Hi All,
We are integrating RSE as our Target Management Solution.
We have an “Target Agent” on Simulator and, also the Target board. This
Agent Provides kinds of connective functionalities and debug services for the
Host tools.
Concerning about the Debug service, we decided to introduce the debug service
as IDebugServiceSubSystem in RSE. In the LaunchDelegrate, we use the
IHost to find out if the connection has the IDebugServiceSubSystem, and then
use IDebugServiceSubSystem.Connect() to perform the connecting operation, after
that, we use the IDebugService.debug() which provided by the
IDebugServiceSubSystem to perform the debugging operation.
Here are the plugins we extend the RSE:
Com.***.tm.services.debug : the service Interface of debug service.
Com.***.tm.subsystem.debug.core: the subsystem interface and abstract
implement of the debug subsystem.
Com.***.tm.subsystem.debug.ui: the default subsystem ui imp
the connector service of the simulator
: all the services provided by simulator including processlist, shell,and
: extends the systemTypes extension point.
the file service for simulator
the process list service for simulator.
the shell service for simulator.
the debug service for simlulator.
Com.**.debug ,
Com.***.debug.ui : these plugins provides the implement of the debugger, and
called by the “subsystem.debug.core” plugin.
I am wondering if this is the right way to use RSE? Can anyone point out the
faults for us? Thanks!
Hi Martin,
do you have any plan to provide some sample plugins to demonstrate such
kind of questions faced by the RSE integrators? I have studied the remote
CDT sample, but it don’t seem to meet our needs , we want to encapsulate “how
to launch the debug service though all kinds of connections”, not to explicitly
use the shellCommands such as remotecdt sample do.
Thanks Martin and all.
Jingxiong Chen