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Re: [eclipse-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20030326 (Timestamp: 200303261556):Automated JUnit Testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred.

Extension point schema for org.eclipse.ui.commands extension point
(schema.exsd) has the following typos causing CHKPII errors:

1) Annotation for the attribute 'platform' of the element 'keyBinding' has
a typo resulting in opened '<code>' tag:

An optional attribute indicating that this key binding is only defined for
the specified platform. The possible values of the <code>platform</code>
attribute are the set of the possible values returned by <code>
org.eclipse.swt.SWT.getPlatform()<code>. <--- SHOULD BE </code>

2) Annotation for the attribute 'name' of the element 'parent' has
unescaped tags:

The translatable name of this scope for display in the UI. If this scope
has a parent, it is not necessary to add "(extends <parent>)" to the name.
This will be automatically added by the UI where necessary.

PDE will pass this text to HTML as-is. If you are not using formatting HTML
tags as above, you must escape them as follows:

"(extends &lt;parent&gt;)"


Dejan Glozic, Ph.D.
Manager, Eclipse Platform Components
IBM Canada Ltd.
Tel. 905 413-2745  T/L 969-2745
Fax. 905 413-4854

                      Dimitrov/Ottawa/IB        To:       eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                        
                      M@IBMCA                   cc:                                                                                      
                      Sent by:                  Subject:  [eclipse-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20030326 (Timestamp:                       
                      eclipse-dev-admin@         200303261556):Automated JUnit Testing complete.  Test failures/errors occurred.         
                      03/26/2003 06:03                                                                                                   
                      Please respond to                                                                                                  

Build I20030326 (Timestamp: 200303261556):  Automated JUnit testing is
complete.  Test failures/errors occurred in the following:


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