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[dsdp-tm-dev] Re: Request for API change: extension point subsystemConfiguration


Kushal Munir
Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
IBM Toronto Lab, 8200 Warden Ave., Markham, ON
Phone: (905) 413-3118        Tie-Line: 969-3118
Email: kmunir@xxxxxxxxxx

             <Martin.Oberhuber                                          To 
   >           "David Dykstal"                     
                                       <david_dykstal@xxxxxxxxxx>, David   
             08/24/2006 12:33          McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Kushal  
             PM                        Munir/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA             
                                       "Target Management developer        
                                       Request for API change: extension   
                                       point subsystemConfiguration        

Dear committers,

I would like to request the following API change:

- Rename extension point "subsystemConfiguration" to

- Rename extension point "newConnectionWizardDelegate" to

in order to be more in line with the standard naming
scheme used by the Platform.

Can we please vote on this request?
Please respond by +1, -1, 0

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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