We have currently 564 Bug in e4 tools and UI. It appears to me that not a lot of our e4 tools committer are actively looking at old bugs. At least I'm not aware of anyone (except me) solving a bug older than 6 months in e4 tools in the last year.
I see the following problems with that amount of bugs.
1.) Lots of the reported problems may have been solved in the past
2.) Lots of the reported problems are not relevant any more
3.) Interested contributors have no way of weaving out 1.) or 2.)
4.) New bug reporters have no way to review them which leads to a lot of new bugs which report the same problem as an existing bug
5.) Committers cannot review this amount of bugs and critical or easy fixes are lost in this amount of bugs
So in the end this huge amount of bugs leads to a situation in which no one still looks at the old bugs. I
I therefore suggest that we establish the following guideline: Bug which have not been changed within the last 2 years are closed automatically. We could also filter out bugs which contain certain keywords.
The closing comment should be similar to the following: