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Re: [dsdp-tm-dev] FW: RSE in JEE Developer Package?

I'm very much in favor of it.
-- Dave

On Apr 1, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Oberhuber, Martin wrote:
Fellow committers,
I've got a requst to add RSE to the "Eclipse for Enterprise Java" package.
I'm excited about this request since it would further grow our Community,
but it would potentially also lead to new bug reports (in an area that we
don't have much experience yet).
Any thoughts from you folks?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: Oberhuber, Martin
Sent: Dienstag, 01. April 2008 15:58
To: 'David M Williams'; Gaff, Doug
Subject: RE: RSE in JEE Developer Package?

Hi Dave,
I'm very sorry that I missed this E-Mail.
Personally I'm much in favor of having RSE in a package, and transparent
access to remote hosts (including deployment) is certainly among the
things that RSE is intended to support. And if you find it useful yourself
I'd hope its useful for others as well ;-)
I'm personally not afraid of new bug reports but let me ask on the developer
mailing list what my fellow committers think.
I guess my one concern here is that adding RSE to the JEE package
might lead to some duplication of Preference settings and functionality
when it comes to defining remote systems, proxies, caching, etc
and we're likely too late in the game for changing UI and functionality
since the NLS and feature freeze are pretty soon.
I have never used JEE and RSE together, but you apparently have -
so what's your impression, are there any overlapping areas that
we should particularly be aware of?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: David M Williams [mailto:david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx]
Monday, March 17, 2008 4:52 AM
Oberhuber, Martin
Gaff, Doug
RSE in JEE Developer Package?


I meant to ask you today in person, but forgot with the rest of that exciting planning meeting.

What would you all think of including RSE in the JEE Developer IDE (from EPP).

I use it some in my own work to "deploy" some HTML files, script files, etc., to a remote server.
And, while certainly not fancy, there might be some ways it could be used to help "deploy" a war file, or similar.

So, just an idea at this point. I wouldn't be offended if you didn't want to. I get the feeling that's pretty far from
it's intended use? I'm not even sure that it's intended use it.

Once downside for you is that it might result in lots of new bugs, etc., if more people are using it ... especially in a way that it
wasn't really intended to.

So ... let me know your thoughts, and we'll go from there ... what's needed, what are next steps, or .... why it'd be a bad idea!


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