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RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. SubSystemFactory ??

Hi Kushal,

The XML used by extension points supports sequences, 
mind the _two_ service tags below:

<extension point="org.eclipse.rse.subSystemConfiguration">
  <configuration name="SshFileSubSystem" icon="icons/files.gif">
class="org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.FileServiceSubSystem" />
class="org.eclipse.rse.connectorservice.ssh.SshConnectorService" />
class="" />
class="" />

Martin Oberhuber
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kushal Munir
> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:25 PM
> To: Target Management developer discussions
> Cc: Target Management developer discussions; 
> dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory ??
> Martin,
> I like what you're proposing, but I do have a question. I might be
> misunderstanding this, but let's say I have different 
> services for a system
> type which I define using one extension, i.e. I list the 
> services in the
> extension I define. If you want to add another service to the 
> same system
> type, how would you do it through the Configuration extension point?
> Thanks,
> Kushal Munir
> Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
> IBM Toronto Lab, 8200 Warden Ave., Markham, ON
> Phone: (905) 413-3118        Tie-Line: 969-3118
> Email: kmunir@xxxxxxxxxx
>              "Oberhuber,                                      
>              Martin"                                          
>              <Martin.Oberhuber                                
>           To 
>    >           "Target Management 
> developer        
>              Sent by:                  discussions"           
>              dsdp-tm-dev-bounc         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>           
>              es@xxxxxxxxxxx                                   
>           cc 
>      Subject 
>              08/11/2006 12:21          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE:  
>              PM                        SubSystemConfiguration 
> vs.          
>                                        SubSystemFactory ??    
>              Please respond to                                
>              Target Management                                
>                  developer                                    
>                 discussions                                   
>              <dsdp-tm-dev@ecli                                
>        >                                     
> Yes, the IConnectorService is different, you are right.
> I could imagine that the Configuration (be it extension point or
> programmatically)
> provides
>    1.) Generic Properties (icon, name, vendor, category)
>    2.) ISubSystemFactory
>    3.) IConnectorService
>    4.) List of IService
>    5.) Properties to configure the rest
> This should be enough to do all the "plumbing" needed.
> No, I'd like to keep the number of extension points to an 
> absolute minimum.
> Either just one for the Configuration, or two (one for an UI-less
> implementation
> and another one for the UI on top of it).
> I think the type of service could be decided in the actual
> SubSystemFactory,
> that needs to be designed to work with the various types of 
> service anyway.
> It can use "instanceof" to decide which service is which. The 
> extension
> point
> and the configuration, however, could just transparently work 
> with IService
> since they do not need to know what which one means.
> Cheers,
> --
> Martin Oberhuber
> Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>  [mailto:dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David McKnight
>  Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 6:15 PM
>  To: Oberhuber, Martin
>  Cc: Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory
>  ??
>  3)  IConnectorService doesn't implemnet IService but it's really a
>  different beast.
>  When contributing services via the extension point would tehy be
>  contributed generically, such that programmatically, we'd 
> have to decide
>  what each means (i.e. IFileService vs ISearchService)..or 
> would we start
>  having to create new extension points for each type of subsystem
>  configuration (i..e one for files, one for shells, etc)?
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  "Oberhuber, Martin"                                          
>  <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             
>           To 
>  11/08/2006 11:26 AM                     David 
> McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA  
>           cc 
>                                          "Target Management 
> developer      
>                                          discussions"         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>         
>      Subject 
>                                          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] 
> RE:             
> SubSystemConfiguration vs.        
>                                          SubSystemFactory ??  
>  3) Yes.
>      All Services implement IService, right?
>      So there could be an IServiceFactory interface, implemented by
>      e.g. IFileService, ISearchService, IRemoteCmdService, 
> IShellService.
>      The extension point could support a list of services to 
> be contributed
>      to the configuration. The SubSystemFactory (or the 
> configuration?)
>      would be responsible for receiving all configured 
> factories, filtering
>      out those that are supported (through instanceof), 
> casting them to
>      the proper interfaces and installing them.
>  The advantage of an ISubSystemConfiguration class, as opposed to
>  doing everyting by extension point, would be that default 
> configurations
>  can be re-used more easily... the extension point would need to list
>  all services for each and every configuration again.
>  Hmm.... perhaps we'll end up with separate extension points for the
>  factory and for the configuration eventually, with the 
> configuration being
>  totally UI-Less and the factory UI dependent?
>  Cheers,
>  --
>  Martin Oberhuber
>  Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: David McKnight [mailto:dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx]
>  Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:43 PM
>  To: Oberhuber, Martin
>  Cc: Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory
>  ??
>  Hi Martin,
>  2) Okay, just means we'll need a few different types of factories
>  3) So this extension point would provide the means of 
> specifying each of
>  the factories involved?  We'd need to make it flexible enough to
>  configuration additonal serivce factories, depending on the 
> factory type -
>  like the ISearchServiceFActory.
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  "Oberhuber, Martin"                                          
>  <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             
>           To 
>  11/08/2006 10:25 AM                     David 
> McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA  
>           cc 
>                                          "Target Management 
> developer      
>                                          discussions"         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>         
>      Subject 
>                                          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] 
> RE:             
> SubSystemConfiguration vs.        
>                                          SubSystemFactory ??  
>  Hi Dave,
>  2) The point is that if you have a Configuration create 
> something, you
>     blow up the class, especially if you really want to just re-use an
>     existing factory. It's better to delegate to what you 
> already have.
>  3) Yes, I'm suggesting a single extension point just for the
>  configuration,
>     implying everything that needs to be configured.
>  Cheers,
>  --
>  Martin Oberhuber
>  Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: David McKnight [mailto:dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx]
>  Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:22 PM
>  To: Oberhuber, Martin
>  Cc: Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory
>  ??
>  Hi Martin,
>  By the adapters, I don't mean the view adapters, I mean the 
> thing that
>  takes a subsystem-independent IHostFile and wrappers it to make it a
>  subsystem-dependent IRemoteFile.
>  1) In RSE 7, there never was a service, service adapter and all that
>  replaceable stuff so the concepts have changed slightly
>  2) Does a subsystem configuration really need to delegate - 
> wouldn't it
>  know exactly what it needs to create?  I mean, I don't see 
> the need for
>  factories to be contributions to a configuration.
>  3) For this case are you suggesting no extension point for 
> the factory -
>  just for the configuration, implying the factory?
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  "Oberhuber, Martin"                                          
>  <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             
>           To 
>  11/08/2006 09:58 AM                     David 
> McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA  
>           cc 
>                                          "Target Management 
> developer      
>                                          discussions"         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>         
>      Subject 
>                                          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] 
> RE:             
> SubSystemConfiguration vs.        
>                                          SubSystemFactory ??  
>  Hi Dave,
>  I absolutely agree: There needs to be one place that holds all these
>  factories
>  together. Note that currently, these are _not_ all in one 
> place since the
>  RemoteElementAdapters are typically registered by the 
> activator, and not
>  by the configuration.
>  The place that's holding all things together could be
>  1.) The ISubSystemFactory class.
>     That's how it has been in RSE 7, the class has been renamed to
>  ISubSystemConfiguration.
>     I don't like the plain renaming because it's misleading.
>  2.) An ISubSystemConfiguration class.
>     But then, the configuration should not take on duties of 
> the factory
>  (by deriving from
>     the factory), but it should delegate to the various 
> factories where
>  needed. That's
>     in-line with the common best practice that "composition" 
> of classes is
>  usually better
>     than "extending" classes in order to add functionality.
>  3.) The subSystemConfiguration extension point.
>     This would allow for plain "reconfiguration" of existing 
> services, by
>  naming existing
>     factories where needed. Compared to (2), it's basically the same
>  pattern but moving
>     from a programmatic approach to a data-driven approach. This might
>  eventually
>     be helpful if we want to support headless (UI-less) operation by
>  instanciating only
>     service classes instead of the full-blown UI-dependent 
> classes from a
>  headless
>     application.
>  I'm most inclined towards (3), and I see the path towards it gradual:
>  Leave everything
>  in the factory for now (because this _is_ how things still work), and
>  split out the
>  various tasks into separate factories or a configuration 
> class gradually.
>  Thanks for your thoughts and discussion!
>  I consider this really exciting and helpful.
>  Thanks,
>  --
>  Martin Oberhuber
>  Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>  [mailto:dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David McKnight
>  Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 3:16 PM
>  To: Oberhuber, Martin
>  Cc: Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory
>  ??
>  Hi Martin,
>  So do you think we'd need an IServiceFactory for the 
> configuration?  If we
>  start down that path, then we also need 
> IConnectorServiceFactory, and then
>  depending on the underlying model, we'd need something to 
> create service
>  model to subsystem model adapters, such as 
> IHostFileToRemoteFileAdapter,
>  which converts IHostFile to IRemoteFile.  The other thing is 
> that some
>  subsystems have additional services, such as the 
> ISearchService for files
>  - would that just be created from the IServiceFactory?  For 
> each of these
>  factories, we'd still need one object to hold them altogether so that
>  there's a clean switch when you change from one 
> configuration to another
>  for a given subsystem.  The concept of service didn't exist when the
>  documentation was written, so I'm not sure it buys us that 
> much there if
>  we role up the configuration into the factory.
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  "Oberhuber, Martin"                                          
>  <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             
>           To 
>  11/08/2006 08:52 AM                     David 
> McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA  
>           cc 
>                                          "Target Management 
> developer      
>                                          discussions"         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>         
>      Subject 
>                                          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] 
> RE:             
> SubSystemConfiguration vs.        
>                                          SubSystemFactory ??  
>  Hi Dave,
>  I thought about your suggestion again.
>  We'll probably need a bit more time to sort out the actual details of
>  separating
>  ISubSystemConfiguration from ISubSystemFactory. What's 
> important for me,
>  though, is that whenever a class is responsible for creating 
> something,
>  I'd like
>  to name it "...Factory".
>  Bringing back the name ISubSystemFactory instead of
>  ISubSystemConfiguration,
>  for what essentially _is_ a factory, has the very big 
> advantage that all
>  documentation
>  referring to ...factories would be correct again. And that's a lot!!
>  For me it looks like even if a user re-uses an existing
>  FileServiceSubSystemFactory,
>  he'd supply his own IFileService. In other words, the 
> configuration would
>  need to name
>  a factory for creating IFileService objects, wouldn't it?
>  The extension point, finally, names a "type" or "configuration" of
>  subsystem. Elements
>  of the extension point (which is a configuration) can be the
>  ISubSystemFactory class,
>  the IConnectorService class, and the IServiceFactory class. Such an
>  extension point
>  would (I think) make the duplicate code for the current factories
>  eventually unnecessary,
>  and all the "plumbing" of the configuration would occur via 
> the extension
>  point.
>  The extension point would be the "configuration" but it 
> would name the
>  factory
>  classes which are responsible for creating objects of proper type.
>  This would also be a little bit in line with what the 
> Platform does for
>  extension points
>  org.eclipse.update.core.featureTypes  --> element <feature-factory>
>  org.eclipse.update.core.siteTypes  --> element <site-factory>
>  I suggest we go ahead with renaming classes accordingly for 
> now. I'll send
>  out
>  a separate E-mail with requested refactorings. We can think about the
>  split-up
>  later on if we want -- it would affect the code much less 
> than doing all
>  at once,
>  since it would just be one additional item in the extension point.
>  How does that sound?
>  Cheers,
>  --
>  Martin Oberhuber
>  Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>  [mailto:dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Martin 
> Oberhuber
>  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:19 PM
>  To: David McKnight
>  Cc: Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: Re: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory
>  ??
>  Hi Dave,
>  ahh, now I see! Your suggestion sounds excellent.
>  I guess there's still a few things to sort out, like where does the
>  ConnectorService come from (would there be
>  ISubSystemConfiguration.getConnectorService()?
>  Then, what about methods like supportsFilters() which are 
> more a static
>  configuration property than a dynamic one and thus be more 
> associated with
>  the factory, than the actual config -- after all they define 
> capabilities
>  of the subsystem implementation, and not its actual configuration.
>  Finally, the extension point... should the extension point 
> name both the
>  config and the factory classes?
>  Or should the config have a method like getSubSystemFactory()?
>  For me it sounds like the config is "above" the factory, 
> it's like the
>  master putting all items together.
>  Cheers,
>  Martin
>  David McKnight schrieb:
>  I'm seeing the value of the configuration not so much for things like
>  "isCaseSensitive" but for providing the actual service 
> implementations.
>  We define the FileServiceSubSystem independently of any service
>  implementation.   Currently the means of providing each service
>  implementation is via each the subsystem configuration 
> however each is
>  also the thign that creates the subsystem.   Each subsystem 
> configuration
>  does some redundant thing - they each create 
> FileServiceSubSystem.  RSE
>  does allow you to switch configurations and thus thus 
> services such that
>  the subsystem configuration that was intially used to create 
> the subsystem
>  would no longer be used after a subsystem configuration gets 
> switched,
>  which is kind of weird.  That problem would be solved with 
> an independent
>  factory.
>  If no subsystem configurations are contributed then there 
> would never been
>  a subsystem to create, so I don't see the value of having a default
>  configuration.  I guess I'm sort of thinking along these lines:
>  class FileServiceSubSystemFactory implements ISubSystemFactory {
>  public ISubSystem createSubSystemInternal(ISubSystemConfiguration
>  initialConfiguration) {
>     return new FileServiceSubSystem( initialConfiguration,  ... );
>  }
>  }
>  There would never be an SshFileServieSubSystem, nor a
>  DStoreFileServiceSubSystem - there's only FileServiceSubSystem with a
>  configuration that provides the service implementation.
>  class SshSubSystemConfiguration implements ISubSystemConfiguration {
>    public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return true; }
>    public IFileService getFileService(IHost host);
>    ....
>  }
>  Does that make any sense?
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  "Oberhuber, Martin"                                          
>  <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             
>           To 
>  10/08/2006 12:44 PM                     David 
> McKnight/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA  
>           cc 
>                                          "Target Management 
> developer      
>                                          discussions"         
> <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>         
>      Subject 
>                                          RE: [dsdp-tm-dev] 
> RE:             
> SubSystemConfiguration vs.        
>                                          SubSystemFactory ??  
>  Hi Dave,
>  I'm afraid I cannot follow you thoroughly.
>  I didn't think about contributing the configuration and the factory
>  separately, but
>  only provide an extension point for the factory. The factory would be
>  responsible
>  for creating the subsystem, and its initial configuration. I 
> wouldn't see
>  what the
>  advantage of separate contributions for configuration and 
> factory would
>  be.
>  We probably shouldn't deviate from what we currently have 
> too much right
>  now.
>  Currently, we have a static configuration that is tied 1:1 
> to the factory.
>  With my
>  proposed change, the factory could provide configurations 
> that are not so
>  much
>  tied to it any more, and thus more flexible.
>  I didn't think about persisting modified configurations though, so
>  allowing
>  configurations to change at runtime is probably something to 
> consider for
>  2.0 (and keeping them static for now).
>  Perhaps an example could help:
>  class SshSubSystemFactory implements ISubSystemFactory {
>  public ISubSystem createSubSystemInternal() {
>     return new SshSubSystem( getDefaultConfiguration(), ... );
>  }
>  public ISubSystemConfiguration getDefaultConfiguration {
>     //the configuration can be an anonymous inner class,
>     //or a real class defined outside
>     return new DefaultSubSystemConfiguration {
>         // define overriders here
>         public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return true; }
>     }
>  }
>  }
>  Or, if we want to keep code closer to what it is right now:
>  class SshSubSystemFactory implements ISubSystemFactory,
>  ISubSystemConfiguration {
>  public ISubSystem createSubSystemInternal() {
>     return new SshSubSystem( this, ... );
>  }
>  public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return true; }
>  }
>  In both cases, the Subsystem can replace its current 
> configuration with
>  something different later on.
>  Another option, for DStore for instance, would be to have
>  class DStoreWindowsSubSystemConfiguration extends
>  DefaultSubSystemConfiguration {
>  public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return true; }
>  }
>  class DStoreUnixSubSystemConfiguration extends
>  DefaultSubSystemConfiguration {
>  public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return false; }
>  }
>  Comments?
>  Cheers,
>  --
>  Martin Oberhuber
>  Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member
>  From: dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [
>  mailto:dsdp-tm-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David McKnight
>  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:01 PM
>  To: David Dykstal
>  Cc: Oberhuber, Martin; Target Management developer discussions
>  Subject: [dsdp-tm-dev] RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory ??
>  I like the idea but I'm thinking that it would be good to 
> still keep the
>  service creation with the configuration rather than the 
> factory.  There
>  could be a single factory for each different type of service 
> subsystem:
>  Example:
>     FileServiceSubSystemFactory  --> produces --> FileServiceSubSystem
>     ShellServiceSubSystemFactory --> produces --> 
> ShellServiceSubSystem
>     ProcessServiceSubSystemFactory --> produces --> 
> ProcessServiceSubSystem
>     ...
>  The factory would be responsible for the lifecycle of the 
> subsystem but
>  would use the configuration to define, not only the 
> attributes in terms of
>  "isCaseSensitive()" and such but also the services themselves.   The
>  factory could use the the current to setup the service 
> configuration for a
>  subsystem.  For each, service there could be a different 
> configuration:
>  Example:
>     DStoreFileServiceConfiguration
>     SSHFileServiceConfguration
>     FTPFileServiceConfiguration
>  A given factory may use one of the available configurations 
> for creating
>  the subsystem as well as changing it's configuration - for 
> example, when
>  switching between FTP and DStore.
>  If we were to take this approach, we could keep the configuration
>  extension point pretty much the same - since it's really there to
>  contribute the services, but we'd need to introduce a new 
> extension point
>  for the subsystem factory.  So there would be a
>  FileServiceSubSystemFactory contribution before any service 
> configurations
>  are defined.
>  What do you think of this?
>  ____________________________________
>  David McKnight
>  Phone:   905-413-3902 , T/L:  969-3902
>  Internet: dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx
>  Mail:       D1/140/8200/TOR
>  ____________________________________
>  David                                                        
>  Dykstal/Rocheste                                             
>  r/IBM@IBMUS                                                  
>           To 
>                        "Oberhuber, Martin"                    
>  10/08/2006 10:13      <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>       
>  AM                                                           
>           cc 
>                        "David McKnight" 
> <dmcknigh@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Target     
>                        Management developer discussions"      
>                        <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Kushal 
> Munir"           
>                        <kmunir@xxxxxxxxxx>                    
>      Subject 
>                        RE: SubSystemConfiguration vs. 
> SubSystemFactory ??  
>                        Link                                   
>  Interesting idea.
>  In most cases where we have to grab the 
> SubSystemConfiguration from the
>  subsystem we would continue to do so.  So its possible this 
> won't be as
>  bad as I initially suspected. This is a pretty pervasive hit 
> though and it
>  affects the extension points. Would you expect to define 
> both subystem
>  factory and subsystem configuration extension points independently or
>  would a subsystem factory provide a subsystem configuration to the
>  subsystems it creates?
>  _______________________
>  David Dykstal
>  david_dykstal@xxxxxxxxxx
>  _______________________________________________
>  dsdp-tm-dev mailing list
>  dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> dsdp-tm-dev mailing list
> dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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