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[dsdp-tm-dev] RE: termianl view

Hello Enrico,
for activating a view programmatically there is Eclipse API, it
should be really easy to do.
For thread creation, that's such a general question that I can only
say it depends. You might want to have an Eclipse Job (aka
Worker Thread) to get the data, and then run Display.asyncExec()
to get the views updated - that's a push model.
If you have lots of data very rapidly, you'd only write into a non-UI
data model, enqueue view  update requests and have the views
onlyupdated every second or so by a Timer.
I'm afraid that the Eclipse Community can't really help with such
a general question. Such a thing sounds like it's best discussed
with some friends over a beer or two :-)
Or you could try asking on IRC (
channel #eclipse or #eclipse-dev
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: enrico piccinini [mailto:e.piccinini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 8:41 AM
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: Re: termianl view

Great!! Now everything seems It is working!!

The question now is: what should I do, if I'd like to use this plugin as it is, but in a view (or stiky view) without using an action from a menu (or doing a custom action to  activate the view)?

The last general question  is relative to the thread creation (I'm doing this questio to you because nobody has never answered to me in any forums).
What is the rule (pattern) for thread creation that has to update many viwes?

Ex. I've a socket server that has to give its incoming data to two different views that rapresent in two different way the same data (is something like publisher/subscrebers pattern).

I'd like to create this thread inside the application but not related to any view. The views should access to some global data updated from the thread. Where could I create the thread and instatiate the class that rapresent the model of global data?

Thank a lot again. Cheers,

Oberhuber, Martin ha scritto:
you should try 3.0M4 -- this might help since we specifically changed the way how the
edit menu is handled.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: enrico piccinini [mailto:e.piccinini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:00 PM
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: Re: termianl view

Hello Oberhuber, thanks a lot for your quick answer!

Your are right my address is enrico.piccinini@xxxxxxxxx; I will correct, thank you again.

When you installed the Terminal into your workbench successfully, you
should be able to use the "Window > Show View > Other > Terminal" menu
to activate it
Sorry, you are right: I'm using Europa with tm-terminal 3.0M3 but this version is not a problem, I can install the last version if there exists. I specify that if I do "Window > Show View > Other > Terminal", I can use the tm-terminal plugin correctly.

To do things as easy as possible, I succesfully installed the menu "Window > Show View > Other > Terminal" into my application adding the following code

protected void makeAction(IWorkbenchWindow window){
    views = ContributionItemFactory.VIEW_SHORTLIST.create(window);

protected void fillMenuBar(IMenuManager menuBar) {
    MenuManager viewsMenu = new MenuManager("Open View", "views");

Now, after have launched my application the menu is correctly filled, doing "Open View > " I can browse all of the views loaded from my application included Terminal, but when I click on the Termianl View a view appear, but with an exception due to a null pointer.... What I mess?

At the moment I can't report the complete message error because I'm not in front of my development PC.

Thank again for your help

P.S I've just begun to use windriver Workbench in my company....are you one of the developer? If so congratulation for your work!

Oberhuber, Martin ha scritto:
Hello Enrico,

First of all, what version of the Terminal are you trying? What version
of Eclipse? That's important to know in order to understand the

When you installed the Terminal into your workbench successfully, you
should be able to use the "Window > Show View > Other > Terminal" menu
to activate it.

Second, please check the "Reply to" address you are using in
the newsgroup. I got this error trying to answer on the newsgroup:

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

      enrico.piccinni@xxxxxxxxx on 1/10/2008 1:58 PM
            The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this
message was sent to.  Check the e-mail address, or contact the recipient
directly to find out the correct address.
            < #5.1.1 SMTP; 550 5.1.1 No such user

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

-----Original Message-----
From: enrico piccinini [mailto:e.piccinini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:42 AM
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: termianl view

Good morning.

Sorry if I contacted you privately, but I posted a message in 
the forum on 02-jan-2008 and never have a reply (I suspect my
question is too banal). 

I'm new to eclipse RCP devloping. I'm trying to develop a RCP
application for monitoring robotics applications as my Ph.D thesis.

I need a terminal in my application and I'd like to use tm-terminal
activated from an action (tool-bar or menu). So far I did:

.) successfully: installed tm-terminal plugin in workbench
.) unseccesfully: try to activate it in my menu application.

Can you help me (i.e code fragmente, tutorial, suggestion, ecc...) in

and drop the plugins you want into your application.
I think I have included all the plugins necessary to display that view
but I got a lot of errors.

I don't know how to drop this plugin into my application. The 
only guide I tried to follow to complete this step is:
"Elipse Rich Client Platform" (Addison Wesley).

Thank you a lot in advance.

Enrico Piccinini, Engr.
Digitek spa
V. Romagnoli, 24
41033 Concordia (MO)

Tel. (+39) 0535-57738
Fax. (+39) 0535-54550


Enrico Piccinini, Engr.
Digitek spa
V. Romagnoli, 24
41033 Concordia (MO)

Tel. (+39) 0535-57738
Fax. (+39) 0535-54550


Enrico Piccinini, Engr.
Digitek spa
V. Romagnoli, 24
41033 Concordia (MO)

Tel. (+39) 0535-57738
Fax. (+39) 0535-54550

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