0) Install Hudson build server (http://www.hudson-ci.org). A VNC server is need for tests that need to create SWT
How can we assure that the configuration in $repo is up to date with future versions of hudson.
1) Clone this repo to $repo
What does $repo mean? I cloned to a directory called ecfrepo and ended up with a Build dir inside
2) mv $repo to Hudson root directory (HUDSON_HOME on Debian/Ubuntu)
Instead of doing this (and killing my existing hudson) I did a chmod hudson:nogroup to all files in the repo and changed HUDSON_HOME in the configuration in /etc/default/hudson to point to the repo/Build directory.
6) Run the "zSetup" job to have Hudson install build tools like JREs, Buckminster, Ant...
The "apt-get install hudson" hudson will run as user hudson. This will probably not install the requested tools. Here I got stuck. How does hudson install these tool? hudson log::
Started by user wim.jongman
Triggering Java1.5_update_22_x86-64
Triggering Java1.6_update_20_x86-64
Triggering Java1.4.2_update_18_x86-64
Finished: FAILURE
Started by upstream project "zSetup" build number 2
Choosing the download bundle
FATAL: command execution failed
java.io.IOException: found no matches in: