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Re: [e4-dev] MDialog / MWizard will be removed in M5

I have added the MDialog and MWizardDialog in the model editor. This allows folks to play with the new elements. I initially visualized the MDialog to be an MContribution so that a pojo could be directly added to the MDialog. 

Since these elements are candidates for removal, how should I go about the new code? Just push it to Gerrit and remove it when it turns out MDialog and MWD do not make it?

Please advise

Inline image 1 

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Marc Teufel <teufel.marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
+1 Wim

Just some intro or a simple example on a wikipage (or something like that) to get the ball rollin' would be perfect.


2014/1/16 Wim Jongman <wim.jongman@xxxxxxxxx>

Unfortunately I was not able provide an implementation in my JavaFX
port, others are only screaming yes we need it and but don't do anything
to get this.

If we want people to try this out there should be _some_ kind of instruction on how to get it going. AFAIK these model elements are not added to the model editor. So if this is the case, how can we expect feedback?



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