Hi Wayne,
I entred 4199: http://eclipsezilla.eclipsecon.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4199
I will expend some effort letting people know via newsgroup, mailing
list, nag mails, etc. Just want to have a room/location before putting
on the blitz.
Thanks Wayne,
Wayne Beaton wrote:
Hi Scott. You got it.
I'm going to start scheduling BoFs for EclipseCon soon. Can you enter a
proposal in EclipseZilla? Let me know if you have an preferred date/time.
Please also spend some effort ensuring that your community is aware of the
BoF. A post in your newsgroup and perhaps on your mailing list alerting them
would be ideal (of course, it appears as though we've pretty much covered
the latter).
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Lewis [mailto:slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: February 4, 2007 3:09 PM
To: wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) developer mailing list.
Subject: ECF meeting room
Hi Wayne,
I'm writing to request a meeting room for ECF BOF at
EclipseCon 2007 as per Mike's note below.
EclipseCon is always a great place to organize a project
meeting or expand your project community by organizing a BOF
or project meeting. Last year we received feedback from the
community that organizing the BOFs on-site at the conference
provided too little time to generate awareness and
attendance. This year we are making it possible for
committers and project leaders to pre-schedule them. To
reserve a room please send an email to Wayne Beaton
<mailto:wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxx> [1]. The deadline for
guaranteeing a room (initially one per project) is February 9, 2007.