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Re: [ecf-dev] Eclipse-based flash creation/editing APIs and tools?

Hi Carl,

Thanks. It would be most interesting/useful to have some flash/swf creation we would like to be able to create an swf order to deliver it (via ECF) to a remote viewer.

The one that I've found so far in OS world is transform swf: and jflashplayer.

If you know of any flash/swf creation/editing APIs (java, but not necessarily Eclipse) that would be helpful also.

Carl Cook wrote:
Hi Scott (and all others!)

See for a comprehensive list of open source flash projects. It includes a section on projects related to Eclipse.

The linux-based (GNU) gnash project [] is making great progress... this is not an editor, but can play most versions of flash animations as both a mozilla plugin and a stand-alone viewer.

Flame and flasm are two key projects ( <>.. flame will one day soon be an open source IDE (with command line tools). It currently only supports SVGs, but the command line tools associated with these two projects are very useful.

I am not sure about Eclipse projects as such, but there are a lot of OS tools that could certainly be built into Eclipse fairly easily I would say. The catch, in IMHO, is that for useful editing, the editor/IDE should also contain a viewer to show the resultant flash file. But on the other hand, just refreshing the flash file in a web browser should also work.

The most advanced features of flash are probably not yet supported by most open source tools. However, if Eclipse is used just to edit files "from scratch", I guess this is not a problem.

Adobe have also published their "enterprise" specification/SDK (flex) [], including the java source to build the actionscript compilers. However, adobe will probably never open-source their actual flash viewer controls.

The subject of decompiling flash controls back into action script .fla files is interesting. There is of course the IP issue, and there are a lot of quite good obfuscators out there now that even the best flash decompilers can not successfully extract.

Hope this helps,

On Jan 7, 2008 12:33 PM, Scott Lewis < slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Marcelo Mayworm and I were having an online conversation and a
    came up:

    What Eclipse-based flash (swf) creation tools exist?

    Obviously there are the Adobe/Flex-based commercial tools, but I'm
    wondering if there are any such tools associated with any existing
    Eclipse Foundation projects and/or OS projects hosted elsewhere?

    Thanksinadvance if you have any info,


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