Hello Jacques,
this sounds like you tried to "Run as Java Application"
your code, while you should "Run As Eclipse Application".
If this does not help, please give more details about how
your workspace is set up and how you are trying to launch.
and related entries in the FAQ.
I'm very new at Eclipse projects and I jave an issue
implementing an application (not a plugin) that uses the RSE libraries. I
have looked at the 2008 eclipsecon and I cant figure out how to make
org.eclipsecon.tmtutorial.host.CreateEclipseHostActionDelegate.run() work: I'm
getting a NullPointerException at the very beginning:
// get the singleton RSE registry
ISystemRegistry registry = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
Same behavior from a try with:
Problem is told to stem from the project UI/nonUI split as stated here: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=202040#c1
thing is, I cant pass the first line of the previous code given in the bug
it gives me the same Null exception:
at org.eclipse.rse.core.RSECorePlugin.getTheCoreRegistry(RSECorePlugin.java:207)
RSECorePlugin.plugin still seems not to be initialized. A previous
RSEUIPlugin.getTheSystemRegistryUI() wont make it either.
Any help on how
to solve this would be highly appreciated!