There are no
downloads for RTSC yet. We've been very slow getting to this
point. The core sources are in SVN and these are used to create a freely
available XDCtools product distribution from Texas Instruments. For
completeness, the product from Texas Instruments includes some GPL tools such
as GNU make and a cygwin shell.
As for the IP log,
I'm working on it.
I do have a question
about the section regarding the "Third Party Software" section: We have
dependencies on two third party "packages" (ANTLR, Rhino) but, even through
there are no downloads (yet), I'm assuming I simply need to list all such
dependencies as well as IPZilla #'s for permission.
From: Wayne Beaton
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:06
To: DSDP PMC list; Technology PMC; Tools PMC mailing
Cc: wayne parrott; Gorkem.Ercan@xxxxxxxxx; CLONINGER
ERIC-DCP874; Doug Schaefer; Russo, David; Oberhuber, Martin
Subject: Re: DSDP restructuring document
and scheduling
Hey folks. September 22 is
Any last-minute objections to scheduling the community
review from Sept 22-29?
am missing the IP Logs for RTSC, and TM. I'll need both of those before I can
schedule the review.
While I'm at it... I can't find any downloads for
RTSC. Do they exist?
Wayne Beaton wrote:
I'd like to schedule the DSDP Restructuring/Termination review for the
week of Sept 22-29. Any objections?
To summarize:
DSDP gets archived
Blinki gets terminated
DD gets terminated
MTJ moves to subproject of Sequoyah
NAB gets terminated
RTSC moves to Technology
Sequoyah moves to Tools
TCF splits from TM and becomes a new subproject of CDT
Rest of TM moves to Tools
I'll take a run at the "Actions after" for MTJ later today.
I'll take a snapshot of the wiki page to use as the review documentation
as we get closer to the Sept 22 start date.
Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation
Join me at Eclipse Summit Europe 2010!