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Re: [eclemma-dev] EclipseCon Europe 2016 Meeting minutes

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So big +1, and thanks for this!

Okay deal.

Here is my checklist based on , hope I haven't missed something:

"Projects are expected to have a release record completed that includes (at least tentative) plan information prior to announcing their intent to participate."
feel free to raise comments, additions, etc

"At least one person from each project in a Simultaneous Release must subscribe to cross-project mailing list ..."

"Also, at least one person from each project must subscribe to cross-project bugzilla inbox ..."

"Your representative to the Planning Council, either from PMC or Strategic Member, must attend Planning Council meetings and represent you there."
not sure if something has to be done by us

"optimized p2 repository"
started work on this and there is a question about this requirement -
not sure if partial resolution is ok for M4

"First-time participants are expected to be in an aggregation build by M4, at the latest."
check: as stated in plan - tentatively our first milestone should be ready by 2016/11/06 , did homework - all the mechanics for our milestone and for contribution to aggregation build are ready on low start

"To join a Simultaneous Release, Projects must have stated their intent to do so by M4, at the latest."


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