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[dsdp-pmc] TM "works with" or "pre-req" dependency on RXTX (LGPL)

Dear PMC,
The TM Project has been including a plugin for its Terminal Widget,
which allows to drive serial line text-mode connections in the Terminal.
We've been coding against the external RXTX library [1] for this,
which is under a slightly modified LGPL license, but are not shipping
RXTX ourselves. Consequently, downloaders need to download RXTX
from external source in order to get serial line access, although they
can use the Terminal with other protocols if they don't have RXTX.
I've just become aware of the Eclipse Guidelines for the Review of Third
Party Dependencies [2], which are effective June 21, 2007 and which
require us to announce this dependency by means of a CQ even if we
don't ship the external library ourselves. See also [3] for the entire IP
process, which mentions the 3rd party guideline in its last-but-on step.
As per the guidelines, I'm required to first discuss with the PMC whether
our dependency acutally is of "pre-req" or "works-with" type. I'm starting
this process with this E-Mail.
Our Terminal provides other connection types as well (Telnet and
SSH), which do not require RXTX. So, the Serial/RXTX connection
is optional; but, for the Serial connection to actually work, RXTX
is required. Given the definition in [2], I'd think that our contribution is
"works-with" but I'm not sure.
We could, of course, also request clarification of the policy from the
EMO for the likely much-happening case where some "connectors"
or "bridges" are offered by software, and one of them
requires the 3rd party dependency -- An option (a) (iii) seems to be
missing,  where multiple options exist not all of which are 3rd party
and where the functionality (provided protocol) is slightly different.
Anyways, I wanted to ask you folks first.
What do you think?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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