It would be interesting to get feedback on using There is currently a
project I've configured that sets up the entire source for
the platform SDK. No doubt that's a little over aggressive, but a
great proof of concept and a basis for producing smaller subsets for
individual platform projects that would include the tests for those
projects. If someone configured an E4.setup, there would be no
need for documentation (which always gets out of date) and no need
for long manual recipes that take hours to execute and almost
inevitably result in a workspace with errors, all of which lead to
very few willing to take the time and effert, with the end result
that you end up with few high quality contributions for your
project. One good starting point for authoring your own *.setup is
to install the Development Environment Setup feature from
in an IDE you already have configured manually and using the wizards
to create an initial configuration; you can test launch the
installer from that IDE...
Another approach is to install the CDO Release Engineering project
using the installer. The resulting IDE has the entire source code
for the tool itself. It also contains all the project's we've
manually configured so you have a significant number of
highly-functional working examples as a starting point.
Note that Eike is working on an improved replacement for the
Buckminster-based materialization task. The current Buckminster
task works well, except that it doesn't take package imports into
account so you end up needing to specify additional root component
IDs to ensure the appropriate bundles are materialized in the target
platform. You'll see that in the current *.setup examples.
The bottom line is that we should see an end to these horrible
recipe wiki pages that are always out of date because we should not
expect our contributors to work like monkeys just to reach the
starting line for an initial contribution. Our contributors have
better things to do with their time, i.e., making actual
contributions. If we treat them like monkeys we should expect a lot
of hooting and food throwing.
If anyone needs help, we're more than happy to provide it. It's high
time for the shoe maker to make shoes for his children.
On 11/02/2014 2:10 AM, Paul Webster
e4-dev mailing list