So, having specific dialogs in the model seems to be a good idea, but not generic ‘dialog’ as it is done today… A general dialog asking confirmation or some information can be opened easily in an handler, and there is no objects hierarchy to manage. This is not its place in model. I tried the new implementation with a dialog and a wizard and everything has been opened at startup ! Absolutely useless.
The other solution could be to stop to change application model every month and to keep the old extension point mechanism which is quiet powerful. For the moment I manage pure E4 preferences using a plugin which defines a generic handler to open the dialog, and an extension point similar to the definition in E3. This plugin is available on my
github and I will probably propose to include it in E4 if there are no other solutions proposed to manage this concept. In this case, properties and wizards could be managed in the same way…
Of course this plugin manage only preferences using JFace and not javafx… and it is not the ‘good’ solution.
What is your opinion about it ?
What is the plan with these two embryo's? Tom had some plans with them in efxclipse. Was this done?
Please give me an heads up if these are killed so that we can revert the changes in the model editor.
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