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RE: [dsdp-pmc] Urgent: Questions for tomorrow's call with SD Times

Hi all Question 11 should have read:


11- What other Eclipse projects does your project have dependencies on?


Please answer accordingly.  Examples: Eclipse Platform, CDT



From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gaff, Doug
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:27 PM
To: DSDP PMC list
Subject: [dsdp-pmc] Urgent: Questions for tomorrow's call with SD Times
Importance: High


Hi DSDP project leads.  A few of us are meeting with Eddie C from SD Times for an interview tomorrow.


These are some of the questions he is going to ask.  Mark, Martin, and Mika:  can you prepare written answers for each of these?  Shigeki: this is option for you, but if

you’d like me to talk about the NAB project, please provide some information.


Sorry for the last-minute email.






From: Eddie Correia [mailto:ecorreia@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:10 PM
To: Gaff, Doug
Subject: Questions for tomorrow's call


Hi Doug:


I thought it might be helpful for you to have the questions in advance of tomorrow’s call.


I don’t make a habit of this, but since another project lead needed them this way, I thought I’d offer you the same.


You and the other project leads have the option of answering the questions via e-mail, but




must be to me NO LATER THAN 12 NOON, FRIDAY, 9/22.


It would be ideal if you could get answers to me today, any time.


The questions are fairly non-technical and hopefully will give you no trouble.




I also would like a photo of each lead, if available.


Questions for each of the subproject leaders:


1- What is the planned date for the next major release of your project? Version number?


2- What are the most important features to be added in this release?


3- What are the major benefits of those features?


4- Will anything be left out of this release, and if so, what?


5- When will those left-out features be added?


6- The tool will run on which major operating systems? (Linux, Windows, MacOS)


7-  The tool requires which version of Eclipse?


8- The tool plugs into an existing Eclipse install does it install a new distribution?


9- Would you consider the project “mostly framework” or “mostly tool” and why?

10- What are the purpose and intended user group(s) for your project?


11- What other Eclipse projects does EMF have dependencies on?


12- Please provide your full name, title, project and your role in it.


Thanks in advance.





Edward J. Correia

Executive Editor, SD Times

Editor, EclipseSource


631-421-4158 x100

BZ Media LLC




art specs:


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