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[ecf-dev] TransactionSharedObject

Hi Folks,

I (Scott) have introduced some new API into the org.eclipse.ecf.core package hierarchy, to support the creation and use of reliable protocols for distributed state update. In some applications/parts of applications it's necessary that the application be *certain* that a distributed state update was received and processed before continuing on a certain path of computation (e.g. making sure the authoritative...or all...copies of your bank balance are successfully updated before using the local copy in a computation).

Below I describe the some of the org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject.* API, and there is more to come. (javadocs + new and noteworth for 0.5.1 stable, etc). Any thoughts/comments are appreciated.



A note to let you all know that I've completed an initial API and implementation for doing reliable messaging within the ECF shared object component api. The new API/classes are available in the org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject package in the org.eclipse.ecf project.

There's also a little bit of junit test code in org.eclipse.ecf.test.AddTransactionSharedObjectTest class.

What this API does is provide the underpinnings for reliable messaging in ECF. If an application needs to send a message...and be assured that it arrives and is processed before continuing it can implement such behavior via this API (either in a *provider code* or in the application if assumption is that providers can/will implement high level what Boris and Peter have been working on...using these primitives).

For example, in the AddTransactionSharedObjectTest code there's a line like this:

container.getSharedObjectManager().addSharedObject(id, sharedobject, properties));

Iff the class of the sharedobject is a subclass of org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject.TransactionSharedObject, then this add *blocks* until the given shared object has been successfully replicated/added for all other participating containers....or a timeout has occurred (the timeout duration is configurable). If a timeout occurs, or the replication fails on one or more of the remote participants the addSharedObject call with throw an SharedObjectAddAbortException (with cause information from remotes) and the object will be removed/cleanedup on all participants. This provides
'all or nothing' state distribution.

So immediately *after the addSharedObject call (i.e. if it succeeds), the application can have confidence that for the current set of participants the given object *was* actually created and it's initialization code was executed successfully.

This makes possible (even easy) to implement calls that look like this:

adapter.sendMessageSynch(byte [] data, int timeout) throws SomeWrapperExceptionForSharedObjectAddAbortException;

The reason the above-described classes are useful is that the implementation of sendMessageSynch (or other, similar APIs) can simply:

1) Create a shared object that extends TransactionSharedObject, 'wraps' the data (as state for the new object) and sets up the appropriate
timeout value.
2) Add this TransactionSharedObject to the container: and the calling thread will block until failed, timeout, or complete in doing the replication

Thus making it very easy to implement APIs like the sendMessageSynch call above and know that either the message delivery completed
successfully or failed, or timedout..

More to come in terms of junit test code (to test/debug different scenarios), but I thought I would initiate a discussion about this relative to the work that Boris and Peter are doing defining the datashare2 API.



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