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Re: [dsdp-tm-dev] Request to postpone RSE 1.0 by 1 more week - Committers please vote


Javier Montalvo OrĂºs
Engineering Tools
Symbian Software Limited.

Tel: +44 (0)207 154 1091

"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

03/11/2006 14:34

Please respond to
Target Management developer discussions <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[dsdp-tm-dev] Request to postpone RSE 1.0 by 1 more week -        Committers please vote


I would like to postpone RSE 1.0 by one more week for
the following reasons:

* Testing uncovered some major bugs only recently,
 so we still have 3 major bugs open. Even if they
 could be fixed today, I'm uncomfortable with
 releasing them without additional re-testing.

* EMO Legal still has not approved our about files.
 I have confirmation from them that approval should
 come today, but I can't wait until late night
 with building our release.

* I got the ability to create signed jar files only
 recently; waiting another week will allow me to
 set up the build processes such that we can provide
 a secure, jar-signed RSE 1.0 release

* Waiting for 1 more week gives us the chance to
 - test against Eclipse 3.3M3 (which some people
   may use)
 - fix some additional non-critical but annoying
 - think again about some API changes that we
   already have patches for

If committers disagree with postponing, I'd be
creating a 1.0 release instead of RC4 late today.

If committers agree with postponing, the plan for
next week would be as follows:

* Instead of 1.0, release RSE 1.0RC4 today
* Next week, perform an automatic I-build every
 night at 6am Ottawa time for testing and verification
 wednesday evening; keep time for documentation
 changes only on thursday and friday
* Release RSE 1.0 on friday.

Committers please vote:
+1 from Martin Oberhuber

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
dsdp-tm-dev mailing list

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