I would like to rephrase the description in from
Free Java code coverage for Eclipse
implemented by Marc R. Hoffmann et al.,
distributed under the terms of the Eclipse Public
License 1.0
Java code coverage analysis for the Eclipse
IDE based on the
JaCoCo code coverage library (
And here I guess you're talking
about org.eclipse.eclemma.ui/
Maybe they should be identical?
Also we need to agree on exact wording - see the one
proposed by Mickael in the message referenced above. And I
think that your proposal might be misinterpreted - i.e. we
are not providing coverage analysis for Eclipse IDE itself,
but a plugin/tool that allows to do coverage analysis from
Eclipse IDE for applications developed in it.
On 14.05.17 17:53, Marc R. Hoffmann wrote:
Hi Evgeny,
in the past we used to pump the copy right notice in all
source file every year. The current source base shows
2016. Also the feature.xml shows 2016, which is
presented to the user while installing EclEmma. I think
at least the places where it is visible to the end user
we should update to 2017.
I'm wondering if there is something that prevents us from
updating year everywhere as we've used to do before?
As we donated the project to
Eclipse I would also update the copyright owner to the
generic "Eclipse contributors and others" as used by
other Eclipse projects.
Just to be sure - are we talking here about source files
or about the one visible in "about" dialog via
"org.eclipse.eclemma.ui/" ?
And in a later case I don't actually see the consistency
in Eclipse projects :D and haven't found any guidelines.