On 11/19/2016 01:14 AM, Evgeny
Mandrikov wrote:
I successfully installed EclEmma on Eclipse Neon 4.6.1 with
com.mountainminds.eclemma installed previously.
A kind of expectedly :)
Great work, just having the possibility to update from previous
bundle names to new one is already a great step forward. Congrats!
1) About
dialog (see screenshot attached)
This is the provider name, as mentioned below, the provider name for
the bundle should be "Eclipse EclEmma".
The feature description may be updated a bit to sound more part of
Eclipse.org, but I don't think it's a blocker.
The copyright can remain to "MountainMinds Gmbh & Co KG and
others" for the project. If you do want to drop the MountainMinds
part of the copyright (why would you?), it's also allowed to write
"Copyright (c) 2006-2016, EclEmma project contributors.
2) "License" page in online help
Same thing, the copyright doesn't have to be changed.
On the "About" description, you can also drop the reference to the
license directly, or you could also refer directly to the epl page:
https://eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php .
- "Eclipse EclEmma" can't be a copyright holder, because
projects at Eclipse are not a legal entities
- copyright holder stays unchanged
But I'm not a legal guy.
It's also the rules I'm used to; however since you attended Wayne's
presentation recently, you're probably more aware of latest legal
advice than most Eclipse contributors, so that makes you the current
legal expert of the project ;)
Some more issues to clarify:
- What should be the link URL in copyright notices and help
(see help
page "Support").
Don't see why it should be changed since we've
transferred domain to Eclipse. And what are the
+1, you can easily keep those URLs.
The alternatives could be linking to subpages of
https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.eclemma/ , but the
current links seem more interesting so I wouldn't advise changing
Looking on this report my guess was that expectation is
just to append "All rights reserved. This program and the
accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
to the existing "Copyright (c) 2006, 2016 Mountainminds GmbH
& Co. KG and Contributors".
But now puzzled after your questions and since this
report seems to be somehow inconsistent with "About" dialog
- for example EGit has "Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 EGit
project committers and others." in dialog, but "Copyright
(c) 2005, 2009 Shawn Pearce, Robin Rosenberg, et.al." in
Both are legal:
* Either mention the actual contributors in copyright headers, or
* use the "EclEmma project committers and other contributors" which
is like an indirection that requires a resolution in case some
people do want to know who's actually doing it.
I do not see the report saying the description is Unsufficient. But
descriptions are usually more descriptive. For example, it could be:
Eclipse EclEmma provides an integration of the JaCoCo Java code
coverage framework in the Eclipse IDE and its Java Development
Tools. This integration includes ability to run applications and
tests with code coverage enabled and to visualize coverage reports
in the IDE and Java Editor.