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[dsdp-pmc] Re: Dash/Phoenix/project-info website requirements changes notifications

Here's a four part answer:
  1. We don't have a good mechanism for notification right now so we try very hard to avoid changing anything.
  2. When we do change something, I've been trying very hard to remain very backward compatible so that projects do not need to change their info files/websites unless they want to take advantage of new features.
  3. We are (slowly) working on a better system that will be based on the MyFoundation portal and the portal will handle notifying project leads about out-of-date and out-of-spec project-info items.
  4. On the issue of the parallel IP process and incubation graphic, Janet sent email to each of the PMCs (e.g. DSDP), and Mike blogged about it, but I can see that we (I'll take the blame) in those posts about what it meant to be "compliant". I apologize for not including the text about compliant incubation websites in that email.
My goal is to keep the "process overhead" for being part of Eclipse as low as possible and thus you shouldn't have to read dash-dev nor phoenix-dev (you may if you want to).

- Bjorn

Anne / Bjorn:  is there a notification mechanism for when Phoenix / Dash guidelines change?  Some of us are trying hard to keep our websites phoenix-complaint, and I’d like to know when new requirements come up.  I’d also like to know when the project-info stuff changes.  I read dash-dev, but not phoenix-dev.  Recommendations?

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