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[eclipse-dev] Automated test results delayed

Hi folks,

The automated test results are delayed again.

When I came in this morning the Windows Help tests where "paused" with an open window.  Manually closing the window has resumed the tests.  They will be posted as soon as they are available.  I anticipate about 90 minutes.  However, the build is available for you to start your sniff tests on at:

While this is not very informative, here is a screen shot of the state of the Windows test machine when I got in.  I also included a screen shot showing version info for IE on that computer.  The colour shift is not important.  Just downsizing the colour depth of the screen capture.

Let me know if I can provide any more info.


Attachment: ieversion.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: hang1.JPG
Description: JPEG image

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