On 22 March 2010 14:45, Markus Alexander Kuppe
<ecf-dev_eclipse.org@lemmster.de> wrote:
On 03/13/2010 06:21 PM, Jeff McAffer wrote:
> Some time ago there was a discussion in the RT PMC about project participation. It was observed that RT is quite diverse and that the PMC should have representation from all projects. The idea is that each project would nominate someone to be their representative on the PMC. This if often the project lead but does not have to be. It should be someone who has suitable visibility into the concerns of the project as well as the ability to disseminate information quickly and effectively. This role is that of a bi-directional communicator and coordinator. The representative is expected to attend the regular (currently bi-weekly) meetings and both bring to the table concerns related to their project and take back to their project the thoughts of the PMC.
> For the most part the RT PMC is not interested in the inner workings or technical details of each project. Their role is more around process and coordination. For example, the current hot topics relate to the Helios release and the presentation of RT elements in the repos, the tooling and consistency amongst the various pieces. Other topics relate to interoperation and collaboration between the related parts.
> To date I don't recall much ECF participation in the PMC and would like to address that by inviting the ECF community to nominate someone to be its representative on the RT PMC. Please discuss this as you see fit and let the PMC know your conclusion.
+1 for Scott if he is wants the job. :)
+1 for the suggestion of Markus.
Thanks and Regards,
Harshana Martin
Harshana Eranga Martin
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
University Of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
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