Java_project | Success | | 0.578 |
testDisabled_empty | Success | | 0.615 |
testDisabled_null_element | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_null_resource | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_javaProject | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_defaultPackage | Success | | 0.002 |
testDisabled_project | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabled_notExistingElement | Success | | 0.019 |
testDisabled_notExistingResource | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent0 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent1 | Success | | 1.085 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent3 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent5 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent6 | Success | | 1.090 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent7 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDisabled_noCommonParent8 | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_no_fileToItself | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_no_fileToSiblingFile | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_no_folderToItsef | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_no_cuToItsef | Success | | 1.086 |
testDestination_no_cuToSiblingCu | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_no_cuToSiblingFile | Success | | 1.087 |
testDestination_no_packageToItsef | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToItsef | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_no_methodToItsef | Success | | 1.078 |
testDestination_no_fileToParentFolder | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_no_fileToParentPackage | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_no_fileToParentSourceFolder | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_no_folderToParentFolder | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_no_cuToParentPackage | Success | | 1.084 |
testDestination_no_packageToParentSourceFolder | Success | | 0.000 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToParentProject | Success | | 0.001 |
testDestination_no_methodToParentType | Success | | 1.079 |
testDestination_no_fileToMethod | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_no_cuToMethod | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_no_packageToCu | Success | | 0.547 |
testDestination_no_packageToFile | Success | | 0.546 |
testDestination_no_packageToFolder | Success | | 0.007 |
testDestination_no_packageToSimpleProject | Success | | 0.020 |
testDestination_no_packageToSiblingPackage | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToCu | Success | | 1.096 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToPackage | Success | | 0.004 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToFile | Success | | 0.006 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToFolder | Success | | 0.009 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToSourceFolder | Success | | 0.005 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToSimpleProject | Success | | 0.019 |
testDestination_no_sourceFolderToJavaProjecteWithNoSourceFolder | Success | | 0.601 |
testDestination_no_methodToCu | Success | | 1.086 |
testDestination_no_methodToFile | Success | | 1.084 |
testDestination_no_methodToFolder | Success | | 1.076 |
testDestination_no_methodToPackage | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_no_methodToSourceFolder | Success | | 1.093 |
testDestination_no_methodToJavaProject | Success | | 1.077 |
testDestination_no_methodToSimpleProject | Success | | 1.110 |
testDestination_no_cuToItself | Success | | 1.080 |
testDestination_yes_cuToOtherPackage | Success | | 1.650 |
testDestination_yes_cuToRoot | Success | | 1.640 |
testDestination_yes_cuToProject | Success | | 0.562 |
testDestination_yes_cuToSimpleProject | Success | | 0.573 |
testDestination_yes_cuToFileInDifferentPackage | Success | | 1.658 |
testDestination_yes_cuToFolder | Success | | 0.560 |
testDestination_yes_fileToSiblingFolder | Success | | 0.012 |
testDestination_yes_fileToCu | Success | | 1.085 |
testDestination_yes_fileToPackage | Success | | 0.009 |
testDestination_yes_fileToRoot | Success | | 0.012 |
testDestination_no_fileToParentProject | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_yes_folderToSiblingFolder | Success | | 0.024 |
testDestination_no_folderToParentProject | Success | | 0.003 |
testDestination_yes_folderToSiblingRoot | Success | | 0.025 |
testDestination_yes_folderToPackage | Success | | 0.025 |
testDestination_yes_folderToFileInAnotherFolder | Success | | 0.022 |
testDestination_yes_folderToCu | Success | | 1.097 |
testDestination_yes_folderToSimpleProject | Success | | 0.038 |
testDestination_yes_sourceFolderToOtherProject | Success | | 0.544 |
testDestination_no_methodToItself | Success | | 1.078 |
testDestination_yes_methodToOtherType | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_yes_fieldToOtherType | Success | | 1.090 |
testDestination_yes_initializerToOtherType | Success | | 1.090 |
test0 | Success | | 1.745 |
test1 | Success | | 1.680 |
test2 | Success | | 2.190 |
test3 | Success | | 2.210 |
test0 | Success | | 0.651 |
test1 | Success | | 0.548 |
test2 | Success | | 0.559 |
test3 | Success | | 0.553 |
test4 | Success | | 0.547 |
test5 | Success | | 0.551 |
test6 | Success | | 0.553 |
test7 | Success | | 0.547 |
testField0 | Success | | 0.510 |
testField1 | Success | | 0.552 |
testField2 | Success | | 0.547 |
testField3 | Success | | 0.551 |
testField4 | Success | | 0.535 |
test0 | Success | | 0.661 |
test1 | Success | | 0.550 |
test2 | Success | | 0.521 |
test3 | Success | | 0.538 |
test4 | Success | | 0.552 |
test5 | Success | | 0.548 |
test6 | Success | | 0.552 |
test7 | Success | | 0.549 |
test8 | Success | | 0.539 |
test9 | Success | | 0.541 |
test10 | Success | | 0.539 |
test11 | Success | | 0.535 |
test12 | Success | | 0.535 |
test13 | Success | | 0.561 |
test14 | Success | | 0.552 |
test15 | Success | | 0.552 |
test16 | Success | | 0.550 |
test17 | Success | | 0.546 |
test18 | Success | | 0.543 |
testNumber0 | Success | | 0.652 |
testNumber1 | Success | | 0.546 |
testNumber2 | Success | | 0.553 |
testConstraints0 | Success | | 0.549 |
testConstraints1 | Success | | 0.548 |
testConstraints2 | Success | | 0.553 |
testConstraints3 | Success | | 0.547 |
testConstraints4 | Success | | 0.549 |
testConstraints5 | Success | | 0.509 |
testConstraints6 | Success | | 0.549 |
testConstraints7 | Success | | 0.543 |
testConstraints8 | Success | | 0.547 |
testConstraints9 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints10 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints11 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints12 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints13 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints14 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints15 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints16 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints17 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints18 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints19 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints20 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints21 | Success | | 0.550 |
testConstraints22 | Success | | 0.550 |