Hi all,
I'm currently trying to implement a NewConnectionWizard that extends
RSEAbstractNewConnectionWizard and uses
RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage as a main page.
While typing a hostname into the host name field, I encountered a stack
overflow I figured out as follow:
while trying to validate the form/text typed and refresh the
(RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage[:154].canFlipToNextPage()), the
mainPage checks whether mainPage is a RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizard or
If not (my case), is calls super.canFlipToNextPage() which in turn
seems to ask to the implementation to validate the form, etc,
Isn't RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage usable without
My workaround is to extend RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizard instead of
RSEAbstractNewConnectionWizard but it's not so great cause I cannot
even use the super attributes since there is no getters and setters and
my code differs in only performFinish(). I have to override everything.
Is this intended and am I missing something here?