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Re: [ecf-dev] Debugging zookeeper service dsicovery

On 10/05/2010 07:13 PM, Bryan Hunt wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I tracked down the cause of the problem.  Inside
> RemoteServiceEndpointDescriptionImpl.equals() it compares the service id
> location and remote service id for equality.  In my case since I'm
> running the two hosts on the same machine, the locations are equal as
> the values are the IP address of the machine, and the service ids are
> both 0.  This causes the
> DiscoveredServiceTrackerImpl.isValidDescription() to return false and
> the endpoint is not dispatched in the
> DiscoveredServiceTrackerImpl.serviceChanged().  It's not clear if the
> root cause is that the location values are only the IP address or if the
> equals() should compare the endpointId as the endpoint ids are unique.

Hi Bryan,

the location should also include the port which should be different in
your scenario.


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